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WaPo Issues Correction after Falsely Labeling Nathan Phillips a Vietnam Vet (1 Viewer)


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Aug 15, 2017
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The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.
The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.

The old man finally admits that he lied when he said the confrontation felt like "hate unbridled," and that he wasn't "scared for his safety and the safety of those with him."
Freakin' racist liar...
The old man finally admits that he lied when he said the confrontation felt like "hate unbridled," and that he wasn't "scared for his safety and the safety of those with him."
Freakin' racist liar...

There was hate unbridled, it just wasn't coming from the kids.
I wonder if this guy even is even being honest about his Indian heritage Or is he just another Liawathata like Warren. He does seem to have high cheekbones though so... .
I wonder if this guy even is even being honest about his Indian heritage Or is he just another Liawathata like Warren. He does seem to have high cheekbones though so... .

He's probably Italian.
The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.

This isn't the first time he has alleged something like this either.

Native American claims racial harassment by EMU students dressed as indians - Story | WJBK
The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.

Quick question here, is there a video where Phillips actually claimed to be a Vietnam vet? Or was this just misreported at first?
Quick question here, is there a video where Phillips actually claimed to be a Vietnam vet? Or was this just misreported at first?

I'm still looking; which is why I think it may have been inferred.....there are "quotes" by him, but quotes can often be misinterpreted by the time it gets to print.
The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.

Well, based on what you've shared above:
  • Mr. Phillips didn't claim to have been in Vietnam.
  • The WaPo, Vogue and the Detroit Free Press (or one of them if the other two "picked up" the story from the other or some non-CNN source) inferred "in" from Mr. Phillips' statement of having but been a veteran who served during the time of the Vietnam War.

No. Sen. Blumenthal fairly well mischaracterized is military experience. Mr. Phillips, based on the above, did not.
Well, based on what you've shared above:
  • Mr. Phillips didn't claim to have been in Vietnam.
  • The WaPo, Vogue and the Detroit Free Press (or one of them if the other two "picked up" the story from the other or some non-CNN source) inferred "in" from Mr. Phillips' statement of having but been a veteran who served during the time of the Vietnam War.

No. Sen. Blumenthal fairly well mischaracterized is military experience. Mr. Phillips, based on the above, did not.

At time mark 1:07 he claims to be a Vietnam Veteran.

What people chose to assume or conclude from his words is entirely up to them....but the words "As a Vietnam veteran" are his....not mine.
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The Washington Post issued a correction Tuesday after falsely describing the elderly Native American man whose confrontation with a group of high-school students went viral over the weekend as a veteran of the Vietnam War.
“Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that Native American activist Nathan Phillips fought in the Vietnam War. Phillips served in the U.S. Marines from 1972 to 1976 but was never deployed to Vietnam,” reads the correction to the Sunday report.


Phillips, who conceded that he initiated the confrontation after the more complete video footage became available, also appears to have misled reporters about his military service, as he was described as a Vietnam veteran by Vogue and the Detroit Free Press, and, in an interview with CNN, he described himself as a “Vietnam-times veteran.”

So, he was a Dick Blumenthal kind of "Vietnam Veteran".

Nothing wrong with serving during Vietnam so long as you do not claim to have been in Vietnam.

I dont know if he actually claimed it, or the media inferred it.

First BuzzFeed and now the Washington Post is having to apologize for the crap stories their crap reporters are putting up for publication.
At time mark 1:07 he claims to be a Vietnam Veteran.

What people chose to assume or conclude from his words is entirely up to them....but the words "As a Vietnam veteran" are his....not mine.

??? He said the same thing there that he's indicated as having said in the CNN interview: "Vietnam veteran times."

Aside: Could you have found a video with more background noise?
??? He said the same thing there that he's indicated as having said in the CNN interview: "Vietnam veteran times."

Aside: Could you have found a video with more background noise?

I'll withhold judgement until I see an FOIA release.....as he also claimed to be a "Recon Ranger", I do have my own doubts at the moment.
I'll withhold judgement until I see an FOIA release.....as he also claimed to be a "Recon Ranger", I do have my own doubts at the moment.

Okay....what is there for me to say about that? Doubt or don't whatever you want. If you care, when the information comes available, you'll seek it out, review it, etc. and resolve your doubts.

What FOIA release?

BTW, you do realize, don't you, that you can submit your own FOIA request? You don't have to wait for someone else to do it.
??? He said the same thing there that he's indicated as having said in the CNN interview: "Vietnam veteran times."

In the vid clip provided, he says, "...as a Vietnam veteran...."
...and the word "times" comes right after the word veteran.

And how is that punctuated? "...as a Vietnam vet times..." makes no sense. "...as a Vietnam veteran, times...."?
And how is that punctuated? "...as a Vietnam vet times..." makes no sense. "...as a Vietnam veteran, times...."?

Vietnam veteran times, would refer to time of the Vietnam and he is a vet...if he served in the marines, and apparently, he did...he is a veteran of the Marines and he did serve during the Vietnam war...he just was not sent....which is more than we can say for Colonel Bone spurs who faked his medical diagnosis to avoid the service.
Okay....what is there for me to say about that? Doubt or don't whatever you want. If you care, when the information comes available, you'll seek it out, review it, etc. and resolve your doubts.

What FOIA release?

BTW, you do realize, don't you, that you can submit your own FOIA request? You don't have to wait for someone else to do it.

A FOIA has already been initiated....but I do not think that based upon my info, he is in any way a service member with "honorable" service.....but I'll wait until I see the official release.




Does not seem to be anything that would indicate "Recon Ranger" training.
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And how is that punctuated? "...as a Vietnam vet times..." makes no sense. "...as a Vietnam veteran, times...."?

From everything I can find he seems to have always been pretty careful to use weasel words like "veteran Vietnam times". My guess is in this particular video he has repeated that mantra so often that he gets a little sloppy with it and yeah, it doesn't make much sense.
Regardless, he's media savvy and never made an attempt to correct any of the reporting of him as a "Vietnam veteran".
Vietnam veteran times, would refer to time of the Vietnam and he is a vet...if he served in the marines, and apparently, he did...he is a veteran of the Marines and he did serve during the Vietnam war...he just was not sent....which is more than we can say for Colonel Bone spurs who faked his medical diagnosis to avoid the service.

OK, but how can he be a ranger? That was Army, not Marines.

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