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US death rate (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 24, 2018
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

Intentional ignorance of the changes in COVID and the actual numbers of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed dying or hospitalized.
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

Is it just routine to ignore the fact that two different strains of the virus that were far more transmissible than the original strain, arrived in the US AFTER the vaccines were available?
Is it just routine to ignore the fact that two different strains of the virus that were far more transmissible than the original strain, arrived in the US AFTER the vaccines were available?

During the year when there were no vaccines, the US death rate was LOWER than during the year when the majority of Americans were vaccinated. At least give that 2 seconds of thought.
During the year when there were no vaccines, the US death rate was LOWER than during the year when the majority of Americans were vaccinated. At least give that 2 seconds of thought.

I did, and I explained to you in less than two seconds worth of reading why that was the case. One thing I didn't include in my explanation is that a lot more was locked down in the 1st year of the pandemic than in the 2nd year. So that's another factor contributing to the difference.

And even so, about 60% of the deaths occurred before most people were able to be vaccinated. By that point, barely 40% of the total confirmed cases had occurred.
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I did, and I explained to you in less than two seconds worth of reading why that was the case. One thing I didn't include in my explanation is that a lot more was locked down in the 1st year of the pandemic than in the 2nd year. So that's another factor contributing to the difference.

And even so, about 60% of the deaths occurred before most people were able to be vaccinated. By that point, barely 40% of the total confirmed cases had occurred.

The vaccines have hardly been a miracle. But that's what people like you insist on calling them. No matter what.
The vaccines have hardly been a miracle. But that's what people like you insist on calling them. No matter what.

People like me? You mean people with facts?

When did I say they are a miracle?
uh oh.

we have a poster hear that use to preach about the number of deaths above normal. i bet he tries to spin this yet another way.
It's gotta be a troll!
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

comrade, the words "vaccinated" and "un-vaccinated" dont show up in your article. The word "vaccine" does but only to describe a kidnapping.

a top Swiss vaccine adviser was the victim of a brief kidnapping

anyhoo, the majority were vaccinated in 2021. I'm guessing that it translated to russian as " majority were vaccinated by 2021". "in" not "by". Also, it was a whole year of the pandemic combined with more deadly variants.. And remember, your conservative/russian masters were attacking science and encouraging the cult members to not get vaccinated or wear masks.. Vaccines were not available on demand until May. But there are some really interesting numbers regarding the death rate after that. If everybody was vaccinated, about 160k fewer people would have died. So thats another 160k that we can add to the approximate 240k needless deaths under trump.
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

"This number bigger than that number" is oversimplified thinking.
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

I guess that you think that the infection rate has absolutely nothing to do with the death rate.

22-04-27 C3 - US NEW CASES per day 7-14-28 GRAPH.JPG
During the year when there were no vaccines, the US death rate was LOWER than during the year when the majority of Americans were vaccinated. At least give that 2 seconds of thought.
During the year when there were no vaccines, the US case rate was LOWER than during the year when the majority of Americans were vaccinated.

It's too bad that you never gave that 2 seconds of thought.
comrade, the words "vaccinated" and "un-vaccinated" dont show up in your article. The word "vaccine" does but only to describe a kidnapping.

a top Swiss vaccine adviser was the victim of a brief kidnapping

anyhoo, the majority were vaccinated in 2021. I'm guessing that it translated to russian as " majority were vaccinated by 2021". "in" not "by". Also, it was a whole year of the pandemic combined with more deadly variants.. And remember, your conservative/russian masters were attacking science and encouraging the cult members to not get vaccinated or wear masks.. Vaccines were not available on demand until May. But there are some really interesting numbers regarding the death rate after that. If everybody was vaccinated, about 160k fewer people would have died. So thats another 160k that we can add to the approximate 240k needless deaths under trump.
The US passed the "50% of the population has been fully vaccinated" on 07 AUG 21.

So far there has not been "a year" (in the sense of "365 continuous days") during which 50+% of the US population has been "fully vaccinated".
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

The virus didn't have any significant death toll in the first quarter of 2020, so you're basically comparing three quarters to one.
The virus didn't have any significant death toll in the first quarter of 2020, so you're basically comparing three quarters to one.
You're attempting to debate with an elderly person who believes 100% that the vaccine made her seriously ill. The amusing part is that she also admitted no doctor confirmed her claim. And she's a firm believer in the efficacy of Ivermectin. Don't waste your time; trust me...
This article says the US death rate was higher in 2021 than in 2020. They blame it mostly on the unvaccinated. But no one was vaccinated in 2020, and the majority were vaccinated in 2021.

Is it just routine to blame the unvaccinated, without thinking?

2020 had lockdowns, 2021 had relatively fewer restrictions.

The 2020 virus version was no where near as infectious as the 2021 versions.

The vaccine was designed primarily for the 2020 virus and was lesser effective in preventing infection by the 2021 versions.

But the vaccine did reduce the hospitalisation of people and lower the amount of severe disease.

People hospitalized in 2020 were vulnerable people in general plus a few "we have no idea why they are sick". Still a mystery why a local pro footballer and a triathlon running cop died in my area after a week of illness.

In 2021, the vulnerable people who were vaccinated stayed for the most part out of ICU, and those in ICU were largely the unvaccinated.

The restrictions have been gradually removed based on hospital pressure, so that we now are pretty much back to normal. However the amount of people getting infected is still relatively high, but because of vaccines they dont get as sick and dont put undue pressure on the hospital system.

Covid is not gone.. A close friend just reported to me that she got it and I was with her and her husband 2 days ago. Crossing fingers that I avoided it, as we were outside most of the time, but time will tell. She most likely got it from her trip back to the UK a week ago.
I guess that you think that the infection rate has absolutely nothing to do with the death rate.

The infection rate does not have much to do with the death rate. For one thing, the infection rate is influenced by the rate of testing. Also, the infection rates counts non-serious cases, which might not even have symptoms.
The infection rate does not have much to do with the death rate. For one thing, the infection rate is influenced by the rate of testing. Also, the infection rates counts non-serious cases, which might not even have symptoms.
Just to pass along some good news - statistically every person in the United States of America has been tested for COVID-19 3.01 times.

Now on to your main point.


It's crap!

The UK, France, and Italy all have a higher test ratio than the US does so, according to your wishful thinking, they should all have a higher "Cases per Million - adjusted by test ratio" than the US does - they don't.

Russia, Sweden, Canada, Germany, the World (aggregated), India, Japan, the ROK, and Brazil (we'll ignore China) all have a lower test ration than the US does so, according to your wishful thinking, they should all have a lower "Cases per Million - Adjusted by test ratio" than the US does - they don't.

In fact, 60% of those listed areas do NOT conform to your wishful thinking.

Now, if you were to hire someone who had a reputation for being wrong 60% of the time to give you advice, would you expect to succeed?

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