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[W:16]Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates (1 Viewer)


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Dec 22, 2005
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... the reception was part of an aggressive $8 million lobbying and public relations campaign that used lobbyists with ties to the Trump administration
... As President Trump’s administration has increasingly turned to sanctions, travel restrictions and tariffs to punish foreign governments as well as people and companies from abroad, targets of those measures have turned for assistance to Washington’s K Street corridor of law, lobbying and public relations firms.
... some of the biggest payments have been going to lobbyists, lawyers and consultants with connections to Mr. Trump or his administration.
... This has been encouraged, they say, by the willingness projected by Mr. Trump and his team to make deals around sanctions and tariffs exemptions.
... after a personal intervention by Mr. Trump, the Commerce Department rescinded sanctions ... through an intense three-month lobbying push that cost $1.4 million.
A $108,500-a-month lobbying campaign has helped ... against an industrial conglomerate owned by the Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Among the leaders of the lobbying efforts ,,, was Bryan Lanza, a former Trump campaign aide
... Among the other Trump-linked lobbyists who have received big contracts from targets of sanctions and tariffs is Brian Ballard, a top fund-raiser for Mr. Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee.
His firm signed a $125,000-a-month contract in August 2017 to represent the Turkish-state-owned bank Halkbank... to evade sanctions on Iran. The representation brought Mr. Ballard into discussions with Mr. Giuliani, who represented a gold trader charged in the scheme.
... Mr. Dershowitz is advising Dan Gertler, an Israeli billionaire who was the target of sanctions
... filings show $360,000 paid by Mer to Adnan Jalil, a former congressional liaison for Mr. Trump’s campaign; $250,000 to the firm of Nancye Miller, the wife of the Trump campaign adviser and former C.I.A. chief R. James Woolsey Jr.; $680,000 to the firm of former Representative Robert L. Livingston, an early Trump endorser; and $598,000 to the firm of Brian Glicklich, who has represented Trump allies such as Breitbart News and Rush Limbaugh.
Mer also agreed to pay $1.25 million to the firm of Robert Stryk, who had worked with Trump campaign officials, to organize the Hay-Adams event and meetings around it for Mr. Kabila’s special envoy to the United States. (Mr. Stryk’s firm, Sonoran Policy Group, also signed a $100,000-a-month contract in August to represent Somalia i.
sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Remember that Somalia remains a wreck because it is profitable to a few in power that it continues to be.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Remember that Somalia remains a wreck because it is profitable to a few in power that it continues to be.

share with us how somalia fits into this story
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

share with us how somalia fits into this story

A "please" would help your cause...it is not my job to educate U.

I need come candy.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

A "please" would help your cause...it is not my job to educate U.

I need come candy.

thank you for confirming you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

thank you for confirming you have nothing of value to contribute to this thread

Demanding civil behavior is now "Outside of the Bounds!".

Thus do dark ages roll.....

We used to be better..
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Demanding civil behavior is now "Outside of the Bounds!".

Thus do dark ages roll.....

you forgot to add an essential "T" to your post
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

you forgot to add an essential "T" to your post

I rarely forget anything of importance, so no, that is not likely...
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Remember that Somalia remains a wreck because it is profitable to a few in power that it continues to be.

Somalia is not a wreck. It was liberated in 2011 by Kenyan and then East African Union forces with the support of America. It has been steadily improving since. I guess you haven't googled Somalia in a decade.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Somalia is not a wreck. It was liberated in 2011 by Kenyan and then East African Union forces with the support of America. It has been steadily improving since. I guess you haven't googled Somalia in a decade.

Guessing is what you do, this I well understand.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Guessing is what you do, this I well understand.

Then you were spewing ignorant crap knowingly. Good work.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Then you were spewing ignorant crap knowingly. Good work.

I do do good work, and if you knew that then you would be somebody, but we are where we are....
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates


sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob

Rush Limbaugh has a "significant tie" to the President?


Typical spin, speculation, innuendo and hyperbole from the NYT.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates


sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob

Given our political systems history with things like "the revolving door, PACs, and Lobbying"

We've seen more than enough throughout the years and this really is not surprise.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates


sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob

In just about every instance lobbying ends up very profitable for someone. The difference in this case is how "aggressive" their actions are given what economic sanctions has done.

Our issue will be what it usually is, looking at who profits and which of these larger organizations starts to get a pass.
Re: Economic Sanctions are Profitable for tRump Associates

Moderator's Warning:
Stick to the topic folks....which is not Somalia.

sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob

The above is what I define as Fake News. Not fake in the sense that it is not true. Fake in the fact that lobbyists with close ties to an administration or congress make a lot of money to influence decisions.

Are you trying to say that this is something new? That only under the Trump administration lobbyists sell their ties to government. It has been known for decades that paying lobbyists gives companies soe of their best ROIs.
The above is what I define as Fake News. Not fake in the sense that it is not true. Fake in the fact that lobbyists with close ties to an administration or congress make a lot of money to influence decisions.

Are you trying to say that this is something new? That only under the Trump administration lobbyists sell their ties to government. It has been known for decades that paying lobbyists gives companies soe of their best ROIs.

saying this is a racket
the white house imposes sanctions
only for those with white house ties to receive large sums of money to dilute those sanctions
not unlike a mob shaking down a businessman

sanctions have been very good to these lobbyists
each with a significant tie to the President
tRump imposes them and the lobbyists get paid huge money to have them rescinded
what a racket
reminds me of the mob

Trump profits while the middle class gets scammed? That's literally S.O.P. for this administration.

Trump will personally save up to $15m/year under tax bill, analysis finds
Jared Kushner will save up to $12m, while five other members of Trump’s inner circle will also see benefits worth millions of dollars

$25 million settlement finalized in Trump University lawsuit

What Trump should have said, if he was honest, is: "Trade wars are easy to win for me and my buddies. Thanks a lot...suckers, keep paying those tariffs! Hahahaha!"
The above is what I define as Fake News. Not fake in the sense that it is not true. Fake in the fact that lobbyists with close ties to an administration or congress make a lot of money to influence decisions.

Are you trying to say that this is something new? That only under the Trump administration lobbyists sell their ties to government. It has been known for decades that paying lobbyists gives companies soe of their best ROIs.

But Trump was supposed to drain the swamp....

Surely his base should be complaining loudly about this. But no, they defend it...

Rush Limbaugh has a "significant tie" to the President?


Typical spin, speculation, innuendo and hyperbole from the NYT.
Sorry, but the "ties to Trump" you and the Left Idiots who published this pile of bird cage liner are laughable, at best.

sharing with the forum what the New York Times uncovered
i do recognize that it must be quite embarrassing for tRump supporters
i invite you to show us that those lobbyists with tRump ties did NOT receive the monies indicated by that NYT article

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