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Ukraine Helped Dems Against Trump, Hoping for Support Against Putin (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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"I Helped Democrats Screw Trump -- And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt!"

Poor Zelensky.

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin. The Bet Backfired Badly.​

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations​

March 10, 2022​

Six years ago, before Russia’s full-scale invasion of their country, the Ukrainians bet that a Hillary Clinton presidency would offer better protection from Russian President Vladimir Putin, even though he had invaded Crimea during the Obama-Biden administration, whose Russian policies Clinton vowed to continue.

Working with both the Obama administration and the Clinton campaign, Ukrainian government officials intervened in the 2016 race to help Clinton and hurt Donald Trump in a sweeping and systematic foreign influence operation that's been largely ignored by the press. The improper, if not illegal, operation was run chiefly out of the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, where officials worked hand-in-glove with a Ukrainian-American activist and Clinton campaign operative to attack the Trump campaign. The Obama White House was also deeply involved in an effort to groom their own favored leader in Ukraine and then work with his government to dig up dirt on – and even investigate -- their political rival.

Ukrainian and Democratic operatives also huddled with American journalists to spread damaging information on Trump and his advisers – including allegations of illicit Russian-tied payments that, though later proved false, forced the resignation of his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The embassy actually weighed a plan to get Congress to investigate Manafort and Trump and stage hearings in the run-up to the election.
Russian agent Sanman spreading more wild, anti-Ukrainian, anti-American conspiracy theories he found in a random blog that has no evidence to support any of the accusations.

Which specific accusations/allegations in the article do you feel lack supporting evidence? Can you please be specific?
And how am I a Russian agent again? Is it because I had Russian salad dressing for lunch a few years ago?

Do you deny that Christopher Steele -- author of the infamous Steele Dossier -- was already working for Undersecretary Victoria Nuland while she was attempting to overthrow the existing Ukrainian govt of Yanuckovitch, even before he gave her his infamous Steele Dossier on Trump?
How was Victoria Nuland paying Christopher Steele at the time? She would have been paying him with US taxpayer dollars, which were then used to fund Steele's dirt-fabrication on candidate Trump. That's illegal.

America -- or at least some sub-section of Americans -- are playing games of empire -- including in Ukraine against Russia.
Those games of empire are then being used to undermine US elections at home.
America's national institutions are being destroyed and replaced with the instruments of Empire.
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Which specific accusations/allegations in the article do you feel lack supporting evidence? Can you please be specific?
And how am I a Russian agent again? Is it because I had Russian salad dressing for lunch a few years ago?

Do you deny that Christopher Steele -- author of the infamous Steele Dossier -- was already working for Undersecretary Victoria Nuland while she was attempting to overthrow the existing Ukrainian govt of Yanuckovitch, even before he gave her his infamous Steele Dossier on Trump?
How was Victoria Nuland paying Christopher Steele at the time? She would have been paying him with US taxpayer dollars, which were then used to fund Steele's dirt-fabrication on Trump. That's illegal.

America -- or at least some sub-section of Americans -- are playing games of empire in Ukraine against Russia.
Those games of empire are then being used to undermine US elections at home.
America's national institutions are being destroyed, so that they can be replaced with the instruments of Empire.
So now you just spun Nuland into your Steele CT. As for Steetle working for Nuland...NOPE.....sorry that is another fail. That is simply more Putinesk conjecture and speculation BORIS.

As for the Washington Examiner, I don't know what they actually examine. Their articles are just pumped up conjecture, speculation and suspicion. You can literally put virtually everything they print in one of those three categories. They are a printed word version of Tucker Carlson. They are yellow journalism. Now there is actually nothing really wrong with yellow journalism until you start tryjng to pass it off as anything but yellow journalism.

Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.

From the OP:

"Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin."​

Gee, upon reflection, STOPPING PUTIN would seem like it was a pretty good idea.




Russian agent Sanman spreading more wild, anti-Ukrainian, anti-American conspiracy theories he found in a random blog that has no evidence to support any of the accusations.
Alinsky Rule #12. 👆
Alinsky Rule #12. e👆
What does Alinsky have to do with the simply truth of having Russian Agents run by Russian Intelligence officers posting at this forum.
So now you just spun Nuland into your Steele CT. As for Steetle working for Nuland...NOPE.....sorry that is another fail. That is simply more Putinesk conjecture and speculation BORIS.

It's quoted right there in the article:

Another influential adviser at the time was former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, who provided Nuland with written reports on the Ukrainian crisis and Russia that echoed Chalupa’s warnings. Nuland treated them as classified intelligence, and between the spring of 2014 and early 2016, she received some 120 reports on Ukraine and Russia from Steele.

As for the Washington Examiner, I don't know what they actually examine. Their articles are just pumped up conjecture, speculation and suspicion. You can literally put virtually everything they print in one of those three categories. They are a printed word version of Tucker Carlson. They are yellow journalism. Now there is actually nothing really wrong with yellow journalism until you start tryjng to pass it off as anything but yellow journalism.

Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.

"denigrating the US" -- heheh -- when it comes to calling the US the most racist country, calling the US systemically racist, etc -- then you won't oppose that, and are fully supportive of this Democrat Left propaganda.
But when it comes to covering up your precious 2014 Regime Change operation in Ukraine, then you insist that such allegations amount to "denigrating the US" :rolleyes:
It's quoted right there in the article:

"denigrating the US" -- heheh -- when it comes to calling the US the most racist country, calling the US systemically racist, etc -- then you won't oppose that, and are fully supportive of this Democrat Left propaganda.
But when it comes to covering up your precious 2014 Regime Change operation in Ukraine, then you insist that such allegations amount to "denigrating the US" :rolleyes:
I see you made no effort to actually answer the question. So I will ask it again:
Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.
I see you made no effort to actually answer the question. So I will ask it again:
Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.

I support the American Nation and not the American Empire -- you support the American Empire and not the American Nation

You need the American Empire as your Far Emperor to fight for you in your precious Ukraine. You don't give a shit about the American Nation because it's useless for your purposes.

You find the American Nation inconvenient, because it interferes with what you want an American Empire to do for you.

The needs of the American Nation are very different and divergent from your needs for an American Empire.

You care more about Ukraine's borders than about America's own southern borders, which are currently being overrun.

Your side dishonestly condemn Americans protesting in Washington DC on Jan-6-2021 as "Nazi insurrectionists", but meanwhile you'll support a govt-funded Capitol Insurrection in Kyiv orchestrated by Nuland in 2014 which had actual Nazis in it.

(be sure to turn on Close Captions when watching video)
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I support the American Nation and not the American Empire -- you support the American Empire and not the American Nation

You need the American Empire as your Far Emperor to fight for you in your precious Ukraine. You don't give a shit about the American Nation because it's useless for your purposes.

You find the American Nation inconvenient, because it interferes with what you want an American Empire to do for you.

The needs of the American Nation are very different and divergent from your needs for an American Empire.

You care more about Ukraine's borders than about America's own southern borders, which are currently being overrun.

You'll dishonestly condemn Americans protesting in Washington DC on Jan-6-2021 as "Nazi insurrectionists", but meanwhile you'll support a govt-funded Capitol Insurrection orchestrated by Nuland in Kyiv in 2014 which had actual Nazis in it.

Funny but nobody asked me, an American citizen, if I wanted the American Nation overthrown or its capital building debauched on 1/6. Sorry, your bullshit won't fly. Still have not answered the question. So I will ask it again:
Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.
Funny but nobody asked me, an American citizen, if I wanted the American Nation overthrown or its capital building debauched on 1/6. Sorry, your bullshit won't fly. Still have not answered the question. So I will ask it again:
Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.

You have a lot of nerve calling me Boris, when you're the Boris -- any and every comment you make is only about Ukraine.
I on the other hand, have commented on a variety of issues on this forum.
Btw, Boris is a Ukrainian name too, not just a Russian one.
You have a lot of nerve calling me Boris, when you're the Boris -- any and every comment you make is only about Ukraine.
I on the other hand, have commented on a variety of issues on this forum.
Btw, Boris is a Ukrainian name too, not just a Russian one.
Still have not answered the question BORIS. So I will ask it again:
Why BORIS are you so fabulously committed to trying to denigrate US Institutions and support murderous, war criminal and thug Vladimire Putin in his efforts to invade a sovereign state? Why is every single thread you start and post you key simply some version of the same PROPAGANDA slant, supportive of Russia, denigrating the US? Please stop trying to present your Putinesk crap as an effort at debate. You are simply promoting the Kremlin/Putim line. Propaganda is not debate. Its just propaganda.

As for topics, I have posted on many topics in this forum. I have more "likes" here than you have posts. I have three times the posts you have in half the time. Seems to me that you must the the one that is rather narrowly focused.

As for the handle "BORISS" it became popular here decades ago when in our free society with free speech it became obvious that paid Soviet agents or Soviet sympathizers were commenting in the media here as a means of parroting the Soviet line. Hence they were coined as BORIS. You fit the mold...enjoy it. You have earned it.
What does Alinsky have to do with the simply truth of having Russian Agents run by Russian Intelligence officers posting at this forum.
What makes you think there are Russians here?
What makes you think there are Russians here?
That is a laugh. In the first place I said Russian Agents. There might possibly be Russian Intelligence officers here as well. Learn the difference and get back to us when you do.
That is a laugh. In the first place I said Russian Agents. There might possibly be Russian Intelligence officers here as well. Learn the difference and get back to us when you do.
Again, what makes you think they are here?
Again, what makes you think they are here?
Because there are forum participants that simply do nothing more than parrot Putin's line for one thing.
Because there are forum participants that simply do nothing more than parrot Putin's line for one thing.
I don't know of any forum members who "parrot Putin's line". Can you name names?
I don't know of any forum members who "parrot Putin's line". Can you name names?
Then you are not paying attention. I have always said that I choose the time and place when I might try to educate this audience. Besides you are here enough to know exactly who I am talking about and I have flatly told many of them directly from this keyboard who they are.
Then you are not paying attention. I have always said that I choose the time and place when I might try to educate this audience. Besides you are here enough to know exactly who I am talking about and I have flatly told many of them directly from this keyboard who they are.
Well, you are certainly correct that I don't pay attention to everything that everyone says here...and I have no idea who you are talking about.

In any case, I don't think Russia cares all that much about DP.

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