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[W:1422] Federal Deficit Soars (1 Viewer)

Re: Federal Deficit Soars

No data - RIGHT - who's the real LIAR here?


Though no one in Washington will admit it, our nation's finances are in deep trouble. Spending is up, revenue is down, and this will only get worse.

The post the Treasury DATA supporting your claim that FIT cuts have reduced FIT revenue. Already proved you wrong and calling me a liar doesn't do your credibility any good.
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

No data - RIGHT - who's the real LIAR here?


Though no one in Washington will admit it, our nation's finances are in deep trouble. Spending is up, revenue is down, and this will only get worse.

You truly seem to have a passion for higher taxes on the American taxpayers, in your world are there ever any consequences for people having less spendable income because of tax increases?

Please explain to us if Interest Expense is Govt. spending and how Trump is responsible for the 500 plus billion in debt service? Seems like this expense item is totally ignored by you and the rest of the higher tax supporters.

I have posted Treasury data showing FIT revenue up but you refuse to accept it or even acknowledge it even my offer to leave this forum if that data is proven to be wrong. Seems for some reason you support a much bigger govt,, state taxpayer revenue going to the federal bureaucrats, and giving more money to those bureaucrats who created the 21 trillion dollar debt.

You are totally incapable of admitting when wrong, posting official data to support your claims and resorting to name calling showing passion for failure of our bureaucrats. Any idea what taxes you pay and their purpose?
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

DECEMBER 2007 get your facts straight, Employment January 2008 146 million, Not until mid 2014 did employment get back to that number with an 842 BILLION Stimulus

Govt. spending in the private sector yes, bailing out public sector and Democratic supporters NO
The point stands, you mischaracterized the recession as being started after Obama took office.
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

The point stands, you mischaracterized the recession as being started after Obama took office.

You are delusional, where did I say the recession started under Obama???? It started under a DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS. Little worried about you and your perception. Getting tired of being proven wrong?? Work on your credibility instead of over reacting and posting false information or information out of context!
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

The post the Treasury DATA supporting your claim that FIT cuts have reduced FIT revenue. Already proved you wrong and calling me a liar doesn't do your credibility any good.

Nothing but words. I post facts and graphs, with real data, and you post partisan hack words, with nothing to back them up. NOTHING!!!
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

Nothing but words. I post facts and graphs, with real data, and you post partisan hack words, with nothing to back them up. NOTHING!!!

Yep, no question about it, bls.gov, bea.gov, and treasury.org are partisan sites that offer nothing but false data according to you. Not sure what it is going to take for people like you to get it but those sites are the OFFICIAL sites of the U.S. Govt. and taxpayers pay debt service on the Treasury data from bea.gov and employment numbers come from bls.gov. NOT USA Today. It really is a shame you are so married to your ideology that you cannot accept the fact that you are wrong on any issue. You say I have nothing so tell me what it is about the data from those sites that is wrong?
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

Yep, no question about it, bls.gov, bea.gov, and treasury.org are partisan sites that offer nothing but false data according to you. Not sure what it is going to take for people like you to get it but those sites are the OFFICIAL sites of the U.S. Govt. and taxpayers pay debt service on the Treasury data from bea.gov and employment numbers come from bls.gov. NOT USA Today. It really is a shame you are so married to your ideology that you cannot accept the fact that you are wrong on any issue. You say I have nothing so tell me what it is about the data from those sites that is wrong?
Again, words. No links. No data. Misinterpreting data to support your ALT Right fantasies is meaningless.
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

Again, words. No links. No data. Misinterpreting data to support your ALT Right fantasies is meaningless.

Then interpret properly for us all in context!! meaningless data? Ok what is meaningless about 8-9 million part time for economic reasons? what is meaningless about 500 billion in debt service? What is meaningless about 4 million jobs created in 1 1/2 years, what is meaningless about growing FIT revenue every month vs. 2017, what is meaningless about people keeping more of what they earn?

What is truly meaningless are your baseless personal attacks and rhetoric without substance
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

Again, words. No links. No data. Misinterpreting data to support your ALT Right fantasies is meaningless.

I will stick to posting official data while you continue to spout opinions and mainstream media rhetoric.
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

I will stick to posting official data while you continue to spout opinions and mainstream media rhetoric.

And where is that link with all the official data. I'll be waiting. Please be very specific with your data - not your usual vague references.
Re: Federal Deficit Soars

And where is that link with all the official data. I'll be waiting. Please be very specific with your data - not your usual vague references.
Then you haven't been paying attention as I post a link after link after link spreadsheet after spreadsheet after spreadsheet all coming from those links doubt you have any interest in ever even clicking on a link

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Re: Federal Deficit Soars

Then you haven't been paying attention as I post a link after link after link spreadsheet after spreadsheet after spreadsheet all coming from those links doubt you have any interest in ever even clicking on a link

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

Sure you have. We get it.:roll:
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Deficit history - pay attention now!


See that big bump on the graph around 2007/2008. That was the GW Bush deficit increase. See how that big bump went down, after 2010. That was after Obama cleaned up the GW Bush mess. See that negative deficit around 2000. That was the Clinton/Gore presidency. Note that the deficit is on a steep increase since 2016 - thank you Trump!
Now - repeat after me - Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending...
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Deficit history - pay attention now!

View attachment 67241096

See that big bump on the graph around 2007/2008. That was the GW Bush deficit increase. See how that big bump went down, after 2010. That was after Obama cleaned up the GW Bush mess. See that negative deficit around 2000. That was the Clinton/Gore presidency. Note that the deficit is on a steep increase since 2016 - thank you Trump!
Now - repeat after me - Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending...

Better get help reading the chart and 2019/2020 hasn't happened yet. GOP took Congress in 2015. Bush didn't have spending authority after March 2009

Stunning ignorance of data and research

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
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Better get help reading the chart and 2019/2020 hasn't happened yet. GOP took Congress in 2015. Bush didn't have spending authority after March 2009

Stunning ignorance of data and research

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

:monkey:monkey:monkey:monkey --- Oh boy, the lies that come from the mouths of children.
Anybody can post a bunch of links. Now, you go right ahead and pull out the data to make your argument. You never do. Typical, shifty Right-Wing techniques.

You asked for links, I gave you links to the official data of the United States. Now I understand you prefer USA Today and leftwing media reports but since taxpayers pay funding based upon the official links I will stick to them and continue to make you look foolish.
You asked for links, I gave you links to the official data of the United States. Now I understand you prefer USA Today and leftwing media reports but since taxpayers pay funding based upon the official links I will stick to them and continue to make you look foolish.

Nice cop-out!!!
Deficit history - pay attention now!

View attachment 67241096

See that big bump on the graph around 2007/2008. That was the GW Bush deficit increase. See how that big bump went down, after 2010. That was after Obama cleaned up the GW Bush mess. See that negative deficit around 2000. That was the Clinton/Gore presidency. Note that the deficit is on a steep increase since 2016 - thank you Trump!
Now - repeat after me - Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending, Republicans raise deficit spending...

What exactly did Obama do to clean up the mess? And what else happened in 2010?
What exactly did Obama do to clean up the mess? And what else happened in 2010?

Great question, didn't expect an answer, did you? This group of liberals is great at placing blame but never good at accepting responsibility. Obama did such a great job that he took the 10.6 trillion dollar debt and converted it to a 20 trillion dollar debt. Focus is always going to be on Bush or any Republican to divert from the Democratic Failures and radicalism

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