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Trump tweet proves mental illness (1 Viewer)

And the deeply flawed and heavily criticized Goldwater Rule demonstrates why it needs to be changed and why so many are publicly standing up to be counted defying it in personal acts of courage and patriotism.

OK, so Psychiatrists can be unethical as long as they disagree with their governing body.

"The American Psychological Association code of ethics also supports the Goldwater Rule as is clearly explained by the New York Times letter published on March 11, 2016, from APA President Susan H. McDaniel, PhD, in response to its March 7, 2016, article, "Should Therapists Analyze Presidential Candidates?"

That's not how it works. There's supposed to be a crime to do an investigation. The police can't just start investigating you until they find something you did wrong.

Perhaps you can back up that claim with some verifiable evidence?
OK, so Psychiatrists can be unethical as long as they disagree with their governing body.

"The American Psychological Association code of ethics also supports the Goldwater Rule as is clearly explained by the New York Times letter published on March 11, 2016, from APA President Susan H. McDaniel, PhD, in response to its March 7, 2016, article, "Should Therapists Analyze Presidential Candidates?"


It shows how brave and selfless some are that they place patriotism and love of country above a mere rule passed in the heat of political fury from times past.
The charges can come after the investigation. And I fully expect them to.

Then there can be trials. And possible convictions.

Everything in due time in the proper order.

This time last week you said that President Trump would be toast after Comey testified. How did that prediction turn out?
Five minutes ago, Trump just tweeted about the Thursday Comey testimony.

If Trump ever has a sanity hearing, this will be used as evidence to prove he suffered from serious mental delusions.

This is simply beyond belief that the man could look at those events as TOTAL AND COMPLETE VINDICATION.

Trump is truly mentally ill.

Don Cheeto Clown Boy Trumpski is attempting to convince himself that he is off the hook & he is attempting to demonstrate to the general public the same

Don Cheeto is delusional, at best, and this is the guy with thousands of nukes at the end of his short fingers ........
This time last week you said that President Trump would be toast after Comey testified. How did that prediction turn out?

Excellent. I do not know of one rational clear thinking objective person who did not see Trump exposed as both a habitual serial liar as well as a person who obstructed justice.
Comey in his sworn testimony made it very clear the president was not personally under FBI investigation!

What happened to the Russian collusion that the democrats and left media screamed about Trump being
involved in? Now they have moved to obstruction this obstruction that obstruction.

Funny Comey railed about people who leaked information and we find out he has done that very thing.
Your criticism of me ignores the opinions of thousands upon thousands of mental health professionals - many prominent and leaders in their field - who have signed petitions stating that Trump is mentally ill.https://www.change.org/p/trump-is-mentally-ill-and-must-be-removed
No, my criticism of your opinion is criticism of your opinion; it ignores nothing else, because nothing else is relevant as it relates to your opinion. YOUR opinion on mental health matters is utterly irrelevant, a pathetic and ridiculous attempt by someone who's credentials in such a field are so lacking that calling you a rank amateur would be an insult to rank amateurs. Considering the ridiculous failures of previous times you've tried to proclaim your opinion as absolute fact, haughtily and arrogantly declaring what the future would hold, in a field that is actually RELEVANT to your chosen profession and education, there is literally zero reason to give any credence, what so ever, of your opinion as it relates to the status of an individuals mental health.As it relates to "thousands upon thousands" of largely unverified, self declared, medical professionals acting in a widely established and officially noted unethical way according to their own governing document regarding the manner, I have very little more respect for theirs. Ignoring the AMAZINGLY difficult nature of attempting to diagnose someone you have never once personally interacted with, talked with, or performed an examination on to a degree where you can make an absolute and declarative statement of fact regarding their mental health, the very fact that these individuals are wantonly engaging in categorically unethical behavior that directly violates the guidelines of their chosen profession indicates to me a lacking professional standing that immediately calls into question the legitimacy and unbiased nature of any such "diagnosis" they may be performing.So while I do give them more credence than your worthless ****stain of an opinion on the manner of mental health, I still do not hold the group of unethical "supposed" medical professions in too much higher regard.
Excellent. I do not know of one rational clear thinking objective person who did not see Trump exposed as both a habitual serial liar as well as a person who obstructed justice.

Trump is a habitual/serial liar.

However, there was nothing in Comey's testimony yesterday that proved obstruction. Based on what Comey said of his conversations with Trump, Trump adequately walked the line between apparent intent and a demonstrable attempt to obstruct. There was no explicit order to stop investigating Flynn. A request was made, that's all.
It shows how brave and selfless some are that they place patriotism and love of country above a mere rule passed in the heat of political fury from times past.

Well, seems yours and some others ethics are contingent to political expediency.
No, my criticism of your opinion is criticism of your opinion; it ignores nothing else, because nothing else is relevant as it relates to your opinion. YOUR opinion on mental health matters is utterly irrelevant, a pathetic and ridiculous attempt by someone who's credentials in such a field are so lacking that calling you a rank amateur would be an insult to rank amateurs. Considering the ridiculous failures of previous times you've tried to proclaim your opinion as absolute fact, haughtily and arrogantly declaring what the future would hold, in a field that is actually RELEVANT to your chosen profession and education, there is literally zero reason to give any credence, what so ever, of your opinion as it relates to the status of an individuals mental health.As it relates to "thousands upon thousands" of largely unverified, self declared, medical professionals acting in a widely established and officially noted unethical way according to their own governing document regarding the manner, I have very little more respect for theirs. Ignoring the AMAZINGLY difficult nature of attempting to diagnose someone you have never once personally interacted with, talked with, or performed an examination on to a degree where you can make an absolute and declarative statement of fact regarding their mental health, the very fact that these individuals are wantonly engaging in categorically unethical behavior that directly violates the guidelines of their chosen profession indicates to me a lacking professional standing that immediately calls into question the legitimacy and unbiased nature of any such "diagnosis" they may be performing.So while I do give them more credence than your worthless ****stain of an opinion on the manner of mental health, I still do not hold the group of unethical "supposed" medical professions in too much higher regard.

Your screed against me ignores the reality that my opinion is also based on the professional mental health professionals - thousand and thousands of them - who have publicly decried the mental illness of the President.

Donald Trump has been a very visible public figure for four decades. He has books he wrote and were written about him. He has made hundreds of public speeches. He has given countless interviews in various forms of media. In point of fact, a diagnosis from a professional mental health person who is familiar with him and his very public record is probably far more correct in terms of diagnosis severe mental personality disorders than a fifty minute personal consultation would be which results in a similar finding.
Exactly. There is no verifiable evidence.

What there is no verifiable evidence of is your claim that I challenged you on

Quote Originally Posted by Fishking View Post
That's not how it works. There's supposed to be a crime to do an investigation. The police can't just start investigating you until they find something you did wrong.

I asked you for evidence of that claim as it applies to the current investigations of Trump. You provided nothing.
I certainly wouldn't have called it a total vindication. But it wasn't a vindication of his detractors either. So it is the usual overstatement with the usual name calling reactions as yours. What the whole thing does show it the level of hysteria and mindless rage, where we need calm and purpose.

It is a shame the politicians and media don't take Comey's example.

What I found telling is that Comey said Trump never once asked about the Russian meddling investigation. How could a President ignore such a critical investigation of our national security in all the 9 times they spoke? That is yet more suspicious behavior by Trump. Was he afraid of what he might hear?
Five minutes ago, Trump just tweeted about the Thursday Comey testimony.

If Trump ever has a sanity hearing, this will be used as evidence to prove he suffered from serious mental delusions.

This is simply beyond belief that the man could look at those events as TOTAL AND COMPLETE VINDICATION.

Trump is truly mentally ill.

lol...he is basically repeating what I saw reported by RW media on twitter last night. That's not delusional. That's just pushing more of the same propaganda onto the same stupid people.
Exactly. There is no verifiable evidence.

The CIA asked for the FBI investigation when they heard Trump's people talking with known Russian agents during routine surveillance. That fact was verified by several foreign security agencies also. Don't you even wonder what they were talking about?
What I found telling is that Comey said Trump never once asked about the Russian meddling investigation. How could a President ignore such a critical investigation of our national security in all the 9 times they spoke? That is yet more suspicious behavior by Trump. Was he afraid of what he might hear?

If you inform CNN, they can do a day or two indignating, while the Washington Post and New York Times can do a half dozen news reports on the crimes Trump is admitting.
I asked you for evidence of that claim as it applies to the current investigations of Trump. You provided nothing.

There is no investigation of Trump.
The CIA asked for the FBI investigation when they heard Trump's people talking with known Russian agents during routine surveillance. That fact was verified by several foreign security agencies also. Don't you even wonder what they were talking about?

No they didn't. The Obama admin and his appointees did such.
What I found telling is that Comey said Trump never once asked about the Russian meddling investigation. How could a President ignore such a critical investigation of our national security in all the 9 times they spoke? That is yet more suspicious behavior by Trump. Was he afraid of what he might hear?

Trump does not give a crap about the Russian interference as long as it benefitted him. He is loathe to look at anything which feels will delegitimize him in the eyes of more Americans.

A president elected by the fluke of the electors in three states while losing the popular vote is already looked at askance by many but when you add the Russian help for his election - any see him as the bastard king. That is what Trump is afraid of and that is what Trump is trying to protect against.

He will sell out the nation and our cherished democratic processes if in doing that he personally benefits. He is the ultimate narcissist - the ultimate selfish pig - the ultimate "screw everybody but me " individual whose loyalty is only to himself.
There is no investigation of Trump.

Keep repeating that silly mantra and it may give you some faux semblance of temporary security.
Trump is a habitual/serial liar.

However, there was nothing in Comey's testimony yesterday that proved obstruction. Based on what Comey said of his conversations with Trump, Trump adequately walked the line between apparent intent and a demonstrable attempt to obstruct. There was no explicit order to stop investigating Flynn. A request was made, that's all.

Firing the director of an investigation who is looking at your administration and your campaign to impede or stop them is the personification of obstruction.
Comey went out of his way to explain how Russia in fact did meddle in our election. That is backed up by all intelligence agencies. Please help me understand the reluctance of acknowledging this.

Because I reject the premise that the actions Russians may have taken (and I don't even really trust the intelligence community to start, Renember when some guy named Hussein was making chemical weapons?) constitute interference. Revealing dirty in house laundry is not interference.
Well, seems yours and some others ethics are contingent to political expediency.

Brave American patriots who oppose Trump know the highest ethical standard - the love of our nation and its people.

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