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UK Stock has beat both germany and france all 6 days after the vote exit (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Jun 26, 2016
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this vote by the wise CNN MONEY live world stock markets apples to apples comparisons is showing UK as the winner and the euro union as the loser

also shows and predicts there will be a worldwide domino effect that has conservatives separating from liberals and the conservatives will advance while the liberals will fall back and when this happens the world will LEARN that liberalism harms and never let it rise again.. that will go down in history like legal incest having kids did.... harm always gets tossed away in time
this vote by the wise CNN MONEY live world stock markets apples to apples comparisons is showing UK as the winner and the euro union as the loser

also shows and predicts there will be a worldwide domino effect that has conservatives separating from liberals and the conservatives will advance while the liberals will fall back and when this happens the world will LEARN that liberalism harms and never let it rise again.. that will go down in history like legal incest having kids did.... harm always gets tossed away in time

Dont feed the troll. He/she has no idea what they are talking about. The FTSE 250 is way down, and the pound is way down and he/she does not understand the difference between FTSE 100 and 250.

He/She also fails to understand that the market expects massive quantitative easing by the BOE which of course makes speculators go nuts with the FTSE 100 companies. Now if that quantitative easing does not come or it is not enough, then you will see the FTSE going down.

You also saw bank stocks in the UK improve today, but that was solely because the BOE lowered capital requirements... a dick move to please banks and hence the markets and speculators, but in reality a dangerous move for the British taxpayer as Barclays is circling the drain and has been for a while.

Talking all this and saying that the UK stock market reaction shows that Brexit was correct and the EU is doomed... is frankly utter bull****. The belief of quantitative easing by the BOE is driving up the UK stock market artificially.
Dont feed the troll. He/she has no idea what they are talking about. The FTSE 250 is way down, and the pound is way down and he/she does not understand the difference between FTSE 100 and 250.

He/She also fails to understand that the market expects massive quantitative easing by the BOE which of course makes speculators go nuts with the FTSE 100 companies. Now if that quantitative easing does not come or it is not enough, then you will see the FTSE going down.

You also saw bank stocks in the UK improve today, but that was solely because the BOE lowered capital requirements... a dick move to please banks and hence the markets and speculators, but in reality a dangerous move for the British taxpayer as Barclays is circling the drain and has been for a while.

Talking all this and saying that the UK stock market reaction shows that Brexit was correct and the EU is doomed... is frankly utter bull****. The belief of quantitative easing by the BOE is driving up the UK stock market artificially.

Printing money is never a good thing, its only a matter of time before the whole global economy collapses and this is inevitable regardless of Brexit.

google live world stock markets .. this is cnn money and this is apples to apples showing for 6 straight days that UK stock market beat both france and germany each and every day..
Printing money is never a good thing, its only a matter of time before the whole global economy collapses and this is inevitable regardless of Brexit.

Printing money is like pissing in your pants to keep warm...
this beating of BOTH euro union nations 6 straight times and 3 days of overwhelming beating.

THIS IS SHOWING that the wise ARE PREDICTING a world wide seceding of conservatives from liberals and predicting that the conservatives will progress and advance and the liberals falling into misery
this beating of BOTH euro union nations 6 straight times and 3 days of overwhelming beating.

THIS IS SHOWING that the wise ARE PREDICTING a world wide seceding of conservatives from liberals and predicting that the conservatives will progress and advance and the liberals falling into misery

LOL. The markets move in one direction for 6 whole days and you're trying to hold it up as the definitive proof that the EU and liberalism are doomed. Wtf? It's obvious you're not very experienced in market matters but you do realize that 6 days of anything means absolutely nothing, right? Printing money to make stocks soar is not economic growth.
Dont feed the troll. He/she has no idea what they are talking about. The FTSE 250 is way down, and the pound is way down and he/she does not understand the difference between FTSE 100 and 250.

He/She also fails to understand that the market expects massive quantitative easing by the BOE which of course makes speculators go nuts with the FTSE 100 companies. Now if that quantitative easing does not come or it is not enough, then you will see the FTSE going down.

You also saw bank stocks in the UK improve today, but that was solely because the BOE lowered capital requirements... a dick move to please banks and hence the markets and speculators, but in reality a dangerous move for the British taxpayer as Barclays is circling the drain and has been for a while.

Talking all this and saying that the UK stock market reaction shows that Brexit was correct and the EU is doomed... is frankly utter bull****. The belief of quantitative easing by the BOE is driving up the UK stock market artificially.

LOL. The markets move in one direction for 6 whole days and you're trying to hold it up as the definitive proof that the EU and liberalism are doomed. Wtf? It's obvious you're not very experienced in market matters but you do realize that 6 days of anything means absolutely nothing, right? Printing money to make stocks soar is not economic growth.

While I am little impressed by the opener, it is the same hesitation that slows me from applauding the opposite opinion. We simply have no robust information on where this is leading. We shouldn't forget that the EU needs to change, has no idea in what direction and the UK is yet a full member. This is especially important as many changes won't fly without unanimity and in many another cases the UK has friends that want many of the same things. Steinmeier, Junker etc know this and are nervous.

Unless the uk government is stupid, they will keep their exit option dry till they know, where the EU is going.
this vote by the wise CNN MONEY live world stock markets apples to apples comparisons is showing UK as the winner and the euro union as the loser

also shows and predicts there will be a worldwide domino effect that has conservatives separating from liberals and the conservatives will advance while the liberals will fall back and when this happens the world will LEARN that liberalism harms and never let it rise again.. that will go down in history like legal incest having kids did.... harm always gets tossed away in time

Whhh ?

Liberalism will go down in history like "incest having kids"?


Ah. Just like the other. Short term market movement doesn't say much in a time like this. Newbees were always jumping to conclusions like that. And it is not a surprise that central banks prepare.
this vote by the wise CNN MONEY live world stock markets apples to apples comparisons is showing UK as the winner and the euro union as the loser

also shows and predicts there will be a worldwide domino effect that has conservatives separating from liberals and the conservatives will advance while the liberals will fall back and when this happens the world will LEARN that liberalism harms and never let it rise again.. that will go down in history like legal incest having kids did.... harm always gets tossed away in time

I don't think we can say much, till we know in what direction we are off in.
people who cherry pick and throw in something that stops comparing apples to apples they simply don't like the result and trying to fool with cherry picking

the fts stock is the top 100 similar to the top companies of germany and france and cnn money compares them because that is apples to apples comparison ..and the big thing that the most unwise votes big to remain which makes the older and wiser to vote in a landslide and the wise then votes them the winner and are voting that the world will separate conservatives away from liberals and they bet that conservatives will progress and liberals will fall into misery... this change cannot be stopped humans were designed to copy success in time
I don't think we can say much, till we know in what direction we are off in.

we do know which direction.. we know this by the wise predicting... the most unwise voting one way and the most wise voting the opposite is the clue that the world is gonna change quickly to bring conservatism and stopping liberalism
Ah. Just like the other. Short term market movement doesn't say much in a time like this. Newbees were always jumping to conclusions like that. And it is not a surprise that central banks prepare.
THE CLUE to jumping to wrong conclusions was the very young unwise voting so strongly for the euro opposite the higher wisdom voting strongly for the opposite... the more wise do not jump wrong like the more unwise

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