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[W:1581] US hiring sharply misses expectations in April with just 266,000 new jobs added (1 Viewer)

Show us where Trump cost us those jobs and they weren't due to the pandemic and economic shutdown?
It’s great that covid only exists when the subject of china, Andrew Cuomo, and our economy comes up.
Want to compare the unemployment rate and covid death totals of NY and California to Florida and TX?
Sure: NY and CA were hit first and hardest due to their positioning as international destinations with large population centers.

Ca and Florida are large shithole states that saw what CA and NY went through and *still* got hit and allowed their citizens to die. This was also as Texans froze to death.

I’d stop bragging about red states staring directly into the pandemic and seeing nothing.
What you saw is irrelevant.

I like that everything is socialist except all the shit they use that we have to pay for.
Oh come on, everyone knows only republicans work. You whole post is one big complaint. Libs, socialism, california, doom and gloom chicken little the sky is falling.
I like that everything is socialist except all the shit they use that we have to pay for.
I've said over and over the R's are the true socialists. They don't want to pay for anything but want to use everything.
Oh come on, everyone knows only republicans work. You whole post is one big complaint. Libs, socialism, california, doom and gloom chicken little the sky is falling.
Everyone knows that on every anti Trump, anti Conservative response the same people make the same claims baiting and trolling never refuting the data or actual verifiable results. There has to be a reason for your loyalty and support of liberal/progressive policies, could it have anything to do with your inability to compete in the private sector? Or how about being dependent and never biting the hand that feeds you?
My working days are over I don't have to compete in the rat race any longer. What I want is a more even rat race where we the people benefit a bit more and the top ten percent benefit a bit less. Is that too much to ask for? We on the left also work, sorry to shatter your fantasy, and socialism is just something you folks on the right keep telling each other so y'all can stay outraged. America is still a capitalistic society no matter how many times the right yells socialism.

Don't you have a revolt to attend?

So now you believe you are an expert on what everyone else needs? You got yours now want to destroy others incentive and opportunity? Top 10%? Is income fixed and economic opportunity fixed? What is it about liberalism that creates people like you who ignore the fact that liberalism destroys incentive, creates dependence and the results never match the rhetoric? Tell us exactly what liberalism and progressive policies are supposed to do and then explain the following?


California leads the nation in Poverty


California homeless

Cost of living

You have been beating that dead horse in many of your posts. The problem is that you don't get to define jobs to make your deities look good and you foes look bad. The standard measure of job creation is the number of people hired in a month, minus those that left jobs in that month. That's net job growth. It doesn't have anything to do with how large the workforce was at some previous period. People leave the workforce for many reasons, such as, death, retirement and layoffs.
Yes, I do realize that in debating you it is debating a dead horse and someone so loyal to the liberal ideology but incapable of actually debating the issues. You for some reason ignore the fact that the liberal results never match the liberal rhetoric still you buy the rhetoric and ignore the results. What you cannot seem to grasp is that taxpayers fund the U.S. Gov't and if there are 146 million taxpayers and that goes to 142 million then back to 146 that is no new jobs created thus no new taxpayers just returning taxpayers.

Job growth is quite different than new jobs created, just like GDP growth is quite different than GDP dollar growth, you tout the growth but not context. People leaving the workforce are quite different than people drawing unemployment for extended period of times. Obama's target was 146 million which is what the Democrats gave him in 2008 and Biden's is 159 million which is what the Democratic Congress gave him as well. You like most liberals want to ignore the Congress when it doesn't suit your agenda. Why don't you explain to us why you support the liberal ideology and ignore the liberal results?
Do you or any other liberal here understand what Congress does? They control the purse strings and the legislative agenda. Who controlled those in 2007-2011 and 2019-2020? Any idea why there was a job loss in 2020 and why liberal states today have higher unemployment than Red states? Is there some reason that actual results don't resonate with you and national public policies?

Did you support the economic shutdown for, answer please?

A. To stop the spread of the virus

B, To generate poor economic results to blame on Trump
This is merely your patented thread crapping trolling -- postings that have nothing to do with the topic. You are completely off-topic.
This is merely your patented thread crapping -- postings that have nothing to do with the topic.
Actually what you do is try and control the agenda and posts and that is thread crapping. You refuse to acknowledge that the liberal results don't match or even come close to the liberal rhetoric. It has everything to do with the thread topic which is employment, you raised the issue of Trump job losses all due to the pandemic response which you want to ignore, a response you supported not to stop the spread of the virus but to generate negative results for Trump

Now you want to give Biden credit for returning jobs most of which are coming from the opening of the economies and allowing people to go back to work thus not drawing unemployment any more. Employment is the subject of this thread and until Biden gets back to 159 million there will be job growth but NOT new jobs created and that job growth has nothing to do with Obama policies which are costing jobs not creating them
Focus Conservative...
Again I have laid out specific points you have failed to address..
This is why you have no credibility on this forum Con.
Forget the fact that your economic arguments have been proven to be completely wrong.
The fact is that you cannot even address the basic reality of Trumps response to the pandemic...without going on to your typical rambling, incoherent diatribe on " Liberals Biden Pelosi etc"
Which has nothing to do with the conversation.
No, I addressed them, you didn't like or totally ignored the response. It is a waste of time arguing with someone like you who claims to be a conservative but has done nothing but bash Trump for his entire time in office. You blame him for what he didn't have control over and totally ignore basic civics and what Congress and the state responsibilities are.

You have only proven that you are a partisan, biased liberal who gave everything Trump said an anal exam while ignoring the actual results generated from policies. This thread is only about the pandemic as related to employment and unemployment as there were pandemic results which resulted in an economic shutdown and wiping out the job gains Trump's first three years in office. You do what the left does divert from Congressional responsibilities when Congress is controlled by Democrats, divert from strong economic results when generated by a Republican, and ignore Democratic Policies that are being implemented. Your conversation is a diversion from reality
Let's deal with reality, where did you get the November 2019 information? Want to explain why Obama didn't replenish the supplies after the 2009 and why his reaction to the flu pandemic is being ignored? Conservatives support state rights and responsibilities and are against Federalism but that reality doesn't resonate with you

Actually, the U.S. and S. Korea learned about the pandemic on the same day, January 20, 2020. South Korea responded immediately, calling in experts to start population testing. In the U.S., Trump and his Administration denied there was a problem and spent months sweeping the idea of a large-scale pandemic under the rug.

We all recall these statements from your Dear Leader:
Jan. 22, 2020“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
Feb. 7, 2020“It’s also more deadly than even your strenuous flu... This is deadly stuff” [Trump in a private interview with Bob Woodward from The Washington Post made public on Sept. 9, 2020]
Feb. 10, 2020“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”
Feb. 10, 2020“Looks like by April, you know in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”
Feb. 24, 2020“The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… the Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb. 25, 2020“CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
Feb. 25, 2020“I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
Feb. 26, 2020“The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
Feb. 26, 2020“We're going very substantially down, not up.”
Feb. 26, 2020"This is a flu. This is like a flu."
Feb. 27, 2020“It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Trump's lack-luster response is in the historical memory and can't be denied.
And still no Constitutional authority for the President to mandate masks, quarantine, and social distancing, just typical leftwing hate rhetoric posting the negatives and not the positives. I got my first vaccine shot on January 6, thank you President Trump!!

Why didn't Obama replenish the supplies that you want to blame on Trump, he had 8 years. When was the pandemic declared and of course you ignored the second link showing his actual reactions including the travel ban which was rejected by Biden who called it racist. Keep making a fool of yourself and keep making me look good
I've posted the same quotes. All your going to get in a response is a projection about supporting governors who closed down theirv states to make Trump look bad, something about liberal loyalty, radical Democrats brainwashing people, and cherry-picking 3 out of 4 years of the economy during Trump's presidency. You might get something about people spending GDP dollar growth and not percents as well.
Not to look bad, to stop the spread of the virus, you are the one using the shutdown to blame on Trump for poor jobs numbers. You keep baiting and trolling never responding to data and context

why don't you have the guts to define who you are, liberal?

There is a difference between economic results from policies vs economic results from the pandemic, just like there is a difference between U-3 and U-6. there is a difference between job growth and new job creation but not to radicals like you who will never address the failure of liberal results to reconcile with the rhetoric
There is a difference between economic results from policies vs economic results from the pandemic, just like there is a difference between U-3 and U-6.

I had to have missed something. Although I'm shocked... SHOCKED!... you don't tell me a job lost that returns isn't a job created.
I had to have missed something. Although I'm shocked... SHOCKED!... you don't tell me a job lost that returns isn't a job created.
Not a problem, keep trolling and you will see it again very soon, when will you answer the direct questions?
Friendly reminder: you are in COVID 19 Thread Derailment Stage.
Yes anything to blame on Trump who is out of office and has been for now 5 months but that doesn't stop people from diverting from the disaster in the WH right now, entitlement babies who want and need someone else to pay for their personal responsibility issues. The pandemic results are part of the thread topic causing the loss of jobs and because of those lost jobs liberals are doing their best to promote Biden by focusing on job growth, not the real target and certainly not new taxpayers. Since governors controlled the state economy and shutdown their state to stop the spread of the virus, reopening is seeing jobs returning having nothing to do with Biden

you are like far too many refusing to acknowledge that the liberal results don't match the liberal rhetoric so how can someone like you support an ideology that destroys incentive and creates dependence along with the terrible social and economic results even in your state but more importantly in the largest liberal state in the nation, California?
Not a problem, keep trolling and you will see it again very soon, when will you answer the direct questions?
For old time sake... can't we get a little what did Trump do personally to you or your family to cause so much hatred.?

Pretty please?

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