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USA Today: Donald Trump can fund the border wall without congressional approval (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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Like it or not, there are sources of revenue in the executive branch that the president has authority to use without congressional approval.

These are only a few creative funding avenues that could be explored, some less complicated than others.

Conservatives complained that President Barack Obama spent billions on health care without congressional authorization.

He has the funds available and the authority to build the wall on his own. The only question is whether President Trump will finally start taking advice from those who actually support his goals...


:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.
:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.

Yeahright. Like Trump can actually DO anything.
Let's watch him try. Ought to be good for a giggle.
America does not stand still - and neither should President Trump. So wherever and whenever he can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for America, that's what he should do.
:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.

Trump isn’t going to figure out how to do that. And I am pretty sure his “advisors” have left or have given up.
:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.

If democrats keep stone walling in the senate over the appropriation bill then he may have to.
"YAY! I'm going to be made to pay for the wall Mexico was supposed to pay for and he can do it without congress! YAY!" - Trump Supporters

****ing weird that.
Seems as though some writer for USA today would have been a better choice for president. :lol:

Maybe USA today should make a coloring book version for your messiah to comprehend.

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:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.

:lamo You think that Trump doesn’t already know that he could “appropriate” funds to start his wall? What would be his next step? You think the public, that is mostly against his wall, would change their minds and get on board? That career executives throughout the government wouldn’t resist? That lawsuits (likely doomed to fail in the courts, but succeed in inflaming negative public sentiment) wouldn’t be launched? How about the incoming Democratic run Congress? You don’t think Trump taking money from various departments wouldn’t result even more resistance, possibly legislation to take back or prohibit him from getting more? Become fodder for even more anti-Trump press? There are other likely negative outcomes, but you get the idea now?
Yeahright. Like Trump can actually DO anything.
Let's watch him try. Ought to be good for a giggle.

I know, right? The guy who managed to bankrupt a casino is going to build a giant wall? America is going to pay $5b for


But that won't be the end of it. Then Americans will have to pay for ongoing legal battles as the guys who actually built the fence try to collect their money, and we find out the money was "accidentally" deposited into Trump Foundation, and Trump starts pardoning everyone around him as they are being led off to jail.
Seems as though some writer for USA today would have been a better choice for president. :lol:

Maybe USA today should make a coloring book version for your messiah to comprehend.


Are Trump's hands big enough to hold the crayons?
If the wall's going to be so effective, surely he should just take the money from Border Patrol and ICE, right?
:lamo You think that Trump doesn’t already know that he could “appropriate” funds to start his wall? What would be his next step? You think the public, that is mostly against his wall, would change their minds and get on board? That career executives throughout the government wouldn’t resist? That lawsuits (likely doomed to fail in the courts, but succeed in inflaming negative public sentiment) wouldn’t be launched? How about the incoming Democratic run Congress? You don’t think Trump taking money from various departments wouldn’t result even more resistance, possibly legislation to take back or prohibit him from getting more? Become fodder for even more anti-Trump press? There are other likely negative outcomes, but you get the idea now?

He was elected largely on this issue and righting Obama’s failed economy.
"YAY! I'm going to be made to pay for the wall Mexico was supposed to pay for and he can do it without congress! YAY!" - Trump Supporters

****ing weird that.

Over 205 TRILLION in debt and unfunded liabilities due to Leftists socialist schemes that haven’t come anywhere near predictions, provide a fraction of their promises... and yet... you support Socialist legistlation at every turn.

Wanna talk about “****ing weird”... brain dead might be more apropos.

Democrats promised to secure the border 32-years ago. Wanna talk about yet another massively costly lie courtesy of the Socialists of America Partei (SAPs).
:) Wonderful.

Just Do It.

Merry Christmas.

PS. Thanks Obama.

If this is the only course left, I have no doubt Trump will take it. He WILL build the wall.

If this is the course he takes, expect outrage from EVERYONE. Dems, NeverTrumpers, GOP politicians, the media and their useful idiots. None of that bunch wants Trump to build his wall and they'll stop at nothing to prevent it.

It won't matter. Trump keeps his promises.
He was elected largely on this issue and righting Obama’s failed economy.
1. Trump was appointed by the EC, not elected by the voters. Ya know, the voters, the majority who don’t want his wall?
2. Your lack of an informed/intelligent response was expected.
1. Trump was appointed by the EC, not elected by the voters. Ya know, the voters, the majority who don’t want his wall?
2. Your lack of an informed/intelligent response was expected.

Yeah... 306 - 232... he won largely based on that issue... one nobody else had the guts to address as he had.

He won handily... thanks to his position on that issue.

PS. You run EC elections differently from popular vote contests... and he won easily despite the Goebbels Media doing their best.


Remember? ROTFLOL...

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Yeah... 306 - 232... he won largely based on that issue... one nobody else had the guts to address as he had.
Not guts, bigotry. Bigotry and a big helping of fear mongering.
He won handily... thanks to his position on that issue.
And other nationalist issues.
PS. You run EC elections differently from popular vote contests... and he won easily despite the Goebbels Media doing their best.
I find this ^^ part funny too, but probably for different reasons. :)

Anyways, we’ll see if the orange one raids the cookie jar. ;)
Remember ROTFLOL..........


LOL, remember, this thread is about how Trump could fund the wall but he hasn't.

Thanks for showing us the the light there Zim, we owe you one.

Instead we have.....


Yeah... 306 - 232... he won largely based on that issue... one nobody else had the guts to address as he had.

He won handily... thanks to his position on that issue.

PS. You run EC elections differently from popular vote contests... and he won easily despite the Goebbels Media doing their best.


I'll be honest, I was really surprised at the number of Trump supporters who didn't know about ladders. But then I remembered something Trump said on the campaign trail:

Donald Trump declares 'I love the poorly educated'

And I was like, "LOL, forgot about that."
If Congress fails to act, Trump will have no other choice than to act on his own to protect the country.

(Thanks Obama for being the dumbass who set the precedence!)
Over 205 TRILLION in debt and unfunded liabilities due to Leftists socialist schemes that haven’t come anywhere near predictions, provide a fraction of their promises... and yet... you support Socialist legistlation at every turn.

Wanna talk about “****ing weird”... brain dead might be more apropos.

Democrats promised to secure the border 32-years ago. Wanna talk about yet another massively costly lie courtesy of the Socialists of America Partei (SAPs).

Tell me Zimmer, if Trump had stood before his Rally Crowds and said not "Mexico will pay for the wall" but "YOU WILL PAY FOR THE WALL!"

Do you think people would have felt the same way?
Tell me Zimmer, if Trump had stood before his Rally Crowds and said not "Mexico will pay for the wall" but "YOU WILL PAY FOR THE WALL!"

Do you think people would have felt the same way?

Have you been paying any attention to the Wall GoFundMe?
If Congress fails to act, Trump will have no other choice than to act on his own to protect the country.
From the bogeyman? Trump is America’s bogeyman!
One of the techniques the authors of the USA Today article are talking about is factoring receivables.


Decker and Renne are correct about the way factoring works; however, given their failure to cite specific code sections allowing the factoring tactic they've described, they appear to have encountered the same quandary I did when exploring the nature and extent of discretion the Executive branch has over tariff revenue receipts. Furthermore, the factoring approach, as applied to the USDA loans to which the authors refer, creates problems of its own:
  • It effectively spends program money (the sums corresponding to the discount the receivable) on a purpose other than that for which the funds were appropriated. Doing so is a Constitutional-level "no-no" because it usurps Congress' "power of the purse."
  • Because factoring involves selling a receivable at a net discount, doing so necessarily subverts the budgetary/pecuniary expectations for the appropriated loan funds, which as with any "loan funds available" are essentially revolving. With loans, unlike grants, the "baseline" principal is expected to return to the lender, and when the lender is "Uncle Sam," rather than a private institution, that's what happens because the gov't has many ways to collect what it's owed. Accordingly, Congress does not cotton to appropriating money to replenish funds made available for loans, which is very different from appropriating an increase in the gross sum of money to be made available for loans.
    • $100 --> Initial appropriation of funds available for loans
    • Agency loans $100 to borrowers
    • $75 --> Sum the program collects from factoring the loans receivable
    • $75 --> Post-factoring total sum of money available for loans.
  • I presume the Communities Facilities Program to which the authors refer was noted only for the purpose of illustrating a loan program the government administers. I think that because that program expressly has a provision (Sec. 309) stipulating that money not currently used for the program's authorized undertakings be deposited to the Treasury where it'll be held until the program has a use for it. The program can leave the money there (a la a savings/checking account), or it may invest any excess in US government debt instruments. (If I knew at what code section to look re: the tariff revenue I elsewhere discussed, I wouldn't have had to not the nature of uncertainty I there did.)

From the article:
"Another option would be to utilize funds in the same way USDA undertakes in-kind swaps with private parties to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of commodities and services. This would entail swapping the proceeds of the commercial paper sales for the wall, with construction companies being the counterparties."​
That is essentially the "arms for hostages" model -- different actors, objects and ends, but the same cash-flow/financing concept. We know where that got Ollie North, but perhaps, insofar as Trump's appointed so many governmentally unsophisticated folks, one of them may be willing to, as North was made to, "take the fall" on behalf of Trump and his wall.
From the bogeyman? Trump is America’s bogeyman!

The coming of TRump was supposed to be your warning.

Our crap FAILED INTELLIGENTSIA! has once again failed to get what needed to be done done.

They really suck now.

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