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Uncle Joe Biden Going For The Gusto! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 17, 2005
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Aha. The old plagiarist is going for it again. Say it ain't so, Joe!

Hillbilly Hillary (wait, that's Hillbilly Bill) is positioning herself for a run at the presidency. She'll nail down the nomination for sure if she has Obama sideboard. Sorry, Joe.

But, and this is a considerable but(t). What's she gonna do about McCain? With Giuliani in the right hand seat. Or, maybe even the viper, Condie Rice?
(No problem with Ms. Rice, but she does resemble a certain slithery reptile with them hooded eyes. Cover her mouth and watch her talk. See what I mean?)

Ah, politics...
1SGRet said:
(No problem with Ms. Rice, but she does resemble a certain slithery reptile with them hooded eyes...

Although I admire many facets of Condy, your descriptive comment initiated a weird flashback.

I correspond with an Iraqi woman who lives in Baghdad. When Ms. Rice visited Iraq recently, Amina wrote me and mentioned that the Iraqi's have unofficially dubbed Condy *The Dragon Lady*.

Although dragons are of the reptillian family, they are also viewed as mythical and mystical creatures. A clever double-entendré? And the beat goes on lol......

Tashah said:

Although I admire many facets of Condy, your descriptive comment initiated a weird flashback.

I correspond with an Iraqi woman who lives in Baghdad. When Ms. Rice visited Iraq recently, Amina wrote me and mentioned that the Iraqi's have unofficially dubbed Condy *The Dragon Lady*.

Although dragons are of the reptillian family, they are also viewed as mythical and mystical creatures. A clever double-entendré? And the beat goes on lol......

Oui. There is also a certain brittleness about 'Madam Dragon Lady' (oh, gosh I forgot; as the Germans say, she is not 'high rotten' [married, clods]). The DL was a character in Terry and the Pirates in days of yore. The DL in 'Terry' plotted and schemed with great impunity, all the while with a cigarette plus holder jauntily affixed to the ruby lips.

I have been asked, seriously, if Ms. Rice would have been appointed to any of her high positions had she been, um, Caucasoid. Not the chance of a snowball's ability to survive in Hell! But, we digress...
1SGRet said:
I have been asked, seriously, if Ms. Rice would have been appointed to any of her high positions had she been, um, Caucasoid. Not the chance of a snowball's ability to survive in Hell! But, we digress...
I don't know, I think Condi Rice could've taken the reigns as a caucasian, she had the prior tutilage of Colon Powell and is a brilliant woman. Just my two cents.
LaMidRighter said:
I don't know, I think Condi Rice could've taken the reigns as a caucasian, she had the prior tutilage of Colon Powell and is a brilliant woman. Just my two cents.

Umm, neither one of the principles mentioned would have been in the positions described had it not been for his/her race. No prejudice - just fact. Their relative brilliance is unquestioned. Powell had poor grades in H.S. and in college. Had he been white he might have risen to Lieutenant Colonel. Might have...

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