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U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours[W:92] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
U.S. investigators and national security officials suspect Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours after reaching its last confirmed location, based on engine data sent to the ground from the Boeing aircraft. Jeffrey Ng speaks with the WSJ's Jon Ostrower about this major development.

U.S. counterterrorism officials are pursuing the possibility that a pilot or someone else on board the plane may have diverted it toward an undisclosed location after intentionally turning off the jetliner's transponders to avoid radar detection, according to one person tracking the probe.

U.S. investigators suspect that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 stayed in the air for about four hours after it disappeared from radar. The WSJ's Jeffrey Ng talks to the head of the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales, Jason Middletown, about the data transmitted by aircraft engines.

The investigation remains fluid, and it isn't clear whether investigators have evidence indicating possible terrorism or sabotage. So far, U.S. national security officials have said that nothing specifically points toward terrorism, though they haven't ruled it out...

At one briefing, according to this person, officials were told investigators are actively pursuing the notion that the plane was diverted "with the intention of using it later for another purpose."

We may have to start posting about this aircraft under Conspiracy Theories.

Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

We may have to start posting about this aircraft under Conspiracy Theories.


This is starting to look like an episode of "Lost" [see Dharma Initiative]
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

That's what I don't understand--the plane's flying for hours after contact was lost.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

That's what I don't understand--the plane's flying for hours after contact was lost.

If true, and now with the Boeing engine data coming out that seems to be the case, then it is obvious that bad guys were involved somehow or other.

If that's the case, I'm surprised they haven't made their demands known?
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

If true, and now with the Boeing engine data coming out that seems to be the case, then it is obvious that bad guys were involved somehow or other.

If that's the case, I'm surprised they haven't made their demands known?

Welllll, one of the theories is actually that everyone was unconscious aboard the plane, and it was flying on autopilot. *shrug*
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Welllll, one of the theories is actually that everyone was unconscious aboard the plane, and it was flying on autopilot. *shrug*

Anything is possible at this time, but the autopilot cannot turn off the transponders. :cool:
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Maybe they hotwired it and flew it to a chop shop somewhere.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

If true, and now with the Boeing engine data coming out that seems to be the case, then it is obvious that bad guys were involved somehow or other.

If that's the case, I'm surprised they haven't made their demands known?

The engines were Rolls Royce and engine data was sent to Malaysian air and relayed to Rolls. Malaysian air denies the report and say all data stopped when the transponders went off. It sounds like someone is wrong here.

Malaysia Airlines Chief Executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahya said Thursday that Rolls-Royce and Boeing have reported that they didn't receive transmissions of any kind after 1:07 a.m. Saturday. Air traffic controllers lost contact with the plane shortly afterward, around 1:30 a.m.
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Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

That's what I don't understand--the plane's flying for hours after contact was lost.

If true, and now with the Boeing engine data coming out that seems to be the case, then it is obvious that bad guys were involved somehow or other.

If that's the case, I'm surprised they haven't made their demands known?

A major electrical problem can cut communications.

And the fact that nobody has made demands or taken credit pretty much proves it's not terrorism or hostage taking. And, seriously, how many places are there in the world where you can land a plane of this size without anybody noticing? You can't put this thing down on some dirt strip.

The plane is in pieces at the bottom of an ocean. They haven't found it because it's a big ass ocean and they don't know where it was when it went down.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Welllll, one of the theories is actually that everyone was unconscious aboard the plane, and it was flying on autopilot. *shrug*

Autopilots don't change course unless told to do so.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

4 hrs....2200 miles....one big circle.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

They're saying possibly 5 hours now....as far a Iran.

Looking like someone wants this plane for nefarious purposes.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

A major electrical problem can cut communications.

And the fact that nobody has made demands or taken credit pretty much proves it's not terrorism or hostage taking. And, seriously, how many places are there in the world where you can land a plane of this size without anybody noticing? You can't put this thing down on some dirt strip.

The plane is in pieces at the bottom of an ocean. They haven't found it because it's a big ass ocean and they don't know where it was when it went down.

To me, that's the big point--no group has made any demands or claims or offered pictures. It seems unlikely that it was hijacked. Also that the crew did not get out one word regarding any sort of emergency.

It is possible that one or both crew members were in on it, as happened in Switzerland last month, but if it had been a successful hijack it seems we would have heard something from the bad guys by now.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Autopilots don't change course unless told to do so.

Unless the diversion was preprogrammed, right?
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

What a great mystery! All we know for sure is that a huge plane with over 200 people on board disappeared. We don't know where it is or why it disappeared. We actually don't know anything, other than that it is gone.

Therefore, any speculation is as good as any other speculation.

I think it flew into the fifth dimension to a parallel universe where the Earth is un populated by human beings. The plane landed safely, but will never take off again. The stranded passengers will now start a new civilization.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

To me, that's the big point--no group has made any demands or claims or offered pictures. It seems unlikely that it was hijacked. Also that the crew did not get out one word regarding any sort of emergency.

It is possible that one or both crew members were in on it, as happened in Switzerland last month, but if it had been a successful hijack it seems we would have heard something from the bad guys by now.
Unless the attempted hijacking was thwarted by heroic passengers, like the ones on Flight 93. And maybe there was no cell phone service for passengers to call-in the emergency from the cabin.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Maybe they hotwired it and flew it to a chop shop somewhere.

Next time we see it, it'll have Jensen tri axles and a lift kit.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

A major electrical problem can cut communications.

And the fact that nobody has made demands or taken credit pretty much proves it's not terrorism or hostage taking. And, seriously, how many places are there in the world where you can land a plane of this size without anybody noticing? You can't put this thing down on some dirt strip.

The plane is in pieces at the bottom of an ocean. They haven't found it because it's a big ass ocean and they don't know where it was when it went down.

My gut is that this was an unsuccessful hijacking. But everything is conjecture.
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Welllll, one of the theories is actually that everyone was unconscious aboard the plane, and it was flying on autopilot. *shrug*

But the plane would have to land somewhere at some point and there are only two options: On land or in the water.

Assuming the plane was flying on auto-pilot, eventually it would ran out of fuel out crash land somewhere. But there's been no reports of a large commercial jet crash landing anywhere in that region of the world. That means the plane either ditched in the ocean and researches just aren't looking in the right place or the plane landed safely somewhere. Assuming the former is true, what areas in that region has runways large enough to accommodate a large commercial jet liner of that size?
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Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

What a great mystery! All we know for sure is that a huge plane with over 200 people on board disappeared. We don't know where it is or why it disappeared. We actually don't know anything, other than that it is gone.

Therefore, any speculation is as good as any other speculation.

I think it flew into the fifth dimension to a parallel universe where the Earth is un populated by human beings. The plane landed safely, but will never take off again. The stranded passengers will now start a new civilization.

Maybe aliens got it. :cool:
Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

Maybe aliens got it. :cool:

Maybe it was Indians? I heard one report that said that some of the Injuns on board were sending messages for hours!

Re: U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Airplane Flew On for Hours

What a great mystery! All we know for sure is that a huge plane with over 200 people on board disappeared. We don't know where it is or why it disappeared. We actually don't know anything, other than that it is gone.

Therefore, any speculation is as good as any other speculation.

I think it flew into the fifth dimension to a parallel universe where the Earth is un populated by human beings. The plane landed safely, but will never take off again. The stranded passengers will now start a new civilization.

That would even explain the "seismic tremors" detected by the Chinese wouldn't it? Going thru dimensional warp like that would certainly cause a disturbance in the space time continuum. ;)

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