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[W:214] US hiring slows sharply in August as delta variant stunts job gains (1 Viewer)

Right, providing context is considered bullshit? You will never be lucky to have the life I have had and the results I have generated, you are way to partisan, biased, and out of touch with reality
Providing pure partisan spin is not context.
Liberal bastions, California and NY leading the nation in unemployment and covid 19 deaths
New Jersey leads the US in death rate. Mississippi, a Republican State, is number 2.

California is way down the list, behind a number of Republican states.
What partisan spin is in the BLS data showing 158.7 million employed in February 2020 and 153.1 million today?
You're purposely obfuscating data sets again.
Liberal bastions, California and NY leading the nation in unemployment and covid 19 deaths
I cannot speak to California but the NY Unmployment rate is driven a lot by NYC's high rate. This can be attributable to the changing dynamic of service industry jobs that exist to cater to office workers and such. With the new normal of remote work, it is going to be a challenge.

As far as covid deaths.... NY is currently having a 7 day average of 29 deaths and Florida's is 329. So while New York did get hit hard at the beginning of the pandemic, now that there are several vaccines and effective therapeutics... there is no reason for any State to be failing as hard with disease mitigation as some are now.
New Jersey leads the US in death rate. Mississippi, a Republican State, is number 2.

California is way down the list, behind a number of Republican states.
Death rate? Pretty easy then to ignore the actual deaths, isn't it?
You're purposely obfuscating data sets again.
And how exactly does posting official verifiable data and context do that? It destroys your narrative and shows just how partisan and biased you are
I cannot speak to California but the NY Unmployment rate is driven a lot by NYC's high rate. This can be attributable to the changing dynamic of service industry jobs that exist to cater to office workers and such. With the new normal of remote work, it is going to be a challenge.

As far as covid deaths.... NY is currently having a 7 day average of 29 deaths and Florida's is 329. So while New York did get hit hard at the beginning of the pandemic, now that there are several vaccines and effective therapeutics... there is no reason for any State to be failing as hard with disease mitigation as some are now.
NY understated its death count by 12,000 but excuses for poor liberal state performance is noted, high death count and leading the nation in unemployment, who benefited from the economic lockdown?
Because we aren't a series of islands.
NO, we are individuals with individual responsibilities. you wear a mask, social distance why does it matter what someone else does?
I thought the conservative states dropping unemployment was supposed to end this problem?
What was the employment number on Jan 1 2021?
Why does it matter? Biden was hired to get us back to pre pandemic levels just like Obama was in 2008, both failed miserable, Obama not until 2014 and Biden a long way to go. Why do people continue to tout results without that context?
Right, it is always easier placing blame than accepting responsibility
YOU should know
( must be talking from personal experience you have done it a million times )
Have a nice day
NO, we are individuals with individual responsibilities. you wear a mask, social distance why does it matter what someone else does?
Because a virus is incapable of caring about your individuality. Mitigation only works when there is consensus.
Why does it matter? Biden was hired to get us back to pre pandemic levels just like Obama was in 2008, both failed miserable, Obama not until 2014 and Biden a long way to go. Why do people continue to tout results without that context?

This post is trash. I am no fan boy of Obie but this post is rubbish.

Next you'll be tell us what a great economy we had under Trump, ignoring how it affected the non elite. Go ahead, we know the drill.
Because a virus is incapable of caring about your individuality. Mitigation only works when there is consensus.

Yep, this is the real problem. The GQP.
Why does it matter? Biden was hired to get us back to pre pandemic levels just like Obama was in 2008, both failed miserable, Obama not until 2014 and Biden a long way to go. Why do people continue to tout results without that context?
AGAIN maybe IF the Republicans would have worked with Obama for his first 4 years instead of doing everything they could to make him a one term President like Trump the recovery would have been a lot more robust
but they didn't
Have a nice day

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