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[W:#23,579]Ukraine War Thread (2 Viewers)

More lethal kit from Germany

How dare those darn Krauts, to deliver lethal weapons to the Ukraine, only God bless America and God save the King are supposed to do that. Not those Krauts, how can we bash them now, they need bashing, aint doing crap for the Ukraine.
Next thing those NATO freeloaders will do, send Leopard 2 to Ukraine. If they do that the US should recall its ambassador, stealing the Himars show, those bastards.
Today, Denys Davidov is claiming the two UKR Separatist areas are organizing to vote to become part of the Russian Federation, as a means to mobilize Russia.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but it starts at 2:40 & then seems to be confirmed at 9:25.

Does anybody understand this? Or, can confirm it?

The problem is who will take Putin's place.
That is indeed the ultimate problem.

Russians are first-class dunces when it comes to choosing new leadership.
For Americans, we choose between Democrat and Republican.
For Russians, it's Wannabe-Tyrant A or Wannabe-Tyrant B.
How dare those darn Krauts, to deliver lethal weapons to the Ukraine, only God bless America and God save the King are supposed to do that. Not those Krauts, how can we bash them now, they need bashing, aint doing crap for the Ukraine.
Next thing those NATO freeloaders will do, send Leopard 2 to Ukraine. If they do that the US should recall its ambassador, stealing the Himars show, those bastards.
I undertsand that the German kit using HIMARS came with all the bells and whistles, reason they upgraded and took time to do
Today, Denys Davidov is claiming the two UKR Separatist areas are organizing to vote to become part of the Russian Federation, as a means to mobilize Russia.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but it starts at 2:40 & then seems to be confirmed at 9:25.

Does anybody understand this? Or, can confirm it?

This may answer some questions you have
This may answer some questions you have

Thanks. But not much there concerning the referendum.

I believe Davydov is claiming joining the Federation would allow RU to mobilize, and/or declare war, as now UKR would be attacking RU itself. RU could then threaten to use tactical nukes to defend itself.

I see this as having the potential to possibly be impactful.
That is indeed the ultimate problem.

Russians are first-class dunces when it comes to choosing new leadership.
For Americans, we choose between Democrat and Republican.
For Russians, it's Wannabe-Tyrant A or Wannabe-Tyrant B.
HIMARS will do that, rule Russia
I undertsand that the German kit using HIMARS came with all the bells and whistles, reason they upgraded and took time to do
Nobody is using any ammo called HIMARS, that is a vehicle, the 270s use the same ammo as the HIMARS vehicle, 83km range, 250 lbs warhead..
The MARS ii is a upgrade of the 270, faster and more accurate, but 83km range, like all Mars, hi on something or not, but they deliver 12 rockets.
One MARS II = two HIMARS, they deliver the same ammo and they are both very mobile.
The US delivered 22 HIMARS, which is 11 270MARS, concerning fire power till reload.

Just to put thinks into a perspective.

But the HIMARS and the MARS have made a big change in this war, same for all the 155mm with PGM ammo have done. The difference, you fire and you hit, shoot your rockets or grenades and move, get out of the counter fire zone. With PGM ammo you can do fast and precise counter battery fire and the point, you hit.
Don't have to shoot a pattern, which opens you up to counter fire.
Thanks. But not much there concerning the referendum.

I believe Davydov is claiming joining the Federation would allow RU to mobilize, and/or declare war, as now UKR would be attacking RU itself. RU could then threaten to use tactical nukes to defend itself.

I see this as having the potential to possibly be impactful.
I posted this earlier. Putin's 2 choices.
Possible paywall/article limit
Putin is now confronted with a set of harsh choices. He can keep Russia’s military commitment limited, maintaining current troop levels and continuing to insulate Russian society, or he can order a mass mobilization. Either option poses a serious threat to Putin’s legitimacy. In choosing the former, Putin would give up the prospect of Russian victory and run the risk of outright defeat. Already, the nationalist pro-war forces he has released have become more and more dissatisfied with the conduct of the war. They had been promised land and glory in a rapid campaign. Instead, they have received a staggering death toll for minor territorial advances, which now look increasingly precarious. Continuing the status quo could create dangerous new fissures in Putin’s regime.
Nobody is using any ammo called HIMARS, that is a vehicle, the 270s use the same ammo as the HIMARS vehicle, 83km range, 250 lbs warhead..
The MARS ii is a upgrade of the 270, faster and more accurate, but 83km range, like all Mars, hi on something or not, but they deliver 12 rockets.
One MARS II = two HIMARS, they deliver the same ammo and they are both very mobile.
The US delivered 22 HIMARS, which is 11 270MARS, concerning fire power till reload.

Just to put thinks into a perspective.

But the HIMARS and the MARS have made a big change in this war, same for all the 155mm with PGM ammo have done. The difference, you fire and you hit, shoot your rockets or grenades and move, get out of the counter fire zone. With PGM ammo you can do fast and precise counter battery fire and the point, you hit.
Don't have to shoot a pattern, which opens you up to counter fire.

When I read 100K PGM 155 shells were on their way, I swear I was over-joyed. It wasn't the
"155" that psyched me up, but that they were PGM 155's!

That's an awful lot of hurt coming RU's way!
500 meters in a day? I am unimpressed. It's an attempt to distract from the main theater.

No, they've been making very slow but steady progress. 1/2 Klick or a Klick a day, but pretty regular.

For reference, I do not believe UKR made over a 1/2 Klick (if that) anywhere in the South yesterday or in recent days. Yeah, different situation - I know.

Edit: Oh, but you're right in that Bakhmut holds less strategic advantage since the Kharkiv offensive. But it does show RU is holding the Eastern Donetsk line at this point.
Nobody is using any ammo called HIMARS, that is a vehicle, the 270s use the same ammo as the HIMARS vehicle, 83km range, 250 lbs warhead..
The MARS ii is a upgrade of the 270, faster and more accurate, but 83km range, like all Mars, hi on something or not, but they deliver 12 rockets.
One MARS II = two HIMARS, they deliver the same ammo and they are both very mobile.
The US delivered 22 HIMARS, which is 11 270MARS, concerning fire power till reload.

Just to put thinks into a perspective.

But the HIMARS and the MARS have made a big change in this war, same for all the 155mm with PGM ammo have done. The difference, you fire and you hit, shoot your rockets or grenades and move, get out of the counter fire zone. With PGM ammo you can do fast and precise counter battery fire and the point, you hit.
Don't have to shoot a pattern, which opens you up to counter fire.
Poor grammar on my part
Same reload type as the US version. 2 minutes for reload??? I would suspect a little longer, but a nasty piece of kit. Ukraine will put them to good use
Hard for me keeping track of the differences, I now recall you stating 12 missile capacity.
US version, 1 ATCAMS, This version, 2 at a time??? is my guess?

Now I wonder about how long the US/others can provide ammo?
No idea on US stocks, nor how long the manufacture to ready to use is?

This should make others take note of how fast usage is.
No, they've been making very slow but steady progress. 1/2 Klick or a Klick a day, but pretty regular.

For reference, I do not believe UKR made over a 1/2 Klick (if that) anywhere in the South yesterday or in recent days. Yeah, different situation - I know.

Um. You are saying they didn't make more than 5 football fields in recent days?
Um. You are saying they didn't make more than 5 football fields in recent days?

UKR? In Kherson? Per day? I haven't seen much more than that I believe. Maybe a Klick here or there, but most of the line in aggregate seems to barely be moving.
When I read 100K PGM 155 shells were on their way, I swear I was over-joyed. It wasn't the
"155" that psyched me up, but that they were PGM 155's!

That's an awful lot of hurt coming RU's way!
I do not think, have to check, that any NATO country uses dumb ammo for its long range guns.
A 155mm, as much as I know, is a smart round, a PGM, anything else would be throwing stones.
UKR? In Kherson? I haven't seen much more than that I believe. Maybe a Klick here or there, but most of the line in aggregate seems to barely be moving.

No, UKR East of Karkiv.

Why go slugging it out in a city when you can just starve them out?

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