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Veteran MSNBC Journalist Blasts Network Where It Hurts (1 Viewer)

Msnbc is the left wing Fox.

Who doesn't know that?
"Of course [Trump] is an ignorant and incompetent impostor. " - William Arkin

We seriously agree.
"Of course [Trump] is an ignorant and incompetent impostor. " - William Arkin

We seriously agree.

Everything else flows from this (bolded!)
Every one of the talking head, Cable News Networks is a different version of the same problem. There is little to no news from the Cable News Networks. They rely on the few remaining newspapers with decent National News Departments for News and then they spend all day opining on it. Whatever they think will get them ratings is what they will do. Its not news....Its blather. Very hard to find actual reporting any longer.

Beyond that, 9/11 was the best thing that ever happened to the Military/Industrial complex. In some ways this should have been expected. We had not been attacked on our turf by a foreign state or non-state adversary for close to 200 years save Japan in WW2. No Communist EVER EVER managed to kill 3,000 Americans on our soil taking down two giant symbols of American Strength and prosperity in the process.......E.....V.....E.....R.

That does not relieve us of the responsibility to make rational as opposed to rash judgements one way or the other. 2,200 troopers in Syria with their defined mission makes sense. 14,000 troopers in Afghanistan with a mission that nobody has been willing to define for the American people at the point where Trump authorized raising the troop levels from 9,000 to 14,000 makes no sense, at least not to me.

There is some "but not much" rational for defining a very similar mission for US troopers in Afghanistan which would immediately mean drawing down from the 14,000 troop level. But since they (meaning Trump and Mattis) decided between them not to identify why those 5,000 troopers were added and in fact dodged direct questions about the defined mission after 17 years, I am actually at a loss.

I do think the complaints about MSNBC or any of the Cable News Networks is less about News or even Politics than it is about ratings. Why do we not apply the same logic to Cable News that we apply to most anything in this country. "FOLLOW THE MONEY" will almost always take you closer to the truth than doing anything else in the good ole' USA.
Including unjustified complacency where the FBI and CIA are concerned - the point of the article.

You're just pushing propaganda. Are you here to make a concise, easily debated (in terms of breadth) claim?
Or did you just post Glenn's propaganda piece, based on William's email to MSNBC (bye cruel world)? Ooh, ooh, I know the answer!

Your post is worse than MSNBC, it's a thoughtless regurgitation of someone writing an opinion about someone else's opinion, with no clear debate topic spelled out by you personally.

The fact is, MSNBC is reporting on matters of national security, counterintelligence, the FBI, etc., because the president of the UNited States appeared to trigger the FBI and counter-intelligence tripwires, and put himself almost deliberately, into the cross-hairs of the biggest ongoing federal investigation of a sitting president in history.

That they get experts from those fields, is EXACTLY what they should do.

Have you watched the guests Glenn rambles on about? Chuck Rosenberg? He's beloved because he's measured, knows his stuff and is an expert on the matters.
It's *common* for the host to be whipped up into a frenzy about how damning certain evidence is against Trump, and the career prosecutor types of which Chuck is just one (the best), the career prosecutors wind it DOWN. They say you have to be careful because if we don't know, we don't know. That investigators have to be cautious, and thorough. That Mueller knows more than we do, and that most of what we'd do beyond what we're told, is guess-work.

And the coup de grace, he's bitching IN A VACUUM.
If he had a clue, he'd compare and contrast the gust/experts on MSNBC's top shows, vs those of Fox (Hannity and Tucker), and even CNN.
Uh oh, the second you do that, Fox looks like an extension of the White House, and MSNBC looks like the fair and impartial adults in the room.
You're just pushing propaganda. Are you here to make a concise, easily debated (in terms of breadth) claim?
Or did you just post Glenn's propaganda piece, based on William's email to MSNBC (bye cruel world)? Ooh, ooh, I know the answer!

Your post is worse than MSNBC, it's a thoughtless regurgitation of someone writing an opinion about someone else's opinion, with no clear debate topic spelled out by you personally.

The fact is, MSNBC is reporting on matters of national security, counterintelligence, the FBI, etc., because the president of the UNited States appeared to trigger the FBI and counter-intelligence tripwires, and put himself almost deliberately, into the cross-hairs of the biggest ongoing federal investigation of a sitting president in history.

That they get experts from those fields, is EXACTLY what they should do.

Have you watched the guests Glenn rambles on about? Chuck Rosenberg? He's beloved because he's measured, knows his stuff and is an expert on the matters.
It's *common* for the host to be whipped up into a frenzy about how damning certain evidence is against Trump, and the career prosecutor types of which Chuck is just one (the best), the career prosecutors wind it DOWN. They say you have to be careful because if we don't know, we don't know. That investigators have to be cautious, and thorough. That Mueller knows more than we do, and that most of what we'd do beyond what we're told, is guess-work.

And the coup de grace, he's bitching IN A VACUUM.
If he had a clue, he'd compare and contrast the gust/experts on MSNBC's top shows, vs those of Fox (Hannity and Tucker), and even CNN.
Uh oh, the second you do that, Fox looks like an extension of the White House, and MSNBC looks like the fair and impartial adults in the room.

The opinion in question is Arkin’s, not Glenn’s, and it is laid out clearly enough. His opinion that MSNBC has developed a reflex antagonism for Trump is the debate topic along with his opinion that that antagonism has led the network to embrace Trump’s national security type critics, people the network viewed skeptically in the past. I like your answer, as far as it goes. I put up the link because it seems to me a serious criticism. It interests me in part because I have my own reflex antagonism to Trump.
The opinion in question is Arkin’s, not Glenn’s, and it is laid out clearly enough. His opinion that MSNBC has developed a reflex antagonism for Trump is the debate topic along with his opinion that that antagonism has led the network to embrace Trump’s national security type critics, people the network viewed skeptically in the past. I like your answer, as far as it goes. I put up the link because it seems to me a serious criticism. It interests me in part because I have my own reflex antagonism to Trump.
I get your handle confused with another, so I was probably overly critical towards your post, my apologies.
IMHO, it is a good discussion to have, I just have trouble debating a link about someone else's words, if you know what I mean. If you wrote the above, I think I wouldn't have been triggered, for what it's worth. Glenn is unecessary in that context.
I think Arkin is grand standing a bit, it happens in goodbye cruel world type communications. It's thoroughly one-sided.

I don't really get the distrust of career FBI, CIA, and prosecutor professionals who are experts on the subject matter, being the wrong ones to invite on as guests.
I flip between networks during the times I watch news for any extended period, and I'm embarrassed by Fox news. Occasionally I'm also embarrassed for other networks, but it's a sure thing with Fox, and it's purely partisan. Literally working directly with POTUS. Madness.

Why do we have these career officials in our department of justice working for us, if we distrust them so thoroughly and deeply? I don't get that sentiment. Why are career DOJ officials the enemy of the press? And if Trump is the enemy of everyone, why would enemy of my enemy not be an ally? He can't debate it, so we'll never know.

I do sympathize with Arkin's confusion in general. There is no precedent for having such a terrifying security risk like Trump, so deeply flawed in so many ways, including what appears to be criminal ways and being a Putin mouthpiece, as POTUS. That various checks on government may not get it perfectly right in his mind, is understandable IMO.

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