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UN seemingly halves estimate of Gazan women, children killed (1 Viewer)

Your tagline asserts that the concept of a Jewish state of Israel having a right to exist is anti-semitic, and your posts have themselves been pretty anti-semitic. As have another poster's here.

Calling other people "genocide deniers" doesn't cover that up convincingly to anyone but yourself.
Your tagline asserts that the concept of a Jewish state of Israel having a right to exist is anti-semitic, and your posts have themselves been pretty anti-semitic. As have another poster's here.

I think all ethno-religious states, that demand supremacy of one ethnic group over another, are inherently anti-democratic will inevitably go down the path of full-blown fascism. I believe that about Nazi Germany, I believe that about India, I believe that about Israel.

I am consistent. Are you?
I have always suspected the numbers were inflated.
I live in a universe where words have meaning. Genocide does not apply to what Israel is doing. It is Hamas that wants genocide and who would carry it out were the balance of power in their favor. And thanks for injecting skin color which has nothing to do with the issue.
So you oppose a Palestinian state then too, right?

I'm not going to pretend that the civilian toll isn't significant so that it makes anyone feel better. I was sickened when I saw the images of the kids brutally slaughtered in Israel on October the 7th and I'm sickened when I see images of Palestinian children with half their faces missing and deceased. They are not isolated incidents. It's happening multiple times daily. I'm not going to pretend it's not happening or sit back and say nothing.

Why is it not ok to mention the toll on both sides without having to hash out years and years of ****ing talking points that NEVER get solved. What is so wrong with trying to stay focused on the human cost???

I don't know what the solution is, (preferably it is one that doesn't involve so many civilvian casualties), but that doesn't mean I just throw my life principles and humanity away and pretend that Palestinian civilian lives are worthless.

I'm not killing Israelis. I'm not killing Palestinians. I've been criticizing Hamas longer than you have been a member here but I have never held a position that Palestinian civilians lives are worthless and don't matter. I'm here reminding people that Palestinian kids lives are just as valuable as anyone elses. Whether you or Hamas or anyone else believes otherwise.

I care about both Palestinian and Israeli deaths. I have thousands of posts displaying that.

I'm not the one who is obviously upset because someone dared mention that they "didn't know the numbers but it's too many and that Palestinian civilians are also dying."

What the hell is so bad with saying that. It's true.

Like it's a crime to mention it.
You and I share the belief that Israeli and Palestinian lives are equal. The problem is that Hamas considers Israeli lives to be of no value and Palestinian lives to be a worthy sacrifice
to Hamas' end goal of eliminating Israel. Hamas must be crushed and Iranian sponsorship of terrorism ended, unfortunately I am not smart enought to know how this can be accomplished.
What is Israel to do? The problem is that telling it not to use force in self-defense …

What are the Palestinians to do? Israelis murder them, bulldoze their homes and farms, seize their land, and shoot their children in the back of the head as they flee Israeli brutality. Do they not also have the right to self defense? And if they do, why are there limits on how they defend themselves while limits are not placed on Israelis?
Every one of those civilian deaths are tragic. Their blood is on the hands of the murderous terrorists who use them as human shields.

Hamas delendo est.
We also have to keep in mind kids as young as 10 serve in the military Hamas there. These videos are from before the latest war. It's horrible. I feel so sorry for boys growing up in conflict.
We also have to keep in mind kids as young as 10 serve in the military Hamas there. These videos are from before the latest war. It's horrible. I feel so sorry for boys growing up in conflict

In Iraq, AQI sent kids to throw grenades at us, because they knew Americans liked kids, and figured kids would be more successful - which they were, at first.

However, the survival instinct is pretty solid, and, if you lose a couple people to kids throwing grenades, you eventually shoot the kids running at you with grenades.

So, AQI armed the next batch of kids with rocks (you can't tell the difference when someone is running at you) so they could video "Evil American Soldiers Brutally Mowing Down Kids Just For Throwing Rocks".

It messes you up, tbh. We have a very different understanding of the value and innocence of childhood than these kinds of groups.

The UN blames its mistaken use of Hamas' manipulated numbers on "the fog of war".
Strange how there wasn't any 'fog of war' when they used Hamas numbers and took them at face value for 7 months completely justifying its propaganda.
After previous incursions into Gaza by the IDF (eg 'Cast Lead'), Israeli intelligence concurred with the casualty numbers provided by the Ministry of Health, and confirmed they were largely accurate.

Strange that Israeli military intelligence agrees with the data provided by the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

"A terrorist is someone who has a bomb, but not an air force". William Blum.
It actually does not.

The Vice article you're quoting is using "Mekomit" (or +972mag) as a source for the claim, which is a small far-left paper in Israel and the one behind that piece simply claims he "talked to Israeli intelligence officials" which is highly dubious.

And now we know that not even the UN are agreeing with that "data" by Hamas anymore.
Would you like some more evidence, or would it be too embarrassing; and why does the size or political lean of the source matter? Facts are facts. 'Deep Throat', whose evidence bought down Nixon, was just one person.

You also need to keep up with the news. This, from a few hours ago:

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Would you like some more evidence, or would it be too embarrassing; and why does the size or political lean of the source matter? Facts are facts. 'Deep Throat', whose evidence bought down Nixon, was just one person.
I have seen no evidence presented, you just cite the claims made by Yuval Abraham from +972mag (a small far-left paper) or some articles that quote him and his highly dubious claim that he had been talking to Israeli intelligence officials.
I'm sorry but that's not evidence, that's just delusional.
More lies from the UN after they were caught lying.

On May 6, the UN published data showing that 34,735 people had reportedly been killed in Gaza, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children.

On May 8, the UN published data showing 34,844 people had reportedly been killed, including 4,959 women and 7,797 children.

They literally claimed numbers that weren't true and now they're saying it's the "fog of war" and "they're simply classifying those unidentified in a new way".

How embarrassing must it be to be someone who takes the word of terrorists (or the UN) for truth.
Deny, deny, deny. It's all you have. Numbers get corrected and updated constantly-especially during ongoing conflicts. Casualty statistics are not static, and are increasing even as I type this. Got any more excuses? No, the only 'truth' you and all the other Zionists recognise is unconditional support for the illusion of an entirely innocent Israel. Is that about right?
Oh look, you're losing it and start calling people "Zionists" as if it's an insult again.

I'm sorry that reality is something you're not willing to recognize but that's just how it works.
This isn't just some "correction of numbers" - it means the UN was pushing completely false statistics on the casualty numbers and other people took it at face value and believed it while they were lying and only now admit to be lying.

Again, must be embarrassing to be someone who fell for the words of terrorists.
Nonsense, and you know it. Your posts are classic hasbara, and you're only fooling yourself. I'm not the only one to recognise the obvious. While you're here, could you accuse me of anti-Semitism and support for Hamas again? You must have forgotten.
Nonsense, and you know it. Your posts are classic hasbara, and you're only fooling yourself. I'm not the only one to recognise the obvious. While you're here, could you accuse me of anti-Semitism and support for Hamas again? You must have forgotten.
Deranged reply.
Deranged reply.
Yet you support a deranged criminal, Netanyahu

How does it feel to be in a rapidly shrinking minority?

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