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[W:#690]McCarthy falls short in first vote for House speaker (1 Viewer)

LOL. Please elaborate. talking points from the DNC and their propaganda press of CNN, MSNBS, The NY Times, and WaPo don't work with me

Of course they do not, it would mean leaving the conspiracy theory bubble you live in.
Reminds me of a joke. There is a man of faith standing on the roof of his house in flood. The flood waters are climbing fast. A boy in a rowboat rows by and invites him in. The man of faith says 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe'. The waters continue to climb, a search and rescue motorboat comes by "Get in, we will get you to safety" the man of faith says 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe.' They give up and move on. The flood waters continue to rise. A helicopter comes by and lowers its basket "get in," he hears on the bullhorn. 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe.' The helicopter flies away. The flood waters continue rise and finally consume his house and he is swept away to his death.

On check-in in heaven, he meets God. He is a bit disappointed. "I am a man of faith and I had faith in you keeping me safe, yet you did not." "Yes, you are a man of faith," replies God, "but you are also a foolish man. I sent you a row boat, a motor boat and a helicopter and you rebuffed all of my efforts. Even God runs out of patience."

I don't believe Kevin McCarthy comprehends his options at the moment. The Democrats could be a life raft. You don't have to cut a deal with them, but you have to look willing to cut a deal with them OR you have to come to terms with the fact you are never going to be speaker.

The Republicans had to cut a deal just to adjourn. Just to adjourn.

One thing I love about this mess is that there is no way for the Republicans to spin this as anything but a self-inflicted wound. Even Fox "News" understands that, and it's why Hannity has been losing his mind. See his argument with Lauren Boebert as an example.
Of course they do not, it would mean leaving the conspiracy theory bubble you live in.
OMG! Everything is a "BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY" for the left. When will the gaslighting end? When they have no response, they chime in with "It's a conspiracy theory"

The New right is on to the tactics of MSM and the DNC who taught you to say "Conspiracy theory" when you were caught with your bloomers down
OMG! Everything is a "BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY" for the left. When will the gaslighting end? When they have no response, they chime in with "It's a conspiracy theory"

The New right is on to the tactics of MSM and the DNC who taught you to say "Conspiracy theory" when you were caught with your bloomers down

ROFL, who was "caught with (their) bloomers down?" Name one in this thread.
The Republicans had to cut a deal just to adjourn. Just to adjourn.

One thing I love about this mess is that there is no way for the Republicans to spin this as anything but a self-inflicted wound. Even Fox "News" understands that, and it's why Hannity has been losing his mind. See his argument with Lauren Boebert as an example.
The RINOs are losing. It's a good day for the REAL Republicans. It's a glorious new day.
I was orgasmic. Just need a few more and then a tidal wave
No doubt traitor trump was amused getting one vote, along with his pal Putin, who now wants a temporary ceasefire, after the massacre of Russian soldiers.
Reminds me of a joke. There is a man of faith standing on the roof of his house in flood. The flood waters are climbing fast. A boy in a rowboat rows by and invites him in. The man of faith says 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe'. The waters continue to climb, a search and rescue motorboat comes by "Get in, we will get you to safety" the man of faith says 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe.' They give up and move on. The flood waters continue to rise. A helicopter comes by and lowers its basket "get in," he hears on the bullhorn. 'no thank you, my God will keep me safe.' The helicopter flies away. The flood waters continue rise and finally consume his house and he is swept away to his death.

On check-in in heaven, he meets God. He is a bit disappointed. "I am a man of faith and I had faith in you keeping me safe, yet you did not." "Yes, you are a man of faith," replies God, "but you are also a foolish man. I sent you a row boat, a motor boat and a helicopter and you rebuffed all of my efforts. Even God runs out of patience."

I don't believe Kevin McCarthy comprehends his options at the moment. The Democrats could be a life raft. You don't have to cut a deal with them, but you have to look willing to cut a deal with them OR you have to come to terms with the fact you are never going to be speaker.
McCarthy will eventually be speaker, when he’s given all he can give & all he’s got to give plus a kidney.
Only because he has made the job a figurehead.
No doubt traitor trump was amused getting one vote, along with his pal Putin, who now wants a temporary ceasefire, after the massacre of Russian soldiers.
OMG! The TDS is running rampant. Trump, Pooten. Trump. Pooten
I agree with you. The time for arrogance on the part of McCarthy is OVER! He is not in a strong position. He needs to call or fold

I think we're seeing the culmination of Trump-MAGA to an inflection point.

It started at the Mid-terms, and ended-up on the House Floor.
Trump is getting rebuffed and has lost his power over them, and now if McCarthy takes Dem help it will force re-alignment as the Party will need to take sides between him and the more (MAGA) radical 20. MAGA may have hit it's intensifying end, and be faced with moderation or losing penetration.

It's a damn interesting scenario.
McCarthy will eventually be speaker, when he’s given all he can give & all he’s got to give plus a kidney.
Only because he has made the job a figurehead.

I am starting to think Republicans may huddle up and look for an alternate, the only alternative is make a deal with Democrats which is a political third rail.
I think we're seeing the culmination of Trump-MAGA to the breaking-point.

It started at the Mid-terms, and ended-up on the House Floor.
Trump is getting rebuffed and has lost his power over them, and now if McCarthy takes Dem help it will force re-alignment as the Party will need to take sides between him and the more (MAGA) radical 20. MAGA may have hit it's intensifying end, and be faced with moderation or losing penetration.

It's a damn interesting scenario.

America has been clamoring for a third party for some time now. One wonders if this will finally be the tipping point for its formation.
The RINOs are losing. It's a good day for the REAL Republicans. It's a glorious new day.
Real Republicans left that party a long time ago. They are living as refugees in a foreign land (a large number of them voted for Biden), waiting for the insane people that have conquered the Republican party (the RINO's, those that call themselves Republicans, but have no clue what it means) to retreat or kill each other off, before they return. Over the next two years, we are going to witness that war of insanity between the RINOs that have conquered the party. We now witnessing one of the first major battles in that struggle. Once the party is completely wrecked, it will be rebuilt. It may once again be politically relevant by 2032.
Name where? (Dig deep, this should be good.)

Please elaborate. talking points from the DNC and their propaganda press of CNN, MSNBS, The NY Times, and WaPo don't work with meOf course they do not, it would mean leaving the conspiracy theory bubble you live in.
OMG! Everything is a "BIG CONSPIRACY THEORY" for the left. When will the gaslighting end? When they have no response, they chime in with "It's a conspiracy theory"
The New right is on to the tactics of MSM and the DNC who taught you to say "Conspiracy theory" when you were caught with your bloomers down
I asked you to elaborate on your claim:

It is good for you to admit that your attitude is an example of everything that is wrong with Republicans today.
LOL. Please elaborate. talking points from the DNC and their propaganda press of CNN, MSNBS, The NY Times, and WaPo don't work with me

And you respond:

It's a CONSPIRACY THEORY! No elaboration at all that my attitude is an example of everything that is wrong with Republicans today. Why? because you have no answer.

Can I help you with something else that you're struggling with?
A few random thoughts:

1. Interesting how Trump is yelling RIGGED!
2. There WILL be nomination & speaker vote rule changes that come out of this fiasco for better or worse

And finally...

Lol, GOP
McCarthy will eventually be speaker, when he’s given all he can give & all he’s got to give plus a kidney.
Only because he has made the job a figurehead.
It's likely a figurehead no matter who gets the job as long as these 20 people have input.
America has been clamoring for a third party for some time now. One wonders if this will finally be the tipping point for its formation.

Unless it's Trump led, I doubt it.

BTW - On edit, I replaced MAGA to the "Breaking Point" - with "Inflection Point".

The latter is more accurate, I think. I really do feel we are in an inflection point in the trajectory and penetration of MAGA.

Mark my words:

DeSantis will not run on MAGA. He will coin a different phrase.
I think we're seeing the culmination of Trump-MAGA to an inflection point.

It started at the Mid-terms, and ended-up on the House Floor.
Trump is getting rebuffed and has lost his power over them, and now if McCarthy takes Dem help it will force re-alignment as the Party will need to take sides between him and the more (MAGA) radical 20. MAGA may have hit it's intensifying end, and be faced with moderation or losing penetration.

It's a damn interesting scenario.
I agree. If he takes Dems it is a nail in his coffin. His speakership will be tainted and he will be considered a RINO. Then again, what speaker before him wasn't? IMHO, we as Republicans need to be united, and when we see McComnel being chummy with Biden spending trillions we are no longer Republicans. We are a Uniparty.
Real Republicans left that party a long time ago. They are living as refugees in a foreign land (a large number of them voted for Biden), waiting for the insane people that have conquered the Republican party (the RINO's, those that call themselves Republicans, but have no clue what it means) to retreat or kill each other off, before they return. Over the next two years, we are going to witness that war of insanity between the RINOs that have conquered the party. We now witnessing one of the first major battles in that struggle. Once the party is completely wrecked, it will be rebuilt. It may once again be politically relevant by 2032.
What a disconnect. The Dems have run off the cliff with the lemmings.
You mean, other than tell you this mess you posted still does not mean anyone got caught?
useless to debate with someone that =doesn't respond to what I posted. Buh Bye now.
Real Republicans left that party a long time ago. They are living as refugees in a foreign land (a large number of them voted for Biden), waiting for the insane people that have conquered the Republican party (the RINO's, those that call themselves Republicans, but have no clue what it means) to retreat or kill each other off, before they return. Over the next two years, we are going to witness that war of insanity between the RINOs that have conquered the party.
We now witnessing one of the first major battles in that struggle. Once the party is completely wrecked, it will be rebuilt. It may once again be politically relevant by 2032.

Bingo! When I claimed this Tuesday, I was pretty much laughed-out of the thread.

But that's what we're seeing, a rebuff of Trump and his brand of radical MAGA.

Trump got one vote (from Gaetz I'm sure). Trump's being ignored by his Party, even the radical wing. And the battle goes on . . .

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