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U.S. Capitalism Is Back On Track (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Political Leaning
After suffering some setbacks due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, the super rich are once again enjoying huge increases in their wealth. However, the vast majority of the remaining population is gradually losing more financial ground.

These two factors prove what a tremendous success for United States capitalism transitioning to pro-business/anti-labor policies beginning in the early 1970s have been. Couple this with other conservative economic policies like the outsourcing tens-of-millions of jobs to Asia and Mexico since the 1980s, the continuing decline of the middle class and growing poverty is assured.

The parasitic form of capitalism which now exists here in the U.S., and is spreading across the western world, should provide immense increases in wealth for the top 0.01%, while widening the chasm of income inequality. This ongoing situation can cause nothing but a feeling of deep pride in most conservatives, and validate their support for tax cuts for the fat cats.

The rich get richer, and the poor get... - CBS News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.

After suffering some setbacks due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, the super rich are once again enjoying huge increases in their wealth. However, the vast majority of the remaining population is gradually losing more financial ground. These two factors prove what a tremendous success for United States capitalism transitioning to pro-business/anti-labor policies beginning in the early 1970s have been. [...] The parasitic form of capitalism which now exists here in the U.S., and is spreading across the western world, should provide immense increases in wealth for the top 0.01%, while widening the chasm of income inequality. This ongoing situation can cause nothing but a feeling of deep pride in most conservatives, and validate their support for tax cuts for the fat cats.

Huh? Either that was sarcasm, or this is a wildly incoherent OP.
Huh? Either that was sarcasm, or this is a wildly incoherent OP.

He doesn't care. Therefore it shouldn't come as a surprise that no one else does either, in spite of the inherent contradiction in his statement. Somewhere in this is the foundered hope of recognition.
After suffering some setbacks due to the Great Republican Recession of 2008, the super rich are once again enjoying huge increases in their wealth. However, the vast majority of the remaining population is gradually losing more financial ground.

These two factors prove what a tremendous success for United States capitalism transitioning to pro-business/anti-labor policies beginning in the early 1970s have been. Couple this with other conservative economic policies like the outsourcing tens-of-millions of jobs to Asia and Mexico since the 1980s, the continuing decline of the middle class and growing poverty is assured.

The parasitic form of capitalism which now exists here in the U.S., and is spreading across the western world, should provide immense increases in wealth for the top 0.01%, while widening the chasm of income inequality. This ongoing situation can cause nothing but a feeling of deep pride in most conservatives, and validate their support for tax cuts for the fat cats.

The rich get richer, and the poor get... - CBS News


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


If you buy BMWs and shoes made in China? Of course US workers will earn less and capital plant earns money in China or Germany. Buy American and it will shift back. People will have less, but the jobs will be here.
there's no such thing

The parasitic form of Capitalism is CORPORATISM. Banks and 2008. Pig Pharma and rigged prices and monopolies. Big Chem and ethanol. The Military Industrial Corporate Complex and Wars for Business. As a caterpiller morphs to a moth or butterfly, capitalism morphs to CORPORATISM and it is definitely parasitic.
The parasitic form of Capitalism is CORPORATISM. Banks and 2008. Pig Pharma and rigged prices and monopolies. Big Chem and ethanol. The Military Industrial Corporate Complex and Wars for Business. As a caterpiller morphs to a moth or butterfly, capitalism morphs to CORPORATISM and it is definitely parasitic.

nope, thats just capitalism, theres no such thing as "parasitic capitalism" or "crony capitalism", there's just capitalism.

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