Re: War on Terror is bogus
daedalus77 said:
all decisions create beneficiaries, right? we as individuals have to ask "who benefits from the wars in the middle east?" only then do we begin to identify the real motives for these wars. hopefully, the realization will be that the common american has nothing to do with this fiasco by big businesses. we, the common american, have nothing to gain by sending our childeren to die in some rediculus political agend.
Who benefits from this war? You do. I do. All Americans do. Combating terrorism is going to be the greatest challenge face by our children. Yes, I said our children. Religious fundamentalism has been allowed to flourish to a point where no matter where you look, you see it. All countries around the world have been affected by it to some degree. It will take decades to irradiate this evil from the earth. And it starts with education.
Right now in countries like, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia children are going to school and instead of learning math and science, literature and art, they’re learning how to be better Muslims. Every day they are taught religious fundamentalism, to hate western culture. They are lied to about the history of their own people, and are not afforded the opportunity to research it for themselves. Over the past 50+ years this had caused entire generations of Muslims to join the fight against the west.
You wonder why we are in Iraq. To me the question is quite simple. If we are to succeed in this war, if we are to win the day, we must reeducate the Muslim people. From the children on up. We must start teaching mathematics and art, and release the people from the chains of totalitarian religious governments. We will continue to fight an entire generation of terrorist while this process takes effect, but in the end the children will learn that the west is not a culture to be feared. That we are not a persecutor, or an occupier. We are an honorable and noble nation that is willing to send its sons and daughters to die so that a people could live free.
When this war is over, I want to be able to tell my children that I was on the side of freedom. I believed in the cause. And because of that, they can now live without fear of terrorist attack, or religious persecution.
"These are the times that try men's souls.
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country;
but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods;
and it would be strange indeed,
if so celestial an article as Freedom
should not be highly rated."
-- Thomas Paine