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U.S. Adds 146,000 Jobs; Jobless Rate Falls to 7.7% (1 Viewer)


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Jul 1, 2011
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it's slowly crawling back. let's hope that the both sides don't screw it up by letting us go over the cliff, or by enacting the changes too quickly.

Is that taking into account seasonal jobs?
Still didn't even make the 200k jobs that is needed.....huh?
Is that taking into account seasonal jobs?

What I just heard on the radio was that it was larger than what they expected even with seasonal jobs. They also say all the unemployment numbers we've had recently reflect a sizable number no longer looking for work. So, while the unemployment rate is encouraging, we do have a large number no longer counted.
Still didn't even make the 200k jobs that is needed.....huh?

Was anyone realistically expecting that? Last I checked, no one had a magic wand.
What I just heard on the radio was that it was larger than what they expected even with seasonal jobs. They also say all the unemployment numbers we've had recently reflect a sizable number no longer looking for work. So, while the unemployment rate is encouraging, we do have a large number no longer counted.

How many dropped out of looking for work, effecting the unemployment numbers.
Should be "U.S. Adds 146,000 Jobs - 122,000 fewer than the required 268,000 to break even"
This report looks bad. I hope Sandy is the cause for it, and that we pick up.


Oct 12 - 143,384

Nov 12 - 143,262

Our employed numbers went down 122,000 workers, but unemployment went down to 7.7%.

People are leaving the work force, lowering our participation. That doesn't seem like a good indicator to me.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Am I looking to far into the numbers?
What I just heard on the radio was that it was larger than what they expected even with seasonal jobs. They also say all the unemployment numbers we've had recently reflect a sizable number no longer looking for work. So, while the unemployment rate is encouraging, we do have a large number no longer counted.

Was this by state.....as Chicagoland Seasonal Workers didn't hire as many as they did from last year. Even Sears kept more of their Regular Full Time Employees round longer. Especially Since they have been hiring people in with 28-32 hrs.

The reason I know this is my son Got a job there and got in Right before they brought the seasonal Workers in. See how that works hired in at full time with 32hrs and can be brought in to work over and still not go over 40hrs.
it's slowly crawling back. let's hope that the both sides don't screw it up by letting us go over the cliff, or by enacting the changes too quickly.

Although it's good news that jobs are being created rather than lost, 146,000 jobs barely keeps up with population growth and is not what we should be seeing 3 years into an economic recovery.

The only reason the unemployment rate went down, was because another 540,000 people gave up looking for work and dropped out of the workforce, so were no longer counted as unemployed by the BLS. This is reflected in the employment to population ratio (the percent of the eligible American workforce that's employed) which fell a tenth of a point in November remaining at 30 year lows and still nearly 2% smaller than it was when Obama took office back in 2009.
Should be "U.S. Adds 146,000 Jobs - 122,000 fewer than the required 268,000 to break even"

The economy needs far fewer than 268k per month to break even. Where'd you get that number?
And the participation rate down once again and it appears from what I have heard on the business channel that those are actually more young people than older Americans...in fact older Americans are actually rejoining the work force instead of leaving it. Unemployment among the younger crowd is 20 some %...yet these are the ones who voted in high numbers for Obama.

Meanwhile Government unemployment is a paltry 3.8% and 73% of new jobs created in the last 5 months are in government. That is not really good news or a growing economy.

73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government | CNS News
The economy needs far fewer than 268k per month to break even. Where'd you get that number?

200k so it's still under.....marking how many months of not hitting the mark?
And the participation rate down once again and it appears from what I have heard on the business channel that those are actually more young people than older Americans...in fact older Americans are actually rejoining the work force instead of leaving it. Unemployment among the younger crowd is 20 some %...yet these are the ones who voted in high numbers for Obama.

Meanwhile Government unemployment is a paltry 3.8% and 73% of new jobs created in the last 5 months are in government. That is not really good news or a growing economy.

73% of New Jobs Created in Last 5 Months Are in Government | CNS News

Participation rate was down slightly last month and up slightly the previous month. No change, net, over the last two months.
200k so it's still under.....marking how many months of not hitting the mark?

I asked for a link to support your claimed number for the break even point, because you are mistaken. The actual number of jobs needed to break even is about 110k per month. Jobs Calculator
Participation rate was down slightly last month and up slightly the previous month. No change, net, over the last two months.

link please. But you ignore the rest of my post???
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Unemployement benefits only go so long - its not a permanent thing. These figures reflect unemployment claims
and the number getting the benefit of unemployment drops off making the "government" look like they are
doing great when they are not. The total work force figure is more important and it should alarm people
but as long as they got their obamaphone they don't care.

This report looks bad. I hope Sandy is the cause for it, and that we pick up.


Oct 12 - 143,384

Nov 12 - 143,262

Our employed numbers went down 122,000 workers, but unemployment went down to 7.7%.

People are leaving the work force, lowering our participation. That doesn't seem like a good indicator to me.

Employment Situation Summary Table A. Household data, seasonally adjusted

Am I looking to far into the numbers?
Participation rate was down slightly last month and up slightly the previous month. No change, net, over the last two months.
If the government covered only the labor force, you might have a point. Hell, let's take everyone out of the labor force, that way we'll have historic 0.0% unemployment - surefire way to a booming economy!!

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