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UK midwives union supports legal abortion up to birth (1 Viewer)

nota bene

DP Veteran
Aug 11, 2011
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The Royal College of Midwives supports removing restricting on abortion to include terminations up to birth. Currently, it is illegal under most circumstances to abort beyond 24 weeks, but this would decriminalize very late-term abortions. From the Telegraph:

The policy has already sparked a rebellion among members, with around 200 midwives and maternity workers signing a letter to the union's board criticising the "utterly unacceptable" decision.
The letter is said to state: "For the organisation that represents us to support the radical position that all protections for unborn children should be removed right through to birth, and without any consultation of us members, we find utterly unacceptable.”

Royal College of Midwives backs abolition of abortion law that could see women terminate unborn child at any point


According to the UK Life Charity organization:

Ironically, the College’s move is out of step with public opinion. Recent polling has consistently demonstrated that a larger proportion of women in the UK want more, not fewer restrictions on abortion.
A ComRes poll in March 2014 found that 88% of women faqvoured a total and explicit ban on sex-selective abortion. Contrary to the RCM’s call for abortion up to birth, in 2012 an Angus Reid poll found that only 2% of women wanted the time limited extended beyond 24 weeks, whilst 59% of women favroued a reduction in time limits.

Royal College of Midwives supports abortion up to birth | LIFE Charity
I absolutely love their TV show.
Up to day of birth for any reason (non-medical emergency/baby not deformed/etc) is beyond immoral... it is actually disgusting. Any person that does, or who supports it, is a disgusting human being.
Up to day of birth for any reason (non-medical emergency/baby not deformed/etc) is beyond immoral... it is actually disgusting. Any person that does, or who supports it, is a disgusting human being.

Show where that is actually happening.
I'm sorry--what at your link is at variance with what I posted from the Telegram? Your "ACTUALLY" suggests that there is some discrepancy. There isn't any.

Here's the statement
"For the organisation that represents us to support the radical position that all protections for unborn children should be removed right through to birth

And here's the truth:
Abortion should be removed from the criminal law, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service has said in a campaign launched today (9 February).

It called for the Victorian-era legislation that criminalises abortion to be scrapped and for the procedure to be regulated in the same way as all other women’s health care.
They don't want to remove all protections for unborn children. They just want to remove the criminal penalties
The Royal College of Midwives supports removing restricting on abortion to include terminations up to birth. Currently, it is illegal under most circumstances to abort beyond 24 weeks, but this would decriminalize very late-term abortions. From the Telegraph:

The policy has already sparked a rebellion among members, with around 200 midwives and maternity workers signing a letter to the union's board criticising the "utterly unacceptable" decision.
The letter is said to state: "For the organisation that represents us to support the radical position that all protections for unborn children should be removed right through to birth, and without any consultation of us members, we find utterly unacceptable.”

Royal College of Midwives backs abolition of abortion law that could see women terminate unborn child at any point


According to the UK Life Charity organization:

Ironically, the College’s move is out of step with public opinion. Recent polling has consistently demonstrated that a larger proportion of women in the UK want more, not fewer restrictions on abortion.
A ComRes poll in March 2014 found that 88% of women faqvoured a total and explicit ban on sex-selective abortion. Contrary to the RCM’s call for abortion up to birth, in 2012 an Angus Reid poll found that only 2% of women wanted the time limited extended beyond 24 weeks, whilst 59% of women favroued a reduction in time limits.

Royal College of Midwives supports abortion up to birth | LIFE Charity
It is disgusting and reprehensive ,some people have no limit
The Royal College of Midwives supports removing restricting on abortion to include terminations up to birth. Currently, it is illegal under most circumstances to abort beyond 24 weeks, but this would decriminalize very late-term abortions. From the Telegraph:

The policy has already sparked a rebellion among members, with around 200 midwives and maternity workers signing a letter to the union's board criticising the "utterly unacceptable" decision.
The letter is said to state: "For the organisation that represents us to support the radical position that all protections for unborn children should be removed right through to birth, and without any consultation of us members, we find utterly unacceptable.”

Royal College of Midwives backs abolition of abortion law that could see women terminate unborn child at any point


According to the UK Life Charity organization:

Ironically, the College’s move is out of step with public opinion. Recent polling has consistently demonstrated that a larger proportion of women in the UK want more, not fewer restrictions on abortion.
A ComRes poll in March 2014 found that 88% of women faqvoured a total and explicit ban on sex-selective abortion. Contrary to the RCM’s call for abortion up to birth, in 2012 an Angus Reid poll found that only 2% of women wanted the time limited extended beyond 24 weeks, whilst 59% of women favroued a reduction in time limits.

Royal College of Midwives supports abortion up to birth | LIFE Charity

They should be arrested.
That's preposterous.
Show where I said that you said it is currently happening.

Post #7

Show where that is actually happening.

If it "is actually happening" it is an act or event that is happening... happening is a present tense term. Happened would denote the past. You asked if an event or act "is happening". Is happening is something current. Does that help?
Post #7

If it "is actually happening" it is an act or event that is happening... happening is a present tense term. Happened would denote the past. You asked if an event or act "is happening". Is happening is something current. Does that help?

That is not saying that you said it is happening.
Like the people who misrepresent what the RCM actually said?

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