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Victor Davis Hanson gets Donald Trump (1 Viewer)


Photo of me taken in the Army 1963
DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
Political Leaning
We have among us some true intellects who actually get Donald Trump.

Case study here in how stupid Democrats are.

The OP should give us the highlights so we don't have to watch an HOUR LONG VIDEO!!!
We have among us some true intellects who actually get Donald Trump.

Case study here in how stupid Democrats are.

He says, despite insisting that a disease has killed nearly 200,000 people is a Democrat's hoax.

Trump is correct. This disease is the Democrats new hoax.

As moronic as it is ugly as it is dishonest. At any rate, even if your posts had a smidgeon of credibility I wouldn't watch an hour long instruction video on how to lick Trump's ass clean . . .
He says, despite insisting that a disease has killed nearly 200,000 people is a Democrat's hoax.

As moronic as it is ugly as it is dishonest. At any rate, even if your posts had a smidgeon of credibility I wouldn't watch an hour long instruction video on how to lick Trump's ass clean . . .

The OP should give us the highlights so we don't have to watch an HOUR LONG VIDEO!!!

The OP can't because the OP is incapable of formulating an original thought on their own.
He says, despite insisting that a disease has killed nearly 200,000 people is a Democrat's hoax.

As moronic as it is ugly as it is dishonest. At any rate, even if your posts had a smidgeon of credibility I wouldn't watch an hour long instruction video on how to lick Trump's ass clean . . .

All the democrats sell is doom!
Covid is going to kill us all!
Global change is going to put the nation under water and you will die on January 21st if Trump is elected.
We have to end the use of all fossil fuels or we are all going to die.
“They are going to put you all back in chains”... and you will die.
Russia, not China is going to get us, and you will die.
If you don’t vote for me BLM is going to be running wild on your streets and you will die.
And if Biden gets 25th amendmented, you get “Corn Pop” Harris.... and you will die for sure!
Holy Chitlins’! Vote for Biden and I will grant you eternal life!
All the democrats sell is doom!
Covid is going to kill us all!
Global change is going to put the nation under water and you will die on January 21st if Trump is elected.
We have to end the use of all fossil fuels or we are all going to die.
“They are going to put you all back in chains”... and you will die.
Russia, not China is going to get us, and you will die.
If you don’t vote for me BLM is going to be running wild on your streets and you will die.
And if Biden gets 25th amendmented, you get “Corn Pop” Harris.... and you will die for sure!
Holy Chitlins’! Vote for Biden and I will grant you eternal life!

Trump is telling us Cory Booker is coming to murder house wives in New Jersey.
He says, despite insisting that a disease has killed nearly 200,000 people is a Democrat's hoax.

As moronic as it is ugly as it is dishonest. At any rate, even if your posts had a smidgeon of credibility I wouldn't watch an hour long instruction video on how to lick Trump's ass clean . . .

Since you engage in mindless insults, what you remind me of is the communist east Germans when I was stationed by our Army in Germany in the early 1960s.
All the democrats sell is doom!
Covid is going to kill us all!
Global change is going to put the nation under water and you will die on January 21st if Trump is elected.
We have to end the use of all fossil fuels or we are all going to die.
“They are going to put you all back in chains”... and you will die.
Russia, not China is going to get us, and you will die.
If you don’t vote for me BLM is going to be running wild on your streets and you will die.
And if Biden gets 25th amendmented, you get “Corn Pop” Harris.... and you will die for sure!
Holy Chitlins’! Vote for Biden and I will grant you eternal life!

Oh, but liberals are going to turn you into communists and force you to have homosexual sex is just soooo credible.:lamo
All the democrats sell is doom!
Covid is going to kill us all!
Global change is going to put the nation under water and you will die on January 21st if Trump is elected.
We have to end the use of all fossil fuels or we are all going to die.
“They are going to put you all back in chains”... and you will die.
Russia, not China is going to get us, and you will die.
If you don’t vote for me BLM is going to be running wild on your streets and you will die.
And if Biden gets 25th amendmented, you get “Corn Pop” Harris.... and you will die for sure!
Holy Chitlins’! Vote for Biden and I will grant you eternal life!

Yeah, "Hiden Biden is our hero. :lamo
The OP should give us the highlights so we don't have to watch an HOUR LONG VIDEO!!!

Watch how fast one of your type drops a hour long video. Education takes effort. Make the effort.
Watch how fast one of your type drops a hour long video. Education takes effort. Make the effort.

I suspect it's more indoctrination than education.

You're being spoon fed propaganda 'like no one's ever seen before.'

Since you claimed to have watched the video...what did he say that made you so giddy? Either give us some examples....or stop wasting our time with your stupid propaganda BS.
We have among us some true intellects who actually get Donald Trump.

Case study here in how stupid Democrats are.

When he says at 28:57 that its going to be a mail in ballot versus an absentee ballot, did you shake your head and wonder what the difference was between these two? What is a "normal absentee vote"?
Watch how fast one of your type drops a hour long video. Education takes effort. Make the effort.

Its the same set of tropes he has been publishing for the last few months, wanting to compare 2020 to the '16 election (skips over '18), Joe's slow, Orangey has domestic policy of Lincoln (bet you love that) BLM bad (but as always avoids discussing cause).

What was weird was his SC packing and Elec-College "ideas"

But I have to repeat the same point othesr have, you are supposed to put down in the OP your own original comments about such a long and winding attachment, per rule #17.
Let's all get a good look at the statement you claim Trump made.

How about the one where the orange lipstick-smeared weirdo you call a president nasally shrieks about Biden hurting god?

Remember that? When Donald Trump said the almighty will be hurt by Joe Biden...because he didn’t want to panic you.
We have among us some true intellects who actually get Donald Trump.

Case study here in how stupid Democrats are.

Love him and Scott Adams. They cut through the b.s. and are prescient when it comes to understanding the deviance of the Left.
Trump supporter seen and heard supporting Trump...we should watch this...why?

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