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USMA/West Point (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Three of the last five generations of my family have a West Point graduate. My great-grandfather graduated in 1886. His son, my grand-father born in 1889, graduated in 1911. Grand-father served as first captain. Grand-parents only child was a girl, my mother. I enlisted/was drafted in 1972. I applied from the service and for a few reasons it didn’t come to be. My brother’s only son was recommended by his representative and graduated in 2001.

On the Plain at West Point, my nephew showed off his class ring. He pointed out that one of the features of the ring was a lightning bolt. According to legend this meant that his class would be tested by battle.

Three months later the towers fell.

In a little more than a week we will witness the Army/Navy game. In my opinion one of the best sporting matches we have. The coming together after the game is a high point in the sports year. I cannot wait!

Go Army/Beat Navy
Three of the last five generations of my family have a West Point graduate. My great-grandfather graduated in 1886. His son, my grand-father born in 1889, graduated in 1911. Grand-father served as first captain. Grand-parents only child was a girl, my mother. I enlisted/was drafted in 1972. I applied from the service and for a few reasons it didn’t come to be. My brother’s only son was recommended by his representative and graduated in 2001.

On the Plain at West Point, my nephew showed off his class ring. He pointed out that one of the features of the ring was a lightning bolt. According to legend this meant that his class would be tested by battle.

Three months later the towers fell.

In a little more than a week we will witness the Army/Navy game. In my opinion one of the best sporting matches we have. The coming together after the game is a high point in the sports year. I cannot wait!

Go Army/Beat Navy

Was lucky enough to go to a couple of these games. Great sporting event to be at live!
During the vast majority of my Army career I worked joint assignments right alongside the other services, but mostly the Navy. The week of this game was always a fun and mischievous one.

I never got to the big game but my regiment -- the Old Guard of the Army -- always sends a platoon sized detail to be present and be seen. So does Navy Ceremonial Guard of the Washington Navy Yard send a platoon for the same also. Stay on each side and not have any contact of course. Not that there could be a problem, just a bunch of pranks so nobody wants his uniform swiped or hanging there slashed up. Tends to muck up the plan. Especially if it's every uniform. Warnings are issued then everyone looks the other way. Or disappears. Game on. (See Below.)

I did make the football game regular season annual trip to WP though even if it was once. Once to USMA while I was in TOG. I went to WP as part of the Rotc group in both junior and senior Rotc, once with each. The Army Story specialist group of TOG, which is from Delta Company does one regular football season (weekend) trip to WP to do a show during halftime, presenting the history of the Army. Period uniforms, weapons etc with narration. The regular presentation is almost an hour to include songs and instrumental music so the performance gets clipped for WP halftime football. Chopped actually.


Lead From The Front: An Army/Navy Short Film 2017

Will Army Get Navy's Goat?

Join our all-star cast of real soldiers and sailors as they tackle the greatest spirit mission of all time. The Lt.Gen. and his CSMG Lead From The Front. Will Navy stop 'em?


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