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Turban Durbin (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 12, 2005
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Very Conservative
Has **** Durbin any shame? Though he repeatedly claims that he does not want Supreme Court nominee, John Roberts, to tell the world in explicit terms that he would negate Roe v Wade, he stated that he wants to know how Roberts feels about a Constitutional “right to privacy” and peripheral issues of the Roe decision. I am not sure which end of the jackass I was watching on this particular edition of Meet the Press. While Durbin and the liberal hordes would call for a public lynching of any conservative politician that supported a litmus test on abortion for judicial nominees, they have their own. Hypocrisy is alive and well in Washington.

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His name is Richard (****) Durbin!!!! Why is it blocked in my message????
Well, actually, as I was researching a paper on O'Connor, I discovered that there are more issues in the right to privacy than abortion, including but not limited to the right to be secure in one's own home, the "right" to contraceptives, freedom from search, etc. It is perfectly logical to ask them the questions on the topic, but it does not necessarily mean that they will dismiss them outright.

Sen. Durbin has the right to ask whatever questions he wants, just like the Repubs did to District court, Appellate court and Supreme Court nominees of Clinton's. This may lengthen the process, but it didn't seem to worry the Republicans then who held up people for as long as three years because of necessary, in their minds, question asking, even of district court judges.
cobb said:
His name is Richard (****) Durbin!!!! Why is it blocked in my message????
Yeah... that's the obscene language blocker. It doesn't look at context:
**** Durbin
**** Cheney
A rooster is also called a ****
Every time Durbin opens his mouth he inserts his foot..........
His name is Richard (****) Durbin!!!!

I prefere calling him Dick Head Turban Durbin
Why call him Turban Durbin? What are you trying to imply?

The man is a traitor.He is taking the side of the enemy.That is what that name is implying.
jamesrage said:
The man is a traitor.He is taking the side of the enemy.That is what that name is implying.
What has he been traitorous again? That is a very serious allegation.
Sounds to me like your generalizing. Do you believe all people who wear turbans are terrorists?

Do you believe all Arabs wear Turbans?It would seem that you are guilty of what you accuse me of.
jamesrage said:
Do you believe all Arabs wear Turbans?It would seem that you are guilty of what you accuse me of.
Hunh? That's a mighty large strawman. FinnMacCool didn't even mention the word "Arab".

I'm still waiting for what Durbin did that would be labelled as traitorous since that would include the federal death penalty.

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