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Very Intelligent Remarks by Hillary Clinton (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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Actually, this was a well balanced and intelligent statement by Senator Hillary Clinton:

Clinton: Immediate Iraq Exit a Mistake By JIM FITZGERALD, Associated Press Writer
Mon Nov 21, 4:44 PM ET

RYE BROOK, N.Y. - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday that an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq would be "a big mistake."

The New York Democrat said she respects Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., the Vietnam veteran and hawkish ex-Marine who last week called for an immediate troop pullout. But she added: "I think that would cause more problems for us in America."

"It will matter to us if Iraq totally collapses into civil war, if it becomes a failed state the way Afghanistan was, where terrorists are free to basically set up camp and launch attacks against us," she said.

At the same time, Clinton said the Bush administration's pledge to stay in Iraq "until the job is done" amounts to giving the Iraqis "an open-ended invitation not to take care of themselves."

I wonder if her butt is chaffing from riding that fence.
akyron said:
I wonder if her butt is chaffing from riding that fence.

I thought she was spot on with her remarks.
No doubt she's intelligent. If I were gunning for the DNC nomination for president in 08, I'd leaning toward the center too.
The Real McCoy said:
No doubt she's intelligent. If I were gunning for the DNC nomination for president in 08, I'd leaning toward the center too.

If she got the Democratic Party nomination for the 08 election, would you be willing to give her a fair shake and listen to what her plan for America would be?
TimmyBoy said:
If she got the Democratic Party nomination for the 08 election, would you be willing to give her a fair shake and listen to what her plan for America would be?

No because she's Hillary Clinton.
The Real McCoy said:
No because she's Hillary Clinton.

Gee, Hillary could come up with the cure for AIDS, but simply because she's Hillary, alot of folks with AIDS would be SOL.
akyron said:
I wonder if her butt is chaffing from riding that fence.

Hillary riding the fence?? Naw. Never.
TimmyBoy said:
Gee, Hillary could come up with the cure for AIDS, but simply because she's Hillary, alot of folks with AIDS would be SOL.

I don't see that happening...
TimmyBoy said:
If she got the Democratic Party nomination for the 08 election, would you be willing to give her a fair shake and listen to what her plan for America would be?

It would be hard, but I'd listen. Only way . . .the ONLY way she would get consideration from me is if she's facing McCain. In that race she would would have a 45% chance of getting my vote.

Man, I hope our team doesn't throw McCain in the ring.
The Real McCoy said:
I don't see that happening...

Her husband did a shitty job when it came to foreign policy. But when it came to being a crook, a cheat and a liar, he was like any other President. However, I still think it is important to vote and because I think it is still important to vote, I believe in giving every candidate a fair hearing and a fair shake.
FireUltra 98 said:
It would be hard, but I'd listen. Only way . . .the ONLY way she would get consideration from me is if she's facing McCain. In that race she would would have a 45% chance of getting my vote.

Man, I hope our team doesn't throw McCain in the ring.

I share alot of McCain's values. I would like to see a debate between Hillary and McCain. I like for a candidate to earn my vote.
TimmyBoy said:
Her husband did a shitty job when it came to foreign policy. But when it came to being a crook, a cheat and a liar, he was like any other President. However, I still think it is important to vote and because I think it is still important to vote, I believe in giving every candidate a fair hearing and a fair shake.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are two different people. And I have given her a fair hearing & I've heard enough. The only way I'd vote for her is if Pat Robertson ran against her.
TimmyBoy said:
I share alot of McCain's values. I would like to see a debate between Hillary and McCain. I like for a candidate to earn my vote.

I like McCain too.
The only intelligent remark Hillary could make is 5 words..I am divorcing "Slick Willie."
Navy Pride said:
The only intelligent remark Hillary could make is 5 words..I am divorcing "Slick Willie."

Heh that's pretty funny. It's nice to have humor on the forum.
The Real McCoy said:
Hillary and Bill Clinton are two different people. And I have given her a fair hearing & I've heard enough. The only way I'd vote for her is if Pat Robertson ran against her.

I was curious, did anybody ever call you "Bones?"
The Real McCoy said:
What? You lost me..

You know, Dr. McCoy from the orginal TV series Star Trek back in the day. His nick name was "Bones." Captain Kirk always refferred to him by that nick name.
TimmyBoy said:
I share alot of McCain's values. I would like to see a debate between Hillary and McCain. I like for a candidate to earn my vote.

You would need to see a debate between those two to figure out who to vote for? I can't begin to explain how sad and frightening that is.
TimmyBoy said:
Heh that's pretty funny. It's nice to have humor on the forum.

This, sir, is a political forum. As such there is no need nor call for "humor". Do try to contain your baser instincts and conduct yourself appropriately. Such outbursts should be dealt with harshly. I shall be speaking to the proper authorities.


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teacher said:
You would need to see a debate between those two to figure out who to vote for? I can't begin to explain how sad and frightening that is.

Sounds like you are not willing to have an open mind and give any of the candidates a chance to express their views and what sort of policies they would like to pursue as president.
TimmyBoy said:
Sounds like you are not willing to have an open mind and give any of the candidates a chance to express their views and what sort of policies they would like to pursue as president.

You mean you don't know right at this moment what they will say? Well then, I guess you should watch such a debate and learn. Tell you what, I'll write down on a piece of paper what they will say and well seal it in a envelope. You watch the debate and when it's over read the paper and see how close I was. You'll be asking me for stock tips and lottery numbers. You're new to this political thing aren't you?

Preview: Subject: Taxes.
Hillary-Raise taxes.
McCain-Lower taxes.

Next weeks topic: 2nd Amendment.

Oh my God it's uncanny.
Tell Hillary to STFU. I really don't care what she thinks about this war. Hmmmmm, whose statements are more credible regarding war? A woman who has never served her country, who is married to a man who has never served his country? Or a man who served in the Marine Corps for 37 years, served in Vietnam and received multiple decorations for that service, goes to see the soldiers at Walter Reed on a regular basis, and has close ties with those in the Dept. of Defense? Well, that's a no-brainer.

Even the Iraqis want us out. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/22/i...&en=a8235ec987accd3a&ei=5094&partner=homepage

Just who does she think she is? I do not want her as our democratic nominee. I don't like her, I would not likely vote for her. In fact, if she was our nominee, I would consider NOT voting in the 2008 election. She is not winnable. Blech blech blech.

John Warner for President in 2008!

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