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Trump's VP search enters frenzied phase (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Donald Trump's vice presidential search turned into a head-spinning melodrama Wednesday as candidates vying for the spot hopped on planes and phones to perform frenzied, last-minute try-outs.
OMFG! You mean there are people who want to be Trump's VP?

Astonishing. Astonishing.

Every day I'm gob smacked by something new out of that campaign.
OMFG! You mean there are people who want to be Trump's VP?

Astonishing. Astonishing.

Every day I'm gob smacked by something new out of that campaign.

Gingrich is apparently out.

i thought the guy from Indiana was already a done deal

What happens if Ted Cruz has agreed to it?
Gingrich is apparently out.


Gingrich is out? Any reason given? I mean, it would have been a terrible choice, but I had not heard he was officially out.
OMFG! You mean there are people who want to be Trump's VP?

Astonishing. Astonishing.

Every day I'm gob smacked by something new out of that campaign.

There is more than a little speculation that Trump really doesn't want to be president and may pull a Sarah Palin before his term is up. Maybe the potential VP candidates have designs on taking over the presidency.
Gingrich is out? Any reason given? I mean, it would have been a terrible choice, but I had not heard he was officially out.

Why would Gingrich be a terrible choice? Because he balanced the budget?
There is more than a little speculation that Trump really doesn't want to be president and may pull a Sarah Palin before his term is up. Maybe the potential VP candidates have designs on taking over the presidency.

Cruz would most certainly agree to those terms.
What happens if Ted Cruz has agreed to it?

To take the question seriously(it is really unlikely, but then again, so is this whole election), it would help solidify very conservative voters for Trump, but would have little effect on the outcome of the election. Clinton would have some fun with ads featuring the two of them at the republican debate. It would probably be a better choice than most Trump could make, but not the best possible choice. It should be pointed out that Cruz, and most of the better choices are not interested though, or so it is reported.

Any one notice that this election requires any post about it to have at least two caveats?
Why would Gingrich be a terrible choice? Because he balanced the budget?

Gingrich is remembered for putting a work clause into the entitlement programs. Which made it tougher to recieve benefits. Lots of voters do not want that to happen again.
Gingrich is out? Any reason given? I mean, it would have been a terrible choice, but I had not heard he was officially out.

:shrug: Statements by him seemingly critical of the Trump campaign broke across Twitter last night. I agree, from that to "well I guess he's not it" is an assumption.
OMFG! You mean there are people who want to be Trump's VP?

Astonishing. Astonishing.

Every day I'm gob smacked by something new out of that campaign.

This is like a damned reality TV show. Who Wants to be My VP? He can hand out ballots at the end of the episode to indicate who gets to make it to the next episode.

Everything involving Trump is such an embarrassing farce. How the hell did the RNC end up with him?
Why would Gingrich be a terrible choice? Because he balanced the budget?

Because, like Trump, he has terrible likability numbers. Trump really needs some one that people can like as a VP choice. Gingrich would be good for governmental experience and policy, but those qualities are available elsewhere. No idea where the "he balanced the budget" snipe came from, since a) he did not, and b) it had exactly jack and **** to do with anything I said. Do you find it necessary to try and build straw man arguments in advance to have any chance of making a point?
To take the question seriously(it is really unlikely, but then again, so is this whole election), it would help solidify very conservative voters for Trump, but would have little effect on the outcome of the election. Clinton would have some fun with ads featuring the two of them at the republican debate. It would probably be a better choice than most Trump could make, but not the best possible choice. It should be pointed out that Cruz, and most of the better choices are not interested though, or so it is reported.

Any one notice that this election requires any post about it to have at least two caveats?

If I remember right Paul Ryan had no interest in being Speaker of the House. **** happens and remember there is a big chunk of the party leadership who just do not want him(Trump) as president. If anyone is clever enough to manipulate those leaders it is Ted Cruz.
I think either Pence or Gingrich would be a very wise choice for Trump. They won't convince me to vote for him, but that shouldn't matter.

I can't believe he has his kids in charge of this, especially his son in law who is a lifelong Democrat. That's as stupid as Obama having Caroline Kennedy on his selection committee for VP. Can't these idiots find someone who knows what he or she is doing and not pick neophyte clowns to select the running mates?
There is more than a little speculation that Trump really doesn't want to be president and may pull a Sarah Palin before his term is up. Maybe the potential VP candidates have designs on taking over the presidency.

I'm not sure I would view the spin of the NY Times, and others of similar ideologically driven narratives, as providing legitimate speculation. More like desperately floating anything they can gin up of in the face of a very flawed candidate they are campaigning for.
If I remember right Paul Ryan had no interest in being Speaker of the House. **** happens and remember there is a big chunk of the party leadership who just do not want him(Trump) as president. If anyone is clever enough to manipulate those leaders it is Ted Cruz.

Thank you for explaining why I added two caveats to my post...
I'm not sure I would view the spin of the NY Times, and others of similar ideologically driven narratives, as providing legitimate speculation. More like desperately floating anything they can gin up of in the face of a very flawed candidate they are campaigning for.

or the very flawed candidate they are campaigning against.
Gingrich is remembered for putting a work clause into the entitlement programs. Which made it tougher to recieve benefits. Lots of voters do not want that to happen again.

Because Gingrich is responsible for The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996?

The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) is a United States federal law considered to be a major welfare reform. The bill was a cornerstone of the Republican Contract with America and was introduced by Rep. E. Clay Shaw, Jr. (R-FL-22). President Bill Clinton signed PRWORA into law on August 22, 1996, fulfilling his 1992 campaign promise to "end welfare as we have come to know it".

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