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Trump: You must hate Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 13, 2017
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Slightly Liberal
Trump refers to himself in the 3rd person. It's like he's a cartoon character! I can't believe this man was president. Your brain cells have to be dead to still support this clown. Bill Barr, John Kelley, Rex Tillerson, James Mattis, and Mike Pence have all basically said he's a clown. Has any president in our history ever been disavowed by his entire cabinet and nearly every high-ranking official he appointed? He's objectively the worst president in American history and it's not even close.

In December, after Attorney General Bill Barr told The Associated Press the Justice Department had uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud, President Donald Trump was livid, according to a forthcoming book by ABC News Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl.

"How the f--- could you do this to me? Why did you say it?" Trump asked Barr, who up to that point had been considered a staunch ally of the president.

When Barr responded "because it's true," Trump said: "You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump."

He's just copying his dumbass supporters.

Calling any criticism "hatred" has been just as much a part of their virtually non-existent repetoire as has calling things they're told not to like "socialist".
I guess we must keep up the Trump hate for fear of him running again....
Well "we" weren't in his cabinet, and "we" didn't write a book confirming he's a POS so I guess you better take up your complaining with those that did. You know, all the best people he hired since he only hires the best.
He's just copying his dumbass supporters.

Calling any criticism "hatred" has been just as much a part of their virtually non-existent repetoire as has calling things they're told not to like "socialist".
Believe me Trump haters really do hate Trump. There has been NO fair criticism of Trump, all HATE!
Well "we" weren't in his cabinet, and "we" didn't write a book confirming he's a POS so I guess you better take up your complaining with those that did. You know, all the best people he hired since he only hires the best.
so, take your own advice and stop complaining about Trump then.
Total BS and don't start whining about the media. They reported what he said and did, that's all you have to do with Trump because he can't keep his mouth shut.
I can whine about anything I want sir!
I can whine about anything I want sir!
and as a Trump supporter you most likely will. He lost, he was a one term loser and a deplorable human being. He had no business being in the White House and we need to make sure his uniformed minions never let him back in such a position. Period, end of story.
To be fair, he's ranked as the third worse president of all time after Buchanan and Andrew Johnson. 🇺🇸

Oh that will change, he is the only one to be impeached twice and lead an insurrection against America.

He is hands down the worst!!!
Believe me Trump haters really do hate Trump. There has been NO fair criticism of Trump, all HATE!

His entire cabinet hates him. They all think he's an idiot. I just can't imagine how you can be so resistant to facts and reality. The man is a joke.

How can you blame Trump haters when the haters are those he appointed?

You sound like you're in a cult.
When Barr responded "because it's true," Trump said: "You must hate Trump. You must hate Trump."

Yeah- you betcha, Donald. You betcha. You were an embarrassment and disgraced the office of the presidency and the country. You'll just be lucky if you can keep yourself and your deplorable family out of jail.
Hate is a strong word but I sure strongly dislike him as a person. He is the most corrupt POTUS of all time and an indecent human being. If some did not have blinders on they would notice that the former guy does not do anything unless it benefits him and certainly did not put country before self.

Unfortunately that kool-aid must have been good.

Believe me Trump haters really do hate Trump. There has been NO fair criticism of Trump, all HATE!

You mean it's not fair to criticize a president for taking the word of Putin, head of a hostile foreign power, over all of his own intelligence chiefs, just for personal political advantage, trying to blackmail the Ukrainian president for personal political advantage against his political opponents back here at home, lying about and downplaying a deadly pandemic just to make sure he doesn't look bad, paying off a prostitute with hush money for cheating on his pregnant third wife at home, or for threatening insurrection every time it even looked like he was going to lose an election? :LOL:
Trump refers to himself in the 3rd person. It's like he's a cartoon character! I can't believe this man was president. Your brain cells have to be dead to still support this clown. Bill Barr, John Kelley, Rex Tillerson, James Mattis, and Mike Pence have all basically said he's a clown. Has any president in our history ever been disavowed by his entire cabinet and nearly every high-ranking official he appointed? He's objectively the worst president in American history and it's not even close.

C'mon give Trump a break. He knows great comedy when he hears it;

The New York Health Club. Jerry, Kramer and George are getting dressed

George: " That guy was amazing, he could dunk and he was my height...What

was his name again?"

Jerry: "Jimmy"

George: "Jimmy, right."

Jerry: "I dunno how you could forget . He kept reffering to himself in the

third person.

"Jimmy's under the boards. Jimmy's in the open. Jimmy makes the shot."
Hate is a strong word but I sure strongly dislike him as a person. He is the most corrupt POTUS of all time and an indecent human being. If some did not have blinders on they would notice that the former guy does not do anything unless it benefits him and certainly did not put country before self.

I do get a kick out of Biden supporters talking about corruption LOL.
C'mon give Trump a break. He knows great comedy when he hears it;

The New York Health Club. Jerry, Kramer and George are getting dressed

George: " That guy was amazing, he could dunk and he was my height...What

was his name again?"

Jerry: "Jimmy"

George: "Jimmy, right."

Jerry: "I dunno how you could forget . He kept reffering to himself in the

third person.

"Jimmy's under the boards. Jimmy's in the open. Jimmy makes the shot."

I forgot about that episode:


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