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[W:369]Kavanaugh accused of more unwanted sexual contact by former classmate (1 Viewer)

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Lets run with your good argument. Lets suppose that when Kavanaugh was a college boy, age 19 or 20 or even 22, he got drunk, whipped out his junk at parties where apparently others were doing similar things. And despite that behavior, he manages a record that gets him into the top law school in the country, where he makes top grades and then manages to spend 11 years on the second most prestigious court in the USA, and not a single person-since the day he started law school until today, has ever suggested he did anything inappropriate.

Now if we use the anti kavanaugh crowd's reasoning, it means that no matter how someone turns their life around, they can never be forgiven for antics which weren't felony level offenses at the time when they were in college or HS.

And if we use that standard, why is Beta O'Rourke even being considered for president given his past?

If his record is so sterling why was so much information on him withheld by Republicans? Why was information about his duties and position on the Starr commission withheld. If his personal life is so unblemished why is the strange and sudden disappearance of a $250,000 debt not explained? What about his problems with alcohol? The man has issues beyond his inappropriate behavior in high school and college. There will come a time when Republicans will regret their insistence that an unqualified man was placed on the Supreme Court.
He was still a legacy student. No doubt that lots of people with better grades than Kavanaugh didn't get into Yale because they didn't come from money with connections like he did.

"...Although legacy admittance is frowned on by some, elite universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton and many others, have long given preference to students whose family members have attended.

According to a 2011 report in The New York Times , Yale said that 20 to 25 percent of its students were classified as legacy students. A CNBC report from 2017 said that students attending Yale's close rival, Harvard, were three times more likely to get accepted if they had a close family member who had attended.

While none of this necessarily means that Kavanaugh got into Yale unfairly, or that he did not have the required qualifications to attend or succeed, his statement about lacking "connections" is untrue. It's unclear why the Supreme Court nominee would feel the need to make such a false statement..."

Kavanaugh Said He Had 'No Connections' to Yale. He Was, in Fact, a Legacy Student
you are just speculating. A guy who was tied for valedictorian at a top rated prep school is almost guaranteed to be accepted at Yale. When I attended Yale, "legacy" students had higher GPAs than non-legacy students. The Snow Prize winner at Yale (given to the student ranked by the faculty as generally the best student in the class) three of the four years I was there was a legacy. The guy in my class who won that was a 7th generation Yale man.
If his record is so sterling why was so much information on him withheld by Republicans? Why was information about his duties and position on the Starr commission withheld. If his personal life is so unblemished why is the strange and sudden disappearance of a $250,000 debt not explained? What about his problems with alcohol? The man has issues beyond his inappropriate behavior in high school and college. There will come a time when Republicans will regret their insistence that an unqualified man was placed on the Supreme Court.

The issues he had were ones that cause political hacks who hate the GOP to whine. Tell me, what did Kavanaugh do as a judge on the second most important court in the USA that would even hint he was unqualified.
But unlike Clarence Thomas, Kavanaugh didn't seem to carry that behavior into adulthood or to the workplace. Or at least no one has come forward to suggest that he has.

We don't know what behavior he has carried into adulthood. He looks like drinking is still a serious problem. And then there is the $250,000 on his credit card that suddenly disappeared. Nobody carries credit card debt like that or for as long as he did. He says he was buying tickets for friends . No tickets even if it is in the prime seating cost that much. No other candidate for this job has ever had as as much information withheld or as many holes in their personal life or looked so uncomfortable and obsequious when being interviewed.

There is something about this SC judge that will come back to haunt him and us.
We don't know what behavior he has carried into adulthood. He looks like drinking is still a serious problem. And then there is the $250,000 on his credit card that suddenly disappeared. Nobody carries credit card debt like that or for as long as he did. He says he was buying tickets for friends . No tickets even if it is in the prime seating cost that much. No other candidate for this job has ever had as as much information withheld or as many holes in their personal life or looked so uncomfortable and obsequious when being interviewed.

There is something about this SC judge that will come back to haunt him and us.

I suspect you'd say that even if he had a background that had nothing the Democrats could complain about, merely because replaced a man who was more sympathetic to the court created rights of abortion and gay marriage, then he is
that assumes, without proper factual support, he did the stuff partisan hacks claimed he did. the latest story teller is a hard core democrat part operative.

to me-no charges + decades of a perfect record=no grounds to oppose his nomination

NOW, if there were a slew of allegations while he was a judge of harassing or abusive behavior, that would be grounds to hold up or terminate his nomination

Looking at Kavanaughs career it's clear that he was pretty much of a partisan hack himself with his involvement with the Starr and Vince Foster investigations. But who knows, maybe in time he'll turn out to be swing vote on the court like Kennedy was, especially on gay and pro-choice rights.
Because Beto owned up to what he did and was honest about it from the get go. But then no is accusing him of sexual assault or doing harm to others...and he's not getting appointed to a life long position that could effect all of us. I think there should be more scrutiny for judges than elected officials that can be removed from office. So I'm not sure it's a fair comparison.

I wonder if Kavanaugh had owned up to his behavior and apologized if it would've become the big controversy that it did. But in a way, maybe it's a good thing he didn't or there might not be the #MeToo movement and reckoning against sexual predators and harassers.
Moot, how does he "own[ed] up to his behavior" if he denies it ever happened?
Looking at Kavanaughs career it's clear that he was pretty much of a partisan hack himself with his involvement with the Starr and Vince Foster investigations. But who knows, maybe in time he'll turn out to be swing vote on the court like Kennedy was, especially on gay and pro-choice rights.

yeah, we can never tell.
I'd note that some of the left's most favorite justices were huge partisan hacks before joining the court. RBG was an abortion rights extremist before she was put on the court-she was a major league litigator for NARAL iirc.
I suspect you'd say that even if he had a background that had nothing the Democrats could complain about, merely because replaced a man who was more sympathetic to the court created rights of abortion and gay marriage, then he is

They might not all be legally protected, but theoretically all rights exist regardless of the law or court rulings.
They might not all be legally protected, but theoretically all rights exist regardless of the law or court rulings.

that is a valid argument
Moot, how does he "own[ed] up to his behavior" if he denies it ever happened?

It's too late now...he can't contradict himself or he'll for sure get impeached for lying.
Can you believe you have to defend Kavanaugh's hiring of women to the #metoo/"the future is female"/Handmaid's Tale crowd?

Yeah, I can believe it.
I've given up trying to reason with unreasonable people.
It's too late now...he can't contradict himself or he'll for sure get impeached for lying.
Maybe he'll make a confession in his memoirs (after retiring from the court).
When did she become a slurper? ;)

Good for Ruth! A true champion of women.
Yea, one would think that the Lefties would be applauding his stance on this instead of trying to find fault with it.
Why do I have to explain my opinions to you? You have been accusing me of speculating. It looks like you’re the person trying to play games.

You don't.
I thought it would be interesting to hear you tell us why Kavanaugh's choice to hire only female law clerks is "weird" but if you don't want to, that's okay too.

Everyone speculates here. It doesn't make what I said to you unique.
Yeah, I can believe it.
I've given up trying to reason with unreasonable people.

It's frustrating that the MSM is either backing them up, or refusing to do their jobs as journalists.
unfounded claims going back decades are worthless in light of a rock solid resume and years of sterling service.

Plus, didn't he have at least a half dozen background checks already?
He's been investigated out the ying yang and...nada.
Well, I've heard it from a reliable source that none of those investigations matter. They, likewise, were all fake investigations.
I suspect you'd say that even if he had a background that had nothing the Democrats could complain about, merely because replaced a man who was more sympathetic to the court created rights of abortion and gay marriage, then he is

Actually gay and abortion rights are pretty much a part of our social and legal culture. They won't be repealed. It's his other decision, his partisan-ness, his willingness to work as a political hack for Starr's very dubious vendetta and his pretty obvious drinking problem that concerns me. He is against workers rights and very much for expanded presidential powers. He appears to be for a more authoritarian, top down type of government. There were much better Republican candidates. He just doesn't have the quality and honesty displayed by all the other justices. I even think Thomas is more qualified, honest and thoughtful than Kavanaugh and I'm not a real big fan of Thomas' political position.
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