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[W:214] US hiring slows sharply in August as delta variant stunts job gains (2 Viewers)

I think I'm likely way more 'bipartisan' than you appear to be. Trump deliberately drove confusion and divisiveness into covid instead of seeking a bipartisan and consolidated political/economic response. He is not a good leader because of his horrible personality traits, and just seems incapable of rising abive the politics if he thinks he can grab some attention/support. You could see early on that he wanted to be the 'great leader', but kept tripping over his own personality.

Compare that to some other countries where stronger and more competent leadership brought the country together in a true bipartisan way and Trumps failings become obvious. Doesn't mean I disagree with some of Trumps policies, but just that i am willing to judge each policy or action on it's own merits regardless of it's politics. Same with Biden. I see policy I agree with, and actions/policy that Trump did better.

Getting back to your ongoing jobs argument, how about Obama vs Trump. Depending on what stats you use, Trump added approx 6 million more jobs post Obama and pre covid. He also added approx $600B to the govt deficit. So under his economic policy each new job cost approx $100k per year in federal spending. It's easy to add jobs when you throw govt money at the economy. That's the unsustainable, short term, grab votes method. Something Trump was a great fan of. The really clever result is when you can add jobs and growth while decreasing the deficit. That happened during Obama's last term, but not always by his own design. Biden's back to throwing money at stuff like Trump. Possibly better targeted spend for a long term result, but too early to tell yet.
There isn't a bipartisan person in this country who blames Trump for the Covid results those are purely individual and state per the Constitution and people who are clueless . You bought the rhetoric and continue to do so diverting from the thread topic which is the very poor job performance and the reality that

Liberal bastions, California and NY leading the nation in unemployment and covid 19 deaths
Well, for unemployment, they are certainly in the top ten, but the worst rates don't go to either of them. In terms of COVID-19 deaths, California is pretty down low, with New York pretty high up there behind the red states of New Jersey and Mississippi at the two top slots.

Point being....when you look at statistical lists....and you don't cherry pick like you did...you will find that there are far more red states with higher rates of deaths and unemployment than there are blue states at the top of the lists.

Rendering your point as moot.
Well, for unemployment, they are certainly in the top ten, but the worst rates don't go to either of them. In terms of COVID-19 deaths, California is pretty down low, with New York pretty high up there behind the red states of New Jersey and Mississippi at the two top slots.

Point being....when you look at statistical lists....and you don't cherry pick like you did...you will find that there are far more red states with higher rates of deaths and unemployment than there are blue states at the top of the lists.

Rendering your point as moot.
Covid Deaths are personal responsibility issues then city and state as the President doesn't have that authority, take a civics class. I don't cherry pick, you on the left never accepts responsibility for anything, We are over 5.5 million jobs below the February 2020 employment numbers and there isn't anything Biden has done to create jobs, high inflation isn't helping at all.
ROFLMAO!!! What a joke you are. Is this an example of the education system in Chicago? where are those numbers in BLS?
They are there. But you manipulate numbers so you wouldn't see the truth. That is the problem with partisan hacks like you.
There isn't a bipartisan person in this country who blames Trump for the Covid results those are purely individual and state per the Constitution and people who are clueless . You bought the rhetoric and continue to do so diverting from the thread topic which is the very poor job performance and the reality that

View attachment 67352428

Trump virus recession Feb 2020–Apr 2020
Great bush recession Dec 2007–June 2009
Bush recession one Mar 2001–Nov 2001
hw bush recession July 1990–Mar 1991
reagan recession July 1981–Nov 1982
Around April of 2020 when the Trump administration offered guidelines on re-opening. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/16/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-guidelines.html

In October of 2020, Trump started claiming that he was creating new jobs...which we know now is misleading.
The pandemic was declared March 15, 2020 so there were no businesses reopening they were closing, stop buying the rhetoric and do some actual research. Trump created about 7 million new jobs, 152 million to 159 million from January 2017 to February 2020, the bipartisan economic shutdown generated high unemployment, I don't believe Trump said new jobs just returning jobs but that is irrelevant for that is all that is happening now, returning jobs not new jobs which won't happen until we that 159 million number is reached. your loyalty to liberalism is an embarrassment
They are there. But you manipulate numbers so you wouldn't see the truth. That is the problem with partisan hacks like you.
The post the data supporting your claims, I have and being from Chicago you have no credibility, Biden has to hit 158.6 million before a new job is created

The pandemic was declared March 15, 2020 so there were no businesses reopening they were closing, stop buying the rhetoric and do some actual research. Trump created about 7 million new jobs, 152 million to 159 million from January 2017 to February 2020, the bipartisan economic shutdown generated high unemployment, I don't believe Trump said new jobs just returning jobs but that is irrelevant for that is all that is happening now, returning jobs not new jobs which won't happen until we that 159 million number is reached. your loyalty to liberalism is an embarrassment
trump shed 22 milllions jobs. 152 million employed in feb 2020 while the obama policies were still in effect and 130 million in april 2020 after the trump policies finally went in to effect. Those are the trump results you continue to ignore.
trump shed 22 milllions jobs. 152 million employed in feb 2020 while the obama policies were still in effect and 130 in april 2020 after the trump policies finally went in to effect. Those are the trump results you continue to ignore.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Original Data Value
Series Id:LNS12000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:(Seas) Employment Level
Labor force status:Employed
Type of data:Number in thousands
Age:16 years and over
Years:2008 to 2021
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey
Original Data Value
Series Id:LNS12000000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title:(Seas) Employment Level
Labor force status:Employed
Type of data:Number in thousands
Age:16 years and over
Years:2008 to 2021

20 million jobs lost by trump
The pandemic was declared March 15, 2020 so there were no businesses reopening they were closing, stop buying the rhetoric and do some actual research. Trump created about 7 million new jobs, 152 million to 159 million from January 2017 to February 2020, the bipartisan economic shutdown generated high unemployment, I don't believe Trump said new jobs just returning jobs but that is irrelevant for that is all that is happening now, returning jobs not new jobs which won't happen until we that 159 million number is reached. your loyalty to liberalism is an embarrassment
Trump virus recession Feb 2020–Apr 2020
Great bush recession Dec 2007–June 2009
Bush recession one Mar 2001–Nov 2001
hw bush recession July 1990–Mar 1991
reagan recession July 1981–Nov 1982
Well, for unemployment, they are certainly in the top ten, but the worst rates don't go to either of them. In terms of COVID-19 deaths, California is pretty down low, with New York pretty high up there behind the red states of New Jersey and Mississippi at the two top slots.

Point being....when you look at statistical lists....and you don't cherry pick like you did...you will find that there are far more red states with higher rates of deaths and unemployment than there are blue states at the top of the lists.

Rendering your point as moot.
New Jersey is not a red state.
View attachment 67352433

20 million jobs lost by trump
Trump isn't the topic of this thread, Biden is and Biden is incompetent as the results show. Apparently the bipartisan economic shutdown escaped you and rather than stop the spread of the virus you wanted the negative economic numbers to blame on Trump. Biden's target is 159 million, almost 6 million to go, Keep supporting incompetence
There isn't a bipartisan person in this country who blames Trump for the Covid results those are purely individual and state per the Constitution and people who are clueless . You bought the rhetoric and continue to do so diverting from the thread topic which is the very poor job performance and the reality that

View attachment 67352428
You need to add a bit more rationale to your arguments to become more than partisan noise.

Your argument above is that the states are responsible for covid management. Then that makes Trump not responsible for job losses as they have been driven by covid.

Using your own logic, the states are then responsible for bringing the jobs back by curtailing covid. Nothing to do with the president. You can't blame the states for the cause of slow job growth and then blame the president for not fixing what the states aren't doing. Well, maybe you can in a partisan parallel universe.
Trump isn't the topic of this thread, Biden is and Biden is incompetent as the results show. Apparently the bipartisan economic shutdown escaped you and rather than stop the spread of the virus you wanted the negative economic numbers to blame on Trump. Biden's target is 159 million, almost 6 million to go, Keep supporting incompetence
Trump handed biden 130 million. It is now 153 million employed. Those are the results you keep ignoring.
Covid Deaths are personal responsibility issues then city and state as the President doesn't have that authority, take a civics class. I don't cherry pick, you on the left never accepts responsibility for anything, We are over 5.5 million jobs below the February 2020 employment numbers and there isn't anything Biden has done to create jobs, high inflation isn't helping at all.
Every single recession in the last 40 years has been caused by a republican

Trump virus recession Feb 2020–Apr 2020
Great bush recession Dec 2007–June 2009
Bush recession one Mar 2001–Nov 2001
hw bush recession July 1990–Mar 1991
reagan recession July 1981–Nov 1982

You need to add a bit more rationale to your arguments to become more than partisan noise.

Your argument above is that the states are responsible for covid management. Then that makes Trump not responsible for job losses as they have been driven by covid.

Using your own logic, the states are then responsible for bringing the jobs back by curtailing covid. Nothing to do with the president. You can't blame the states for the cause of slow job growth and then blame the president for not fixing what the states aren't doing. Well, maybe you can in a partisan parallel universe.
Amazing loyalty to an ideology that creates dependence and has generated supporters like you who buy rhetoric and ignore results. Biden's job is to get us back to pre recession levels, 159 million jobs, we are 5.6 million short
Every single recession in the last 40 years has been caused by a republican

Trump virus recession Feb 2020–Apr 2020
Great bush recession Dec 2007–June 2009
Bush recession one Mar 2001–Nov 2001
hw bush recession July 1990–Mar 1991
reagan recession July 1981–Nov 1982

Results don't matter to cult followers like you so keep ignoring reality and keep ignoring the pandemic shutdown that was bipartisan and generated those economic numbers. What is Biden's excuse today?
No. Other countries have handled this with their leaders; Biden throwing up his hands and saying "I'm doing everything right." is bullshit when covid is still spreading and people are still dying.
As jakiejakester already said, that answer is vague and doesn't answer the question as to what Biden should have done or should do. Those "other countries" controlled the virus from entering in the beginning of the pandemic. Biden doesn't have that option. It's long been in the country and spreading primarily among those that refuse vaccination, as @Kushinator said.
Trump handed biden 130 million. It is now 153 million employed. Those are the results you keep ignoring.
Yep, and you continue to ignore the reality of what the economic shutdown that was bipartisan did

As jakiejakester already said, that answer is vague and doesn't answer the question as to what Biden should have done or should do. Those "other countries" controlled the virus from entering in the beginning of the pandemic. Biden doesn't have that option. It's long been in the country and spreading primarily among those that refuse vaccination, as @Kushinator said.
These other countries have had outbreaks. They deal with them quickly and effectively. The results speak for themselves; other countries have handled covid; America does not have the leadership to do so.

Biden tossing up his hands and saying "We've done all we can" is unforgivable. Americans are dying and covid is spreading, take steps to save lives.

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