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Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Social Security is our country's most important social program, with an estimated 22.1 million people being kept out of poverty as a result of the guaranteed monthly payout received by eligible beneficiaries (many of whom are senior citizens). Without this income, the poverty rate for elderly Americans would probably be a lot higher. According to the newest annual report from the Social Security Board of Trustees, the program is expected to expend more than it collects in revenue for the first time in 36 years this year. The silver lining here is that Social Security is in absolutely no danger of going bankrupt. Even if the program were to lose one of its three sources of income -- the interest income from asset reserves -- it would retain its two sources of recurring revenue, which include the 12.4% payroll tax on earned income of up to $128,400 (as of 2018) and the taxation of benefits. These recurring sources of income, which simply require that Americans keep working, made up 91.5% of the $996.6 billion collected by Social Security in 2017.

During his presidential campaign and since taking office, Trump has repeatedly suggested that direct amendments to Social Security are off the table. However, Trump's hands-off approach to Social Security could come under fire from within the Oval Office. That's because on Friday, Dec. 14, 2018, it was announced that now-former director of the Office of Management and Budget, Mick Mulvaney, will be taking over as Trump's chief of staff. Although a chief of staff isn't going to be directly involved in policymaking, Mulvaney will be a voice in the president's ear at all times. In the past, Mulvaney, a fiscal hawk, has advocated for a balanced federal budget, and hasn't been shy about suggesting that so-called entitlement programs, which includes Social Security, should be on the table as a possible option for expenditure cuts. Back in 2011, Mulvaney introduced the Balancing Our Obligations for the Long Term Act. In particular, it called for increasing Social Security's full retirement age. Your full retirement age being the age at which you become eligible to claim 100% of your retirement benefit, as determined by your birth year. Does this mean Trump will change his tune on Social Security with Mulvaney as his chief of staff? Well, no, it doesn't. But having an ardent fiscal hawk as Trump's right-hand man should raise an eyebrow or two for those folks destined to receive a Social Security retirement benefit in a few decades' time.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

Don't worry. Mnuchin will do the job he's hired to do...which isn't to set policy.
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security

there's a shock.
Mulvaney only got the job because no one else wanted it. I wouldn't expect him to actually be the CoS, he's just going to be the title holder.
btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

Of course it will... it will help pay for the tax cuts ... to them
Don't worry. Mnuchin will do the job he's hired to do...which isn't to set policy.

He's just trying to stoke false flames at this point. With most other avenues of attack on Trump closing off. Most of them are growing more desperate by the day.
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

So it is your opinion that SS keeps people out of poverty?? Really? what is the definition of poverty and how much does the average American get out of SS? what is that rate of return they get over their working career?

It is rather striking to continue to see how poorly informed you are and the problem with today's education system which is leading to the dumbing down of the American electorate. Radicals are being created every day which raises the number of people dependent on the U.S. govt. thus the U.S. taxpayers. It does seem you don't understand where our money comes from to operate that massive central govt. nor the true role of SS as it was created.
Of course it will... it will help pay for the tax cuts ... to them

So you learned in school that tax cuts or people keeping more of WHAT THEY EARN is an expense?? An expense to who??
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

Raising the full retirement age? That is unheard of to do something like that.
So you learned in school that tax cuts or people keeping more of WHAT THEY EARN is an expense?? An expense to who??

What I learned in school is that government provides services for the population. Those services are not free. Government collects tax revenue to pay for those services. If that revenue is not coming from one source, it must come from another.
What I learned in school is that government provides services for the population. Those services are not free. Government collects tax revenue to pay for those services. If that revenue is not coming from one source, it must come from another.

Did you learn in school anything about state and local governments and their responsibilities? You have certainly bought the nanny state promotion hook, line and sinker which defies logic and common sense. How does a federal bureaucrat solve a social problem in your state or local community from an office in D.C.? Maybe it is time for you to investigate the Constitution and the line items in the budget and what tax sources pays for those line items? Any idea what state sales and property taxes fund? How about state income taxes? How about state excise taxes?

Tell me exactly what percentage of ones income do you believe should go to Federal, state, and local taxes?
Did you learn in school anything about state and local governments and their responsibilities? You have certainly bought the nanny state promotion hook, line and sinker which defies logic and common sense. How does a federal bureaucrat solve a social problem in your state or local community from an office in D.C.? Maybe it is time for you to investigate the Constitution and the line items in the budget and what tax sources pays for those line items? Any idea what state sales and property taxes fund? How about state income taxes? How about state excise taxes?

Tell me exactly what percentage of ones income do you believe should go to Federal, state, and local taxes?

None of this is relevant to what I said.
None of this is relevant to what I said.

Really? then pay attention to your post about what you claim you learned in school? My point stands, what did you learn about state and local government responsibilities? What services are state and local governments to provide?
Really? then pay attention to your post about what you claim you learned in school? My point stands, what did you learn about state and local government responsibilities? What services are state and local governments to provide?

My post was about SS and Federal tax cuts. Both are Federal, not local or state.
My post was about SS and Federal tax cuts. Both are Federal, not local or state.

I believe you claimed SS kept people out of poverty when the average SS payment is 16k per year which is well below poverty. As for federal taxes you want to focus on Income taxes while ignoring that approximately 50% of income earners pay basically nothing in Federal Income taxes. The other Federal taxes for infrastructure, SS and Medicare are insignificant and of no interest to you
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security

[SIZE=1]New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.[SIZE]

Trump [COLOR="#0000FF"]says one thing publicly[COLOR], yet appoints someone who [COLOR="#FF0000"]is diametrically opposed to this[COLOR] as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.[/QUOTE]

I wish it were true, but any cuts to social spending seems unlikely, no matter what people call for. If you really believe it though, how about stop taking my money?
Don't worry. Mnuchin will do the job he's hired to do...which isn't to set policy.

Yea, it's to drop the market 650 points by making stupid public comments.
I believe you claimed SS kept people out of poverty when the average SS payment is 16k per year which is well below poverty. As for federal taxes you want to focus on Income taxes while ignoring that approximately 50% of income earners pay basically nothing in Federal Income taxes. The other Federal taxes for infrastructure, SS and Medicare are insignificant and of no interest to you

I did not claim what you "believe" I claimed. Having said that, I am guessing SS does HELP keep people out of poverty.

Go read back my posts if you are really interested in answering. Otherwise, you are just making some unrelated comments.

What I claimed was that income tax cut mostly targeting the richest will result in MORE unpaid liabilities. So then cutting Social Security will HELP fund those liabilities. It's not complicated. Of course, you must make it complicated because you must defend the corrupt President and his buddies. I get it.
Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

The market is bad as it is. Cutting SSN would be horrible and deepen economic issues, especially for the people who live on it. Trump's admin has been incredibly, fiscally irresponsible.

If we have another recession as many are predicting, it could prevent SSN cuts, but it would still be at risk of insolvency.
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I did not claim what you "believe" I claimed. Having said that, I am guessing SS does HELP keep people out of poverty.

Go read back my posts if you are really interested in answering. Otherwise, you are just making some unrelated comments.

What I claimed was that income tax cut mostly targeting the richest will result in MORE unpaid liabilities. So then cutting Social Security will HELP fund those liabilities. It's not complicated. Of course, you must make it complicated because you must defend the corrupt President and his buddies. I get it.

LOL, so in your world 16,000 a year helps people OUT of poverty? Income tax cuts went to people who paid income taxes. how do you give an income tax cuts to people who don't?

Allowing people to keep more of what they earn sure bothers you, doesn't it? Jealous?

Nothing complicated at all other than the reality that in this country one is innocent until PROVEN guilty
LOL, so in your world 16,000 a year helps people OUT of poverty?

It's a significant chunk of money for 1 person who has no other income aside from their savings. And if you don't know how much retirees have saved, I suggest you go look it up.

Income tax cuts went to people who paid income taxes. how do you give an income tax cuts to people who don't?

Most of income tax cut benefit went to top 1%. There are other 49% that pay taxes too. Many of them in middle class.

Nothing complicated at all other than the reality that in this country one is innocent until PROVEN guilty

Yes, and Sun rises in the East.. How is that relevant again?
It's a significant chunk of money for 1 person who has no other income aside from their savings. And if you don't know how much retirees have saved, I suggest you go look it up.

Most of income tax cut benefit went to top 1%. There are other 49% that pay taxes too. Many of them in middle class.

Yes, and Sun rises in the East.. How is that relevant again?

16000 doesn't bring a person out of poverty as that is well below the poverty level. still waiting for you to explain how you give an income tax cut to people who don't pay Federal Income taxes? As for the top 1% they pay 40% now, how much should they pay?
16000 doesn't bring a person out of poverty as that is well below the poverty level.

Just for you, I already capitalized the key word that you decided to skip. So try reading again.

still waiting for you to explain how you give an income tax cut to people who don't pay Federal Income taxes?

Keep waiting. I already answered it but you refuse to accept reality.

As for the top 1% they pay 40% now, how much should they pay?

We can start by having them pay same as what they did back in 90s or even a couple years ago.
So people criticize Trump because of deficit spending but when one of his staff proposes making cuts to achieve that goal, people start screaming.

They want a balanced budget but they expect to not have anything affect them in the least.

Trump's New Chief of Staff Has Previously Called for Cuts to Social Security


New Trump Chief of Staff Mick "The Knife" Mulvaney.

Trump says one thing publicly, yet appoints someone who is diametrically opposed to this as his closest advisor.

All of you working people that are paying into SS every paycheck should know what's going on here. There's a reason they call Mulvaney "The Knife". It's what he does to govt. programs.

btw, Trump and Mulvaney are both multi-millionaires. Cuts/changes to SS won't affect them in the least.

Interesting article for the clueless liberals in this forum who want to ignore the problems with the SS system and a belief that Treasury bonds are sustainable and easily converted to cash


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