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Trump voters (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Do you think a vaccine will be available by election day?
'NO' - Not in any substantive way.
I am skeptical and it was a dumb promise for trump to make

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Oh, but Trump will 'announce' - in some form. I'm sure of it!
Do you think a vaccine will be available by election day?


I have it directly from Winston Smith (the Acting [by Presidential Decree] Director of The Federal Legal And Civil Knowledge Bureau which publishes The Current Response And Position Bulletin that **T*H*E** **T*R*U*T*H** is that Mr. Trump has NEVER made a single promise that he has not fulfilled 100%.

Those who dispute that fact are requested to report to Room 101 and file an official report of double plus ungood conduct.
It seems to matter a lot a lot to President Trump, just sayin.

So what?

Wait...does it bother you that Trump is trying to keep hopes alive instead of doing as the Trump haters are doing...creating fear and panic?
So what?

Wait...does it bother you that Trump is trying to keep hopes alive instead of doing as the Trump haters are doing...creating fear and panic?

Never said I cared.
Never said I cared.

So...you prefer fear and panic. Right?

Edit: I want to apologize to you.

You see, what I've done here is to apply a tactic commonly used by Trump haters on me. That is, making **** up and applying it to you. I just wanted to see what it feels like to do that...and it doesn't feel good.

You don't deserve having this tactic used against you any more than I deserve having it used against me.

Please forgive me.
Last edited:
So what?

Wait...does it bother you that Trump is trying to keep hopes alive instead of doing as the Trump haters are doing...creating fear and panic?

Never said I cared.

So...you prefer fear and panic. Right?

Edit: I want to apologize to you.

You see, what I've done here is to apply a tactic commonly used by Trump haters on me. That is, making **** up and applying it to you. I just wanted to see what it feels like to do that...and it doesn't feel good.

You don't deserve having this tactic used against you any more than I deserve having it used against me.

Please forgive me.

Your apology is accepted.
Maybe. Maybe not.

Why does it matter?

I can state completely unequivocally that a vaccine will be available by election day.

NOTE - I am NOT specifying WHICH vaccine and I am NOT specifying WHICH election day.
So what?

Wait...does it bother you that Trump is trying to keep hopes alive instead of doing as the Trump haters are doing...creating fear and panic?

At 2:21 a.m. on April 15, 1912, the RMS Titanic stopped sinking. Were the passengers reassured enough to give great cries of joy?

I have it directly from Winston Smith (the Acting [by Presidential Decree] Director of The Federal Legal And Civil Knowledge Bureau which publishes The Current Response And Position Bulletin that **T*H*E** **T*R*U*T*H** is that Mr. Trump has NEVER made a single promise that he has not fulfilled 100%.

Those who dispute that fact are requested to report to Room 101 and file an official report of double plus ungood conduct.

Written like the high school kid you claim to be.
So what?

Wait...does it bother you that Trump is trying to keep hopes alive instead of doing as the Trump haters are doing...creating fear and panic?

He's lying and almost every credible medical person says it's highly improbable. He isn't keeping hope alive he's killing it with lies.
Do you think a vaccine will be available by election day?

An announcement perhaps. Given his track record in announcing treatments for COVID 19, it would likely be something similar. My guess is there's a ways to go before we have something approved and ready to distribute.
He's lying and almost every credible medical person says it's highly improbable. He isn't keeping hope alive he's killing it with lies.

The ones killing hope is the Trump haters.

____ "could" happen.

____ "may" be the result.

"So and so" says we "might" see _____ deaths as a result of _____.

Trump, on the other hand...

The numbers are _____ and we are doing _____ to reduce those numbers.
remember when lefties were angry the vaccine was progressing too slowly? Me too.

And now it's the right extremists who are terrified that it won't help elect the unelectable.

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