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Trump Truth Social User Claims App Censored Anti-Vaccine Content (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
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So. California
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Very Liberal
Why is trump censoring his users. Is he afraid of the "truth?";)

Stew Peters, a right-wing commentator, claimed that former President Donald Trump's new social media platform issued a "sensitive content" warning on his comment that government officials should be tried and executed over the COVID-19 vaccine.

"Want to know what I said?" Peters wrote on Telegram. "I said, 'The people in our government responsible for allowing our kids to be killed with these dangerous COVID shots, should be put on trial and executed.'"Peters has called for Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), to be executed, and he called COVID-19 vaccines a "military bioweapon." His comments got him kicked off Spotify, and Peters said that "free speech isn't free" while posting about Truth Social's alleged censorship.

but,but, but my feelings.
Boy this is one stupid thread.

The guy said that government officials should be tried and executed for the COVID 19 vaccine. He got a "sensitive content" warning.

He is lucky the cops are not pounding on his door?
Sounds like he violated ToS. It happens.
Boy this is one stupid thread.

The guy said that government officials should be tried and executed for the COVID 19 vaccine. He got a "sensitive content" warning.

He is lucky the cops are not pounding on his door?
sorry that this thread hurts your feelings.
So I wonder. Is there a portion of the TOS that requires a Trump pat on the back within every comment? Kind of like that goofy thing he made people do in one of their meetings?
They should just go ahead and make that a WRITTEN part of the TOS rather than an unwritten one.
Why is trump censoring his users. Is he afraid of the "truth?";)

but,but, but my feelings.
Some people, including this idiot, will never learn. Free speech, which is guaranteed in the 1st Amendment, is only a prohibition of the government on people's speech. And, even that has limitations (i.e., wrongly yelling fire in a crowded theater). Any private institution can decide what speech it will not allow within the confines of employment or its product (broadcasting, for one). But, these idiots, who either actually don't know this (doubtful) or who do but say it anyway because they know that there are a lot of uneducated, uninformed people who listen to them and believe every word they say and act on those words will continue to write and say false statements.
Regarding Trump's new website. It would be a true miracle if what they proclaim comes to fruition. They claim they will be America's Big Tent to "encourage open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology". I've never found one platform yet who has pulled this off. :unsure:

Hundreds of thousands of people have reportedly signed up so far, and the glitch is that they can't get them all processed fast enough so that they are in and can use the platform. So, they're put on waitlists.
Boy this is one stupid thread.

The guy said that government officials should be tried and executed for the COVID 19 vaccine. He got a "sensitive content" warning.

He is lucky the cops are not pounding on his door?

Oh, the horrors! Trump's TOS is such a meanie...

Agree. The poster is lucky he wasn't taken in for questioning by the cops.
Regarding Trump's new website. It would be a true miracle if what they proclaim comes to fruition. They claim they will be America's Big Tent to "encourage open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology". I've never found one platform yet who has pulled this off. :unsure:

Hundreds of thousands of people have reportedly signed up so far, and the glitch is that they can't get them all processed fast enough so that they are in and can use the platform. So, they're put on waitlists.
without going to the said site, why on earth is there a wait list and why is there a "process" for a social media site?
Why is it not instantaneous like all other sides? Makes you wonder
without going to the said site, why on earth is there a wait list and why is there a "process" for a social media site?
Why is it not instantaneous like all other sides? Makes you wonder

Imo it's a typical Trump over exaggeration ploy which really can't be proven one way or the other. It's like calling someone and getting a recording that says--please hold, there are 15 callers ahead of you. The reality is you're the only caller but they're eating lunch.
without going to the said site, why on earth is there a wait list and why is there a "process" for a social media site?
Why is it not instantaneous like all other sides? Makes you wonder
without going to the said site, why on earth is there a wait list and why is there a "process" for a social media site?
Why is it not instantaneous like all other sides? Makes you wonder
It's in the startup stage.
Why is trump censoring his users. Is he afraid of the "truth?";)

but,but, but my feelings.

anything that deviates from TRUMPs ego mirror,... or for that matter other wacko's ego mirror (on either side of the political spectrum),... just doesn't make sense to him/them


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