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[W:1422] Federal Deficit Soars (1 Viewer)

More gibberish spoken with indignant outrage leading the author to declare he took the high road when in fact, his self-proclaimed label of conservative tells us all we need to know about his ability to understand economics and monetary policy. What exactly can any conservative tell us about economics 40 years after their particular brand of economics became orthodoxy? Nothing truthful or honest or even helpful. I am sure this poster considers his political leanings to be supportive of small government and fiscal responsibility. Anyone here live through Reagan as an adult? Were you paying attention or lapping up Reagan's updates to his 20 Mule Team Borax commercials from the 60's? The sad truth is that conservatives assume power preaching about their values and then immediately throw them out the window to benefit themselves and the top one per cent. You see to a conservative, anyone not in their tribe is to be blamed and scapegoated for the sake of new benefits and privileges to their tribe and the one per cent. This poster wants me to look at charts on the Treasury site as if they prove his point which so far has made no sense at all yet he persists. Why do you think this man is so consumed with passions about whatever it is that is driving him nuts? Likely because he watches right wing media or read a book by Mark Levin or thinks Mizes was a genius or has trotted out Hayek to impress himself like a modern day Charlie Tuna. Sorry buddy, if you are a conservative you should never be consulted on any economic matter, we have seen what conservatives do when in power and we are tired of cleaning up after your dog takes a dump on our lawns.

I respect your passion for this subject but marvel at your ignorance of the data, gibberish to you apparently is official Treasury data in context meaning showing the line items of the budget and the deficit by line item meaning debt service of over 520 billion dollars and mandatory entitlement spending increases are in the 2018 deficit which makes up most of it
I respect your passion for this subject but marvel at your ignorance of the data, gibberish to you apparently is official Treasury data in context meaning showing the line items of the budget and the deficit by line item meaning debt service of over 520 billion dollars and mandatory entitlement spending increases are in the 2018 deficit which makes up most of it

OK, the data says exactly as you claim. Now what? I fail to grasp your point. Are you mad because we have a sovereign debt crisis or because this year we are running huge deficits? Are you mad because our policy for decades includes taking care of seniors and the poor? Are you mad because your taxes are too high? What the hell is your point? I do hope you acknowledge that deficits are the direct result of economic factors such as massive unemployment, tax cuts and the refusal of conservatives to tax us for the things we as a nation demand. If you fail to accept this fact then you should reconsider exactly what it is that drives your personal economic philosophy. While you are thinking about this, remember that fiat money is made of thin air, it serves a purpose and that purpose is to keep the economy going well enough to prevent a collapse of any national identity. That is the point sir. If we want to keep the concept of America intact, we need to use every tool we can to keep revolution from destroying this young experiment. Do you want the debt to decrease? Tax us or use legislation to rid us of it. Do you want our yearly deficits to balance? Tax us or cut expenses. Take another look at the budget. Where will you find hundreds of billions of cuts to make your magical balance occur?

This is why it is folly to listen to conservatives about economics. They are ideologues with no interest in challenging their core belief system. Liberals on the other hand are open to persuasion. Give me a goal, give me some options and we will give it a shot. Conservatives though throw out options, they have one solution to everything, cut spending on people, cut taxes on the rich and somehow it all works out. I am too old to listen to them anymore, they are like Don Quixote looking for that windmill.
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OK, the data says exactly as you claim. Now what? I fail to grasp your point. Are you mad because we have a sovereign debt crisis or because this year we are running huge deficits? Are you mad because our policy for decades includes taking care of seniors and the poor? Are you mad because your taxes are too high? What the hell is your point? I do hope you acknowledge that deficits are the direct result of economic factors such as massive unemployment, tax cuts and the refusal of conservatives to tax us for the things we as a nation demand. If you fail to accept this fact then you should reconsider exactly what it is that drives your personal economic philosophy. While you are thinking about this, remember that fiat money is made of thin air, it serves a purpose and that purpose is to keep the economy going well enough to prevent a collapse of any national identity. That is the point sir. If we want to keep the concept of America intact, we need to use every tool we can to keep revolution from destroying this young experiment. Do you want the debt to decrease? Tax us or use legislation to rid us of it. Do you want our yearly deficits to balance? Tax us or cut expenses. Take another look at the budget. Where will you find hundreds of billions of cuts to make your magical balance occur?

This is why it is folly to listen to conservatives about economics. They are ideologues with no interest in challenging their core belief system. Liberals on the other hand are open to persuasion. Give me a goal, give me some options and we will give it a shot. Conservatives though throw out options, they have one solution to everything, cut spending on people, cut taxes on the rich and somehow it all works out. I am too old to listen to them anymore, they are like Don Quixote looking for that windmill.

That very liberal ideology obviously prevents you from recognizing what the 9.3 TRILLION dollar debt generated under Obama did to that debt service and want to blame it on tax cuts and Trump neither of which generated any deficit at all. Tax cuts have grown revenue not reduced it so how does growing revenue cause deficits?

Like most liberals you really have a very selective memory or no memory at all as there was total silence when Obama had four straight years of trillion dollar deficits but now with over 520 billion of this years deficits due to debt service and most of the rest due to entitlement mandatory increases very little was due to Trump as if the deficit truly bothers you at all. what should be of interest to you is the strong economic growth, 4 million new jobs created, and people keeping more of their money. Maybe that is the problem for you as you believe your welfare checks are going to be cut off because of tax cuts. Let me know the last time the govt. cut spending because of tax cuts?

If you want options please take a civics class and learn the true role of the federal govt. Return all social programs to the states along with the tax revenue to fund those programs vs. giving that money to the bureaucrats and let them spend it on what they want. You people always have a problem with someone else keeping more of what they earn including the rich so apparently all the problems facing this country can be solved by raising taxes on the rich. That is illogical and will never fund the liberal spending appetite. Class envy, jealousy aren't strong economic policies but that is all you have
Amazing how Gerrymandering never occurred with the Democrats in power and their control of the House for over 40 years. Guess that was ok then?

Thoroughly misguided as you are, I am NOT against gerrymandering because I vote Democrat. I am against gerrymandering because it is a fundamental manipulation of the popular-vote, which is unlawful in MOST OTHER DEMOCRACIES ON EARTH.

(I have learned here in this forum that Canada also employs it.)

There is no fundamental reason for justifying any attempt whatsoever to manipulate the popular-vote. Which is the fundamental essence of any True Democracy.

If both parties do it whilst in power, that is essentially wrong, wrong, wrong. (So, no, I am NOT partisan on this matter!)

And only a change of voting law will rectify the situation. It is astonishing the Supreme Court is dallying about definitively considering the question. Which only means they were waiting for Kavanagh to keep it.

So, once again, the Supremes will toe-the-line and do nothing to make America a True Democracy by putting down gerrymandering (or, for that matter, obliging the Electoral College to report only the results of the popular-vote in each state).

It will be disheartening to see what impossible arguments they will concoct to justify their decision ...
I really don't give a damn what you think about me but the data speaks for itself

But, dammit, the data does not in the least "speak for itself".

It speaks for the notion that since the mid-1970, the national debt has a life of its own traversing ALL PRESIDENCIES.

What it does not say is why? And when one looks at Discretionary Spending, the answer is staring us in the face. See here!

Half of the Discretionary Budget is spent by the DoD, which most certainly does not pay of itself!

That money could be far better used to provide Americans with some BONAFIDE DISCRETIONARY SPENDING in the form of a National Healthcare System that does not cost "an arm and a leg" (pun intended!). As well as funding free Post-secondary Education that Hillary in fact promised before being stolen of the presidency by a manipulative Electoral College ... !
Thoroughly misguided as you are, I am NOT against gerrymandering because I vote Democrat. I am against gerrymandering because it is a fundamental manipulation of the popular-vote, which is unlawful in MOST OTHER DEMOCRACIES ON EARTH.

(I have learned here in this forum that Canada also employs it.)

There is no fundamental reason for justifying any attempt whatsoever to manipulate the popular-vote. Which is the fundamental essence of any True Democracy.

If both parties do it whilst in power, that is essentially wrong, wrong, wrong. (So, no, I am NOT partisan on this matter!)

And only a change of voting law will rectify the situation. It is astonishing the Supreme Court is dallying about definitively considering the question. Which only means they were waiting for Kavanagh to keep it.

So, once again, the Supremes will toe-the-line and do nothing to make America a True Democracy by putting down gerrymandering (or, for that matter, obliging the Electoral College to report only the results of the popular-vote in each state).

It will be disheartening to see what impossible arguments they will concoct to justify their decision ...

So in your world all people are robots, vote for the same party over and over again, never the issues. Bet I have voted for more Democrats than you have Republican? My point stands, seems it isn't an issue or wasn't an issue when Democrats did it for 40 years but now all of a sudden it is. Where was your outrage then? Further you apparently have spent way too much time listening to the radical left and because most radicals today are robots, issues don't matter and you judge everyone else by your own standards.

Our Founders knew exactly what they were doing knowing that large urban areas had to be controlled and all power belongs back to the people thus the Electoral College. California, the worst state in the country for poverty, homelessness, quality of life, fiscal responsibility, ignoring immigration laws, and among the highest in income equality and cost of living would have elected Hillary. That cannot be allowed to happen. Hillary won California by over 4 million votes and total by over 2 million. Reality sucks doesn't it?
But, dammit, the data does not in the least "speak for itself".

It speaks for the notion that since the mid-1970, the national debt has a life of its own traversing ALL PRESIDENCIES.

What it does not say is why? And when one looks at Discretionary Spending, the answer is staring us in the face. See here!

Half of the Discretionary Budget is spent by the DoD, which most certainly does not pay of itself!

That money could be far better used to provide Americans with some BONAFIDE DISCRETIONARY SPENDING in the form of a National Healthcare System that does not cost "an arm and a leg" (pun intended!). As well as funding free Post-secondary Education that Hillary in fact promised before being stolen of the presidency by a manipulative Electoral College ... !

Right now 20% of the total budget is defense spending and sorry that your freedom and safety aren't of concern to you. the entitlement mentality of the left has created the massive debt we have today. I suggest you learn what taxes you pay and their purpose. This country was built on personal responsibilities and individual wealth creation, not NATIONAL HEALTH CARE as that is a program for the states not the federal bureaucrats. funding of education is a state responsibility but again you have no understanding of the U.S. budget or the individual state or local budgets thus no idea what taxes you pay or their purpose. The left has done a number on people like you

Keep whining about how Hillary had the Presidency stolen from her and keep ignoring the economic results being generated today. Eventually you will grow out of this leftwing ideology of yours and realize the true role of the Federal govt...………….maybe!
Hillary in fact promised before being stolen of the presidency by a manipulative Electoral College ...

Yep, Hillary had the office stolen from her and none of these issued played a role

I'm Still Trying To Figure Out How I Lost The Election

Was it the Russian Uranium Deal?

Was it Wikileaks?

Was it Podesta?

Was it Comey?

Was it having a sexual predator as a husband?

Was it Huma Abedinï’s sexual predator husband Anthony Weiner?

Was it because the Clinton Foundation ripped off Haiti?

Was it subpoena violations?

Was it the congressional testimony lies?

Was it the corrupt Clinton Foundation?

Was it the Benghazi fiasco?

Was it pay for play?

Was it being recorded laughing because I got a child rapist off when I was an attorney?

Was it the Travel Gate scandal?

Was it the Whitewater scandal?

Was it the Cattle Gate scandal?

Was it the Trooper-Gate scandal?


Was it the $15 million for Chelsea’s apartment bought with foundation money?

Or my husband’s interference with Loretta Lynch & the investigation?

Or happily accepting the stolen debate questions given to me?

Or my own secret server in our house and disdain for classified information?

Or deleting 30,000 emails?

Or having cell phones destroyed with hammers?

Was it the Seth Rich murder?

Was it the Vince Foster murder?

Was it the Gennifer Flowers assault & settlement?

Was it the $850,000 Paula Jones settlement?

Was it calling half the United States "deplorable"?

Was it calling them "irredeemable"?

Was it the underhanded treatment of Bernie Sanders?

Was it Bill’s impeachment?

Was it the lie about being under sniper fire in Bosnia?

Was it the $10 million I got for the pardon of Marc Rich?

Or the $6 BILLION I “lost” when in charge of the State Dept.?

Or because I am a hateful, lying, power-hungry, overly ambitious, greedy, nasty person?

Gee, I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.
Keep whining about how Hillary had the Presidency stolen from her and keep ignoring the economic results being generated today. Eventually you will grow out of this leftwing ideology of yours and realize the true role of the Federal govt...………….maybe!


A candidate for the presidency wins the popular-vote but is not made PotUS? You call that a "democracy"?

What planet do you live on ... ?

A candidate for the presidency wins the popular-vote but is not made PotUS? You call that a "democracy"?

What planet do you live on ... ?

If you ever took a civics class you would know that the popular vote doesn't elect the President and obviously you pay zero attention to anything that is contrary to what you want to believe
Right now 20% of the total budget is defense spending

You are making a BIG MISTAKE.

That is, confounding both Discretionary and non-Discretionary Budgets. The former is the will of the people as proposed by the Executive body and Approved by Congress. The latter are budgetary dictates related for the most part to payment of the National Debt.

Thus, only the Discretionary Budget is acceptable when addressing the matter of political will and judgement.

And, ours has been preponderantly heavily affected by the DoD-expenditures (nearlyhalf the total Discretionary Budget) for reasons that are not justifiable given other Key National Priorities.

Which are:
-A National Healthcare System that does not cost "an arm and a leg" (pun intended) for a life-span that is considerably less than other developed countries with an NHS. (See here.)
-The fact that we are exiting the Industrial Age and entering the Information Age necessitates a far higher level of educational achievement - namely a post-secondary degree (vocational, associate, bachelor, master and doctorate degree levels). All of which should be free, gratis and for nothing to assure a decent standard-of-living for the greater part of the population.

So in your world all people are robots, vote for the same party over and over again, never the issues. Bet I have voted for more Democrats than you have Republican? My point stands, seems it isn't an issue or wasn't an issue when Democrats did it for 40 years but now all of a sudden it is. Where was your outrage then? Further you apparently have spent way too much time listening to the radical left and because most radicals today are robots, issues don't matter and you judge everyone else by your own standards.

Blah, blah, blah. You're historical perspective has been warped. The US, like any other democracy, has its ups-and-downs in terms of political thinking and who gets elected to run the country. That is, in fact, a key aspect of a functional democracy. That governments change according to the voting will-of-the-people. But, that "voting-will" changes (both evolving and regressing) over time and we rarely know or understand when, how and why.

Ideologies do not change, however. The Left and the Right remain ideological opposites - the former wanting high-taxation to reduce Income Disparity and the Right wanting to manipulate governance such that Upper-income Taxation permits the accumulation of unearned/undeserved riches by a select minority. (As is the trend shown here since Reckless Ronnie reduced drastically Upper-Income Taxation in the 1980s.)

But rightists like you are hooked on nostalgia. Our founders died a long, long, time ago in a world that has nothing to do with that of today. Just when are you, like so many other Replicants, going to understand that our lives change every day in every way and that historical "peg" on which you hang your ideological thinking is way, way out-of-date?

Our Founders knew exactly what they were doing knowing that large urban areas had to be controlled and all power belongs back to the people thus the Electoral College. California, the worst state in the country for poverty, homelessness, quality of life, fiscal responsibility, ignoring immigration laws, and among the highest in income equality and cost of living would have elected Hillary. That cannot be allowed to happen. Hillary won California by over 4 million votes and total by over 2 million. Reality sucks doesn't it?

Undiluted Bullshat, that bit in red above. They knew nothing of the kind. What happened historically in terms of the election of an Executive (PotUS) was the consequence of country divided in two - North and South. Most migrants where coming into the North from Europe. The South, in order to produce cotton (that and tobacco being its major sources of income), imported slaves from Africa. The North wanted to end slavery, the South knew it could not survive in the Agricultural Age without it. So the vote for PotUS was manipulated by means of the Electoral College!

Your descent into useless rhetoric for the purpose of defending Replicant values impresses no one. Which is why I call you-plural "Replicants" - you repeat wrotely an ideology that was born in the Agricultural Age and has long since changed as we progressed into subsequent age-changes (first Industrial and now Informational);

And that above I say understanding that we need absolutely both Right and Left factions to govern us in a manner that is historically in the Center. Because if history teaches anything, it is the colossal failure to remain Centrist that creates Global Wars ... !!!
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Blah, blah, blah. You're historical perspective has been warped. The US, like any other democracy, has its ups-and-downs in terms of political thinking and who gets elected to run the country. That is, in fact, a key aspect of a functional democracy. That governments change according to the voting will-of-the-people. But, that "voting-will" changes (both evolving and regressing) over time and we rarely know or understand when, how and why.

Ideologies do not change, however. The Left and the Right remain ideological opposites - the former wanting high-taxation to reduce Income Disparity and the Right wanting to manipulate governance such that Upper-income Taxation permits the accumulation of unearned/undeserved riches by a select minority. (As is the trend shown here since Reckless Ronnie reduced drastically Upper-Income Taxation in the 1980s.)

But rightists like you are hooked on nostalgia. Our founders died a long, long, time ago in a world that has nothing to do with that of today. Just when are you, like so many other Replicants, going to understand that our lives change every day in every way and that historical "peg" on which you hang your ideological thinking is way, way out-of-date?

Undiluted Bullshat, that bit in red above. They knew nothing of the kind. What happened historically in terms of the election of an Executive (PotUS) was the consequence of country divided in two - North and South. Most migrants where coming into the North from Europe. The South, in order to produce cotton (that and tobacco being its major sources of income), imported slaves from Africa. The North wanted to end slavery, the South knew it could not survive in the Agricultural Age without it. So the vote for PotUS was manipulated by means of the Electoral College!

Your descent into useless rhetoric for the purpose of defending Replicant values impresses no one. Which is why I call you-plural "Replicants" - you repeat wrotely an ideology that was born in the Agricultural Age and has long since changed as we progressed into subsequent age-changes (first Industrial and now Informational) ...

^^^^ this^^^^ :applaud
If you ever took a civics class you would know that the popular vote doesn't elect the President and obviously you pay zero attention to anything that is contrary to what you want to believe

And what you do not understand is Why is the US the only developed country on earth to select its Head of State in such a manner?

Because since 1786 (and the birth of the American Constitution and then 1812 with the maniac Amendment 12) it was patently obvious that a political group was trying to obtain undeserved voting preference by means of voting-boundary manipulation (gerrymandering) and the Electoral College that DOES NOT REPORT in many states the outcome of the popular-vote.

And some dolts think that this manipulation of the popular-vote outcome is "perfectly normal because it's the law".

Who gives a damn if "it's the law" if the law is UNFAIR AND THEREFORE UNDEMOCRATIC? It's bad law!

Changing the effing law that institutes voting unfairness thus become the sole correct option. Or is that some people (like you) think that a mistake made more than two centuries ago MUST NOT BE ALTERED because "afterall it is part 'n parcel our National Heritage". Or, even more unacceptable, "The law is the law and must not be changed!" (Wow, what intellectual assinity!)

Countries make such mistakes all the time. It's time to correct ours from two heinous mistakes (The EC and Gerrymandering) that have been around warping elections (state and national) for far, far too long.

Or, to put it simply: It just aint right .... (small "r"!)
If you ever took a civics class you would know that the popular vote doesn't elect the President and obviously you pay zero attention to anything that is contrary to what you want to believe

Duhhhhhhhh ...
You are making a BIG MISTAKE.

That is, confounding both Discretionary and non-Discretionary Budgets. The former is the will of the people as proposed by the Executive body and Approved by Congress. The latter are budgetary dictates related for the most part to payment of the National Debt.

Thus, only the Discretionary Budget is acceptable when addressing the matter of political will and judgement.

And, ours has been preponderantly heavily affected by the DoD-expenditures (nearlyhalf the total Discretionary Budget) for reasons that are not justifiable given other Key National Priorities.

Which are:
-A National Healthcare System that does not cost "an arm and a leg" (pun intended) for a life-span that is considerably less than other developed countries with an NHS. (See here.)
-The fact that we are exiting the Industrial Age and entering the Information Age necessitates a far higher level of educational achievement - namely a post-secondary degree (vocational, associate, bachelor, master and doctorate degree levels). All of which should be free, gratis and for nothing to assure a decent standard-of-living for the greater part of the population.

Debt service is not the will of the people and constitutes over 520 billion of this years budget and most of the deficit. Discretionary and Mandatory expenses make up the total expenses and along with Inter Government Holdings(SS and Medicare) create the deficit for the fiscal year. This thread is about the deficit and the left wants to blame Trump for that deficit while totally ignoring the 4 straight years of Obama deficits over a trillion dollars and how all those Obama deficits added up to the 9.3 trillion in debt.

Blah, blah, blah. You're historical perspective has been warped. The US, like any other democracy, has its ups-and-downs in terms of political thinking and who gets elected to run the country. That is, in fact, a key aspect of a functional democracy. That governments change according to the voting will-of-the-people. But, that "voting-will" changes (both evolving and regressing) over time and we rarely know or understand when, how and why.

Ideologies do not change, however. The Left and the Right remain ideological opposites - the former wanting high-taxation to reduce Income Disparity and the Right wanting to manipulate governance such that Upper-income Taxation permits the accumulation of unearned/undeserved riches by a select minority. (As is the trend shown here since Reckless Ronnie reduced drastically Upper-Income Taxation in the 1980s.)

But rightists like you are hooked on nostalgia. Our founders died a long, long, time ago in a world that has nothing to do with that of today. Just when are you, like so many other Replicants, going to understand that our lives change every day in every way and that historical "peg" on which you hang your ideological thinking is way, way out-of-date?

Undiluted Bullshat, that bit in red above. They knew nothing of the kind. What happened historically in terms of the election of an Executive (PotUS) was the consequence of country divided in two - North and South. Most migrants where coming into the North from Europe. The South, in order to produce cotton (that and tobacco being its major sources of income), imported slaves from Africa. The North wanted to end slavery, the South knew it could not survive in the Agricultural Age without it. So the vote for PotUS was manipulated by means of the Electoral College!

Your descent into useless rhetoric for the purpose of defending Replicant values impresses no one. Which is why I call you-plural "Replicants" - you repeat wrotely an ideology that was born in the Agricultural Age and has long since changed as we progressed into subsequent age-changes (first Industrial and now Informational);

And that above I say understanding that we need absolutely both Right and Left factions to govern us in a manner that is historically in the Center. Because if history teaches anything, it is the colossal failure to remain Centrist that creates Global Wars ... !!!

The former wanting higher taxes has absolutely nothing to do with income disparity as giving more to the bureaucrats has no affect on income disparity as gross income isn't affected and taking more out of the pockets of the taxpayers doesn't increase the net income of the poor.

Logic and common sense aren't traits you apparently you have. Please take a civics class to understand the true role of the federal govt. and the line items in the budget. You are very naïve and very poorly informed. ILLIGAL immigration is a violation of U.S. Laws and all you claim about the rich and Republicans is being ignored in the bluest state of them all, CALIFORNIA
And what you do not understand is Why is the US the only developed country on earth to select its Head of State in such a manner?

Because since 1786 (and the birth of the American Constitution and then 1812 with the maniac Amendment 12) it was patently obvious that a political group was trying to obtain undeserved voting preference by means of voting-boundary manipulation (gerrymandering) and the Electoral College that DOES NOT REPORT in many states the outcome of the popular-vote.

And some dolts think that this manipulation of the popular-vote outcome is "perfectly normal because it's the law".

Who gives a damn if "it's the law" if the law is UNFAIR AND THEREFORE UNDEMOCRATIC? It's bad law!

Changing the effing law that institutes voting unfairness thus become the sole correct option. Or is that some people (like you) think that a mistake made more than two centuries ago MUST NOT BE ALTERED because "afterall it is part 'n parcel our National Heritage". Or, even more unacceptable, "The law is the law and must not be changed!" (Wow, what intellectual assinity!)

Countries make such mistakes all the time. It's time to correct ours from two heinous mistakes (The EC and Gerrymandering) that have been around warping elections (state and national) for far, far too long.

Or, to put it simply: It just aint right .... (small "r"!)

Aw, a true globalists someone who wants to impost French and European values on this country. What is right in this country is no business or concern of yours. You have enough problems in your country that need to be solved before worrying about ours. The strongest most powerful country on the face of the earth was created by Founders who understood the problems with a massive central govt. and power controlled by the top. Your country is a mess fiscally and even appears to have a leadership problem. How is your President doing these days? Maybe accepting a few more illegals will help solve your social problems

And what you do not understand is Why is the US the only developed country on earth to select its Head of State in such a manner?

Because since 1786 (and the birth of the American Constitution and then 1812 with the maniac Amendment 12) it was patently obvious that a political group was trying to obtain undeserved voting preference by means of voting-boundary manipulation (gerrymandering) and the Electoral College that DOES NOT REPORT in many states the outcome of the popular-vote.

And some dolts think that this manipulation of the popular-vote outcome is "perfectly normal because it's the law".

Who gives a damn if "it's the law" if the law is UNFAIR AND THEREFORE UNDEMOCRATIC? It's bad law!

Changing the effing law that institutes voting unfairness thus become the sole correct option. Or is that some people (like you) think that a mistake made more than two centuries ago MUST NOT BE ALTERED because "afterall it is part 'n parcel our National Heritage". Or, even more unacceptable, "The law is the law and must not be changed!" (Wow, what intellectual assinity!)

Countries make such mistakes all the time. It's time to correct ours from two heinous mistakes (The EC and Gerrymandering) that have been around warping elections (state and national) for far, far too long.

Or, to put it simply: It just aint right .... (small "r"!)

Looks a lot like California, what people like you would love to see in this country

Aw, a true globalists someone who wants to impost French and European values on this country. What is right in this country is no business or concern of yours.

Oh, but it is. I'm a Yank living in France.

And we are estimated to be between 5 and 9 million around the world to have cut the umbilical cord with Uncle Sam.

Try it, you might like it. Anyway, it's a LOT more fun than knee-jerking at the altar of unbridled Replicant Capitalism ...

My healthcare insurance costs me $200 a month and is totally free, whether I work or not. My kids went to University and it cost $1500 plus room-'n-board.

And yes I pay much higher taxation than you. But, what the hell, it's worth it because my lifespan in France is 4-years longer than yours in the US ...
This thread is about the deficit and the left wants to blame Trump for that deficit while totally ignoring the 4 straight years of Obama deficits over a trillion dollars and how all those Obama deficits added up to the 9.3 trillion in debt.

Right, it's all Obama's fault:
*Because he wasn't handed as a gift from the departing Replicant PotUS an unemployment rate scampering up to 10% in 2008. See that here.
*Then he and a Democrat Congress passed ARRA - a spending bill that spiked the unemployment rate 10% from which it made a quick descent.
*But not quick enough so a year later, Obama asked for more spending.
*But nope, the Replicants had taken control of the HofR, because the 47% of American who went to the mid-terms thought that Obama wasn't quick-enough in bringing down the unemployment-rate. (Yes! Dumber than that is difficult to get, and we are not taught sufficiently well the history of the Great Recession that lasted a decade through the 1930s!)
*So, without the spending that HofR Replicants REFUSED TO GIVE OBAMA, the Unemployment Rate took its own sweet time to lower. It looked like this (from here):

*The evidently thought that with a high-rate, they'd dump him in 2012 by electing a Replicant PotUS. But, it didn't happen that way did it.
*So, without additional spending that the Replicants continually refused, the Unemployment-to-population Stagnated for FOUR EFFING-LONG YEARS and looked like this:
*Yes! Replicant calcitrations froze the Ratio at 58.5% for FOUR L_O_N_N_N_G years when no new jobs were created!
*THAT is how the Replicants thanked Americans for winning the 2010 midterm elections!
*Finally, all by itself and without any Stimulus Spending Americans finally got sick-'n-tired of not spending and started spending again in 2014

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