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Tucker Carlson's (of Fox News) love affair with Russia. We're watching it play out real time. Never Forget. (1 Viewer)

Do you know how expensive it is to call to the USA from Russia? My friends and I were tired of doing it yesterday, now we have to pay the bills)))

God, it's so low-grade, stupid and most importantly without any evidence... I got a call, try to refute it)))

Yes, yes, yes... that's how the Republicans called the Democrat... I believe (just like I say Stanislavsky).
It's head shaking the control he has over his audience. He can lead them to any thought bubble he wants. It really is amazing how malleable they are.
These people think in terms of relationships and identity, not in terms of expedience or reason.
Do you know how expensive it is to call to the USA from Russia? My friends and I were tired of doing it yesterday, now we have to pay the bills)))

God, it's so low-grade, stupid and most importantly without any evidence... I got a call, try to refute it)))

Yes, yes, yes... that's how the Republicans called the Democrat... I believe (just like I say Stanislavsky).
Nobody said anything about calls from Russia.

Breath in, breath out
Nobody said anything about calls from Russia.

Breath in, breath out
It was humor, sarcasm and kind of obvious... it is necessary to make a rather funny statement, unknown people called me and asked... what what?
It was humor, sarcasm and kind of obvious... it is necessary to make a rather funny statement, unknown people called me and asked... what what?
It might have been funny and obvious if calls had been made from Russia.

It turned out clueless and uninformed.

Stick with though. You're liable to say something funny soon.
It might have been funny and obvious if calls had been made from Russia.

It turned out clueless and uninformed.

Stick with though. You're liable to say something funny soon.
Thank you, I will, I will please you... after all, such news gives me unspeakable pleasure
Tucker Carlson always has that look of a person that just found out that somebody shit all over the driver's seat of his new car.
I was going to post something about that constant expression. I don't usually comment on people's looks, but expressions are fair game. Everytime I happen to see a clip of his show, he has that same look. It's as if he found a world-class plastic surgeon and had that creepy incredulous scown permanently stitched into place...
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I was going to post something about that constant expression. I don't usually comment on people's looks, but expressions are fair game. It's as if he found a world-class plastic surgeon and had that creepy incredulous scown permanently stitched into place...
Amen. I watched a clip of him (Forgot where). It was 'bout 16 minutes long. Guess what? Yeah...No weird look at all.
Which says he's just a damn phony, through and through. Maybe I WILL shit in his..... :)
Thank you, I will, I will please you... after all, such news gives me unspeakable pleasure
I didn't ask you to please me, I'm not Donald Trump.

I gave you some feedback (feel free to ignore it) and some encouragement (feel free to ignore that too) and you respond with sarcasm.

Are you using humor again?
Amen. I watched a clip of him (Forgot where). It was 'bout 16 minutes long. Guess what? Yeah...No weird look at all.
Which says he's just a damn phony, through and through. Maybe I WILL shit in his..... :)
That's interesting
and now, of course, ole lying Tucker is trying to save face (as children in Ukraine are murdered).
I was going to post something about that constant expression. I don't usually comment on people's looks, but expressions are fair game. Everytime I happen to see a clip of his show, he has that same look. It's as if he found a world-class plastic surgeon and had that creepy incredulous scown permanently stitched into place...
Lots of media figures seem to have an expression as part of the persona they play. For example, my favorite anchor Rachel Maddow has a very interested and concerned, wrinkled eyebrow expression she uses a lot.
......and his devoted audience didn't even notice the siesmic shift.
Here's Rachel's expression:


And here it is again:


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