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Uh Oh (1 Viewer)


Liberal Fascist For Life!
DP Veteran
Mar 5, 2008
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Sarasota Fla
Political Leaning
Just saw this on the Who's Online page.

vauge* 05:25 PM Spying

Be afraid, be very afraid.
If he is not here often, you should take advantage and stage a coup.
If he is not here often, you should take advantage and stage a coup.

Tried it. He has some super-special de-couping permissions that prevent that sort of thing. Bastard.

Why is **** and **** on the censored list, when bastard isnt? **** and **** are way more useful in political discussions than bastard is. Would it be possible to exchange bastard for **** on the list, so we can use **** in the discussions?
Why is **** and **** on the censored list, when bastard isnt? **** and **** are way more useful in political discussions than bastard is. Would it be possible to exchange bastard for **** on the list, so we can use **** in the discussions?

wow, that post made a lot of sense :2razz:
See what I mean. It is difficult to make sense, when the censor keeps starring out the main words.

well, the swear words are generally used as adjectives, so they can generally be replaced by other words, and i believe the official reason for the words censor is so that the sits sits higher up in a google search for not having swear words. or something like that.

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