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Upcoming changes (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Here are some of the planned changes within the next few weeks. Mid-March is spring break, so most will take place during that time.
  1. We will be getting a new header pic. Hopefully making us look a little better.
  2. A donation system will emerge, for those interested in helping with the costs of the site.
  3. A chat system will be added for members only.
  4. Banners and pics will be added for those that are requesting to link to us with a small pic.
  5. A system for advertizers will be put in place.
  6. We will be converting over to a new higher bandwidth plan on our ISP, so hopefully it will be faster and transparent.
  7. Hopefully I will get the articles system working again.
Chat system added - click on "vBChat" and test it out. :)

If you are using Internet Explorer the window will be very big. There is a fix in the works already.

All registered users can join rooms.
Only admin or moderators can create rooms - this may change.

What do you think?
I think it's a great idea. Thanks, Vauge.

Sadly, due to the time difference I think I'll be able to make minimal use of it, but who knows?
The newest version of the chatroom is up.

To me its faster and a little better.

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