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Trump will win... watch him win (1 Viewer)

Trump doesn't even think Trump will win.

Trump now talks what he'll do after he'll lose the election.

"You won't hear from me again," he told his followers.
My prediction if Trump lose:

He will say it's because of voter fraud and he really won.
He will tweet all night
He will be Faux News talking about how the election was stolen every day
He will not work with Biden's team at all
The day before Biden's inauguration he will flee to Mar-a-lago like a thief in the night
He will say he was removed by the CIA, even though he wasn't.
My prediction if Trump lose:

He will say it's because of voter fraud and he really won.
He will tweet all night
He will be Faux News talking about how the election was stolen every day
He will not work with Biden's team at all
The day before Biden's inauguration he will flee to Mar-a-lago like a thief in the night
He will say he was removed by the CIA, even though he wasn't.

I think your crystal ball is of a rather, how do I put this.. shit quality?
No one is trying to win the popular vote. Trump concedes California. It would be stupid to spend money there.
I think the rioting in left coast cities will lose votes for Biden so he won't get that win either.

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My prediction if Trump lose:

He will say it's because of voter fraud and he really won.
He will tweet all night
He will be Faux News talking about how the election was stolen every day
He will not work with Biden's team at all
The day before Biden's inauguration he will flee to Mar-a-lago like a thief in the night
He will say he was removed by the CIA, even though he wasn't.

This sounds exactly what the Obama/Biden admn did with their transfer, while having our intelligence agencies investigating Trump and his team.....
Bernie Sanders had more people at his events than Trump....Bernie didn't win his primary.

Yet Trump became the president in 2016.

Yet Trump became the president in 2016.

Yea, weird how the size of a crowd has no effect on whether a candidate is elected over another. Weird how Trump lost the popular vote. So dang weird.
Trump doesn't even think Trump will win.

Trump now talks what he'll do after he'll lose the election.

"You won't hear from me again," he told his followers.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm, Trump didn't think he'd win in 2016, even on election day. Early in the evening his campaign was already making excuses as to why he lost.
Yet Trump became the president in 2016.

Yes, because the number of people turning out on events doesn't necessarily correlates to number of voters voting on a specific candidate. Many Dems aren't really into going to a Biden event, not with Covid and Biden is anyways very meh. Doesn't mean they won't vote for him.
Massive supporting crowds. Biden would love to assemble such huge crowds;

Biden does not want to assemble huge crowds because he is not a compulsively lying sociopath who is happy to get people killed if he thinks it helps his re-election effort. That's Trump you're thinking of.

Trumpism: the evil is the point
I think your crystal ball is of a rather, how do I put this.. shit quality?

And yet, if Trump loses that is exactly what he will do. Trump is ALWAYS a sore loser.
Massive supporting crowds. Biden would love to assemble such huge crowds;
Bernie had larger crowds than Trump....Large rally crowds are not a "trump" phenomenon nor is it indictive of what will happen on November 3. Clinton had no crowd and she only lost the electoral by 80,000 votes (Wisc, Mich, Penn) and won the popular vote.
Bernie had larger crowds than Trump....Large rally crowds are not a "trump" phenomenon nor is it indictive of what will happen on November 3. Clinton had no crowd and she only lost the electoral by 80,000 votes (Wisc, Mich, Penn) and won the popular vote.
Bernie failed to make it.

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