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[W:214] US hiring slows sharply in August as delta variant stunts job gains (1 Viewer)

Thanks trump for give us a dem house in 18-20 and senate in and presidency in 20.
What is it about liberalism that creates this type of loyalty? Supposedly book smart street stupid radicals never understand that context is really just a strawman that's off limits for the GQP.
Because reality sucks to a liberal, were there almost 159 million Americans employed in February 2020? How many Americans are employed now? I am looking at total employment why aren't you? Total employment means taxpayers which of course is what you also want to ignore so keeping people dependent is indeed the goal of radical liberal supporters
There were 130 million americans employed in april 2020 due to trumps failed policies. Now there are more than 150 million due to the biden recovery. 20 million jobs created by biden. Greatest president ever.
What actions should Biden have taken that he did not take? The spreading of Covid is essentially due to Americans who refuse to get vaccinated, refuse to wear masks and refuse to social distance. Biden acted to get the vaccines in large supply and available with no wait. He used the pulpit to urge people to get vaccinated. He can't send agents into the streets and forcibly vaccinate people. So again, how can you hold Biden responsible for people contracting and spreading Covid when he's done his part? If I don't want to take my life-saving medicine, it's not my doctor's fault if I die.

What I'm reading from you is magical thinking. You expect the president to magically protect Americans from contracting and spreading Covid when they won't take the vaccine that will protect them from contracting and spreading Covid.
This is Trump level avoiding responsibility bullshit.

Biden has an obligation to set policies and messaging to unite the country in combating covid the way Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries have.

If he can't, or won't, do that, he has failed.
What is it about liberalism that creates this type of loyalty? Supposedly book smart street stupid radicals never understand that context is really just a strawman that's off limits for the GQP.
Don't forget obama became president in march 08 and biden in feb 20.
I think the dangerous thing is that the zero sum game approach becomes more acceptable as a political tactic regardless of the political party. If the Democrats feel they cannot accomplish anything because the GOP is obstructing, then the tactic can be easy to justify. I'm concerned about this spiraling out of control to the point where this country is no longer governed, but spends most of its time with its political parties trying to defeat the other at everything.
Blind partisanship is a major concern. And you're correct, it's not a zero sum, but Dem's are at least willing to work with the GOP. It's already spiraled out of control to the point where counter-political policy to the detriment of the nation can lead to political gains. Elections should never be won on the basis of sabotaging national interests. Nevertheless, i am well aware there are many GOP'ers who actually believe Dem's are sabotaging the country. Nothing will change that.
If he can't, or won't, do that, he has failed.
Biden only has so many tools available. To ignore this reality renders your position as petty and counterproductive to the underlying premise: improving conditions in this country.
Biden only has so many tools available. To ignore this reality renders your position as petty and counterproductive to the underlying premise: improving conditions in this country.
Trump level avoiding responsibility. Covid is not going to magically go away. There are more steps than "ignore the problem until a vaccine is available, and then just hope that Americans take it."

Other countries are handling outbreaks: Why is Biden refusing to?
Trump level avoiding responsibility. Covid is not going to magically go away. There are more steps than "ignore the problem until a vaccine is available, and then just hope that Americans take it."

Other countries are handling outbreaks: Why is Biden refusing to?
Other countries don't have trumptards.
Other countries don't have trumptards.
So Biden is incapable of handling the covid outbreak in the United States?

There are anti mask/lockdown etc. rallies across the globe - but those countries still have covid under control to a level Biden has not seen since shortly after he was elected.
So Biden is incapable of handling the covid outbreak in the United States?

There are anti mask/lockdown etc. rallies across the globe - but those countries still have covid under control to a level Biden has not seen since shortly after he was elected.
that's not what i said. What i said was other countries don't have trumpists.
Empty talking point. You're not capable of partitioning the severity of an impending financial collapse.

Again... this is a lie.

More partisan ignorance! A financial driven downturn devalues assets. The wealth of the country declined considerably.

In no other time in the history of the country did $10 trillion in wealth vanish within a span less than two years:


You're the one who made the choice to tell a lie and i had the pleasure of correcting you. The amount of falsehoods you spew on a given day is quite embarrassing.

Your opinion of liberals doesn't matter nor does it have anything to do with the thread topic.
Thread topic is right on, states reopening are seeing jobs return, nothing Biden has done to create those and we are still almost 6 million short from pre pandemic . Diverting to Obama does nothing for you other than show partisan ignorance of results and facts, lost House 10-12-14-16 so why didn't the electorate give Obama create for the results you claim he generated. He also got 4 million votes fewer in 2012 than 2008 whereas Reagan got 10 million more winning 49 states. Obama's big gov't policies that you support only get support from spoiled kids used to getting everything paid for by someone else
Liberal bastions, California and NY leading the nation in unemployment and covid 19 deaths
LIAR! Texas has the 2nd most deaths due to Covid - almost 4,000 more than NY and over the past month Texas leads the nation by quite a bit in Covid deaths. Texas has the WORST record of Covid deaths, by far, compared to all other states except for Florida. Why can't you tell the truth?
NY understated its death count by 12,000 but excuses for poor liberal state performance is noted, high death count and leading the nation in unemployment, who benefited from the economic lockdown?
That's a full out LIE! What is wrong with you? Prove this complete fabrication if you can but you can't...you consistently make up bulshit about NY. Telling the truth doesn't serve your propaganda so you make shit up. Texas has 4K more deaths than NY and if you go back to July 2020 Texas has 27K+ more deaths than NY...
Trump level avoiding responsibility.
You're just talking shit.
Covid is not going to magically go away. There are more steps than "ignore the problem until a vaccine is available, and then just hope that Americans take it."
By all means, state these steps and avenues available to achieve them. You won't.
Other countries are handling outbreaks: Why is Biden refusing to?
Other countries don't have 1/4 of their population brainwashed by an opposition party looking to exploit a crisis, thereby happening their country, to regain power.
Thread topic is right on
If you want to start a thread about your dislike for liberals, by all means go do that.

You told a lie and got called out again. Learn from your mistake and move on.
You're just talking shit.

By all means, state these steps and avenues available to achieve them. You won't.

Other countries don't have 1/4 of their population brainwashed by an opposition party looking to exploit a crisis, thereby happening their country, to regain power.
There is only one party that weaponized Covid and it wasn't the Republicans and there is only one party that continues to promote economic lockdowns and it isn't Republicans. Who truly benefits from economic lockdowns, Republicans or Democrats? California and NY results help answer that question, unemployed people need gov't help and California and NY capitalize on that. They still lead the nation in unemployment and constitute well over 110,000 of the Covid Deaths with those lockdowns so tell me how Democrats haven't benefited from Covid since they control the legislature and economic policies
If you want to start a thread about your dislike for liberals, by all means go do that.

You told a lie and got called out again. Learn from your mistake and move on.
This isn't about disliking liberals this is about people like you ignoring context and buying rhetoric. Seems that Biden economic policies aren't working too well in liberal bastions like NY and California
Diverting to Obama does nothing for you other than show partisan ignorance of results and facts, lost House 10-12-14-16 so why didn't the electorate give Obama create for the results you claim he generated.
Diverting to Trump does nothing for you other than show partisan ignorance of results and facts, lost House 18-20 so why didn't the electorate give Trump create for the results you claim he generated.
That's a full out LIE! What is wrong with you? Prove this complete fabrication if you can but you can't...you consistently make up bulshit about NY. Telling the truth doesn't serve your propaganda so you make shit up. Texas has 4K more deaths than NY and if you go back to July 2020 Texas has 27K+ more deaths than NY...
You better watch out if you keep showing him how many times he lies and showing him how wrong he is he will put you on ignore and won't answer you like he did me.
He gets POed when you make him look like the fool he is
and what ever you do DON'T call him a liar to his face on here the mediators get upset when you do that and will give you demerits
You can show people that he lies and lies thousands of times and you can prove it and that he is a liar but you are not allowed to call him one right out I did and the mediator gave me a demerit and told me I was a bad boy
so be careful
and have a nice evening
This isn't about disliking liberals this is about people like you ignoring context and buying rhetoric. Seems that Biden economic policies aren't working too well in liberal bastions like NY and California
Context is clear. gop caused the last 5 recessions

Trump virus recession Feb 2020–Apr 2020
Great bush recession Dec 2007–June 2009
Bush recession one Mar 2001–Nov 2001
hw bush recession July 1990–Mar 1991
reagan recession July 1981–Nov 1982
Why are you ignoring that Texas has 58,644 deaths and NY has 54,933 as of today? You talk about context and you misrepresent so many things all the time.
looks like he may have already put you on ignore
He doesn't seem to want to answer you
well if he did you can consider yourself lucky
I do
Have a nice evening
That is all you do, offer opinions and when you post data there is never any context
You've already shown that conveying context is beyond your capabilities. Cherry picking and attacking strawmen isn't a valid substitute for providing context.

Context is objective, and doesn't bend to the dynamics of the struggle for political power.
There is only one party that weaponized Covid
The one whose (Trump's base) minority believes the election was stolen, the vaccines allow 5g towers to report vitals, and mask / vaccine mandates are threat to their constitutional rights

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