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Van Jones: A 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' can pose a greater threat to black Americans (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
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Oct 13, 2016
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Van Jones: A 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' can pose a greater threat to black Americans than the KKK | TheHill

CNN's Van Jones argued Friday during an analysis on racial tensions that a “white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park” can pose a more insidious threat to African Americans than openly racist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Jones was referring to Amy Cooper, a white woman who called the police on a black man in New York’s Central Park on Monday after he asked that she put her dog on a leash.

Film of the exchange and subsequent call to police went viral, with Cooper repeatedly referring to the man's race while falsely saying she was being threatened.

I never seen more horrid racists and race-baiters than democrats.

Joe Biden is a prime example: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe
Republicans don't care about police brutality. Democrats want at least 50% of cops involved in Police Brutality to be POC.
Van Jones: A 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' can pose a greater threat to black Americans than the KKK | TheHill

I never seen more horrid racists and race-baiters than democrats.

Joe Biden is a prime example: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe

Heh, in 2016 when Van Jones called Trump's election a "whitelash" Republicans everywhere cried foul and called him a race baiter.

And now suddenly Republicans are praising him because he apparently took a shot at "white liberals". Hilarious.
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Heh, in 2016 when Van Jones called Trump's election a "whitewash" Republicans everywhere cried foul and called him a race baiter.

And now suddenly Republicans are praising him because he apparently took a shot at "white liberals". Hilarious.

Slaughter the source is for the weak and ignorant. Go back to your sandbox.
Van Jones was making a point, it just happened to be put forth in the worst possible way. And it was borderline racist as well.
Slaughter the source is for the weak and ignorant. Go back to your sandbox.

Honestly, who cares what Van Jones says? Anyone with an IQ above room temperature knows "conservatives" are no friends of Black America.
Van Jones: A 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' can pose a greater threat to black Americans than the KKK | TheHill

I never seen more horrid racists and race-baiters than democrats.

Joe Biden is a prime example: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe

What idiocy. Crazy white woman, therefore Democrats are bigger threats to blacks than the KKK. Dog leash terrorism. Pure, unadulterated nonsense.

I suggest you review Jim Clyburn's speech to educate yourself on Joe Biden's relationship with the black community.
What idiocy. Crazy white woman, therefore Democrats are bigger threats to blacks than the KKK. Dog leash terrorism. Pure, unadulterated nonsense.

I suggest you review Jim Clyburn's speech to educate yourself on Joe Biden's relationship with the black community.

Joe Biden only won the nomination because of black voters. Idiot conservatives are saying blacks voted for someone who is an extreme racist, when they had plenty of choices to choose from, including other black candidates.

And even if Biden was racist (and there's no evidence to that claim) his policies will be much more beneficial to the black community (and Americans in general) than Trump's and the GOP. And Trump, the king birther himself, is about as racist as anyone could possibly get.
Who's a greater threat to black Americans, Van Jones or Donald Trump, the President of the United States? Exhibit A, In 1989, Trump placed full-page advertisements in four New York City newspapers, including The New York Times, calling for the state to adopt the death penalty for killers, specifically he wanted the Central Park Five given the death penalty. Problem is, they were INNOCENT.

Bigotry and racism to the max.
[h=1]Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five[/h]“You have people on both sides of that,” the president said when asked about the wrongly convicted defendants.

President Trump said on Tuesday that he would not apologize for his harsh comments in 1989 about the Central Park Five, the five black and Latino men who as teenagers were wrongly convicted of the brutal rape of a jogger in New York City.

Mr. Trump was asked about newspaper advertisements he bought back then calling for New York State to adopt the death penalty after the attack. (The ads never explicitly called for the death penalty for the five defendants.)

“You have people on both sides of that,” he said at the White House. “They admitted their guilt.”


Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five - The New York Times
Van Jones: A 'white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter' can pose a greater threat to black Americans than the KKK | TheHill

I never seen more horrid racists and race-baiters than democrats.

Joe Biden is a prime example: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." - Joe

:lamo...here's a clue for you: People who use click-bait terms like "race-baiter"...tend to be bigots and racists.

There's nothing "racist" about that Biden quote. If you understood what racism is, you'd understand that.

It's always amusing to see bigots and racists projecting their bigotry and racism upon others.
Joe Biden only won the nomination because of black voters. Idiot conservatives are saying blacks voted for someone who is an extreme racist, when they had plenty of choices to choose from, including other black candidates.

And even if Biden was racist (and there's no evidence to that claim) his policies will be much more beneficial to the black community (and Americans in general) than Trump's and the GOP. And Trump, the king birther himself, is about as racist as anyone could possibly get.

Anyone can cherry-pick 12 year old comments. Trumpists think they're the only ones who know this. Lol. Joe Biden is not a racist. We can be 100% assured of that. Any suggestion to the contrary is bat**** insane.
I suggest you review Jim Clyburn's speech to educate yourself on Joe Biden's relationship with the black community.

Is this the same Joe Biden who believes poor kids are just as smart as white kids? The same Joe Biden who opposed desegregating public schools?

I think you're the one who needs to get educated on Joe Biden's relationship with the black community.
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Republicans don't care about police brutality. Democrats want at least 50% of cops involved in Police Brutality to be POC.

CMPancake likes making accusations without a shred of proof.

And he gets a couple likes from the usual idiots who look for confirmation bias over facts.

Nice work.
:lamo...here's a clue for you: People who use click-bait terms like "race-baiter"...tend to be bigots and racists.

There's nothing "racist" about that Biden quote. If you understood what racism is, you'd understand that.

It's always amusing to see bigots and racists projecting their bigotry and racism upon others.

When you support a blatant racist like Trump, one of your strategies is to try and make everyone a racist, because then nobody is a racist, including you. Stormfront has been suggesting that strategy for a long time now.
Is this the same Joe Biden who believes poor kids are just as smart as white kids? The same Joe Biden who opposed desegregating public schools?

I think you're the one who needs to get educated on Joe Biden's relationship with the black community.

Is it exciting living in a world of paranoia?
Is it exciting living in a world of paranoia?

According to scientific studies it sucks bad.

Racism as a Determinant of Health: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Racism was associated with poorer mental health (negative mental health: r = -.23, 95% CI [-.24,-.21], k = 227; positive mental health: r = -.13, 95% CI [-.16,-.10], k = 113), including depression, anxiety, psychological stress and various other outcomes. Racism was also associated with poorer general health (r = -.13 (95% CI [-.18,-.09], k = 30), and poorer physical health
CMPancake likes making accusations without a shred of proof.

And he gets a couple likes from the usual idiots who look for confirmation bias over facts.

Nice work.

I can't imagine how little your world is if you think I'm doing this for clout.

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