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Trump to speak tonight at CPAC in Orlando (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 20, 2013
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at Rosen Shingle Creek resort in Orlando = like 10 minutes from my house on Universal Blvd
I had to get to Publix and the rally was all along the blvd .
Lots of bikers, Trump flags, a few Canadian flags car honking and "lets go Brandon" chants

There was one small contingent with a Nazi flag up -right across from the Publix entrance
that nobody was paying attention too. Orlando media is as corrupt as Miami/Dade county so that will probably be the network feed from my local stations

Trump is scheduled to speak to a standing-room-only crowd at 7 p.m.

Earlier Saturday, Republican U.S. Sen. Rick Scott of Florida spoke to the conference saying, “great civilizations that collapsed ... were first hollowed out from the inside.” He said the American people would defeat “socialism” in the election this fall.

CPAC will close on Sunday with the release of a straw poll about the 2024 presidential race.
Yuckie, so sorry for you.

I wonder what the white race fight will look like come 2024?
Trump should watch his back for DeSantan.
CPAC, lol, good lord that is utterly laughable shit that gets loonier every year IMO.

About on the same level as going to a WWF "professional" wrestling event.

Wonder if Crooked donnietrump will talk about how great Putin is and what a superior move it was to invade Ukraine? Probably will, not that his trumpturds will be offended by it. They'll shriek and hoot in approval no matter what their Reality TeeVee Messiah says or does.

Truly ****ing bizarre, the CPAC clown show, no person with any shred of self respect or dignity would have any part in such utter horseshit imo, you wouldn't want your name associated with the WWF event. But hey, this is the USA, people aren't exactly known for their high degree of smarts. Not to mention: Florida.:LOL:
If The Donald does not condemn the barbaric savagery of that little strutting man in the Kremlin, then Mr. Trump does not deserve to run for President again.
“great civilizations that collapsed ... were first hollowed out from the inside.” He said the American people would defeat “socialism” in the election this fall.

"Herp dee derppidy DERP Soshulizzzmmzzzzzz!!", lol, thats all ya need at CPAC, its not exactly a crowd thats going to analyze or even comprehend anything they hear, or have a shred of historical or political knowledge of issues.

CPAC, lol, good lord that is utterly laughable shit that gets loonier every year IMO.

About on the same level as going to a WWF "professional" wrestling event.

Wonder if Crooked donnietrump will talk about how great Putin is and what a superior move it was to invade Ukraine? Probably will, not that his trumpturds will be offended by it. They'll shriek and hoot in approval no matter what their Reality TeeVee Messiah says or does.

Truly ****ing bizarre, the CPAC clown show, no person with any shred of self respect or dignity would have any part in such utter horseshit imo, you wouldn't want your name associated with the WWF event. But hey, this is the USA, people aren't exactly known for their high degree of smarts. Not to mention: Florida.:LOL:
Oh yes they will cheer and geer. They screamed in ecstasy when Trump said he was better friends and had more respect for Russia, China, and NK's leaders than our allies.

These people can be led down a path full of shit to their own deaths and still be kissing Trump ass. I mean, they've proved it with Covid. I almost feel bad. What happened to the Republican party? Did they just fake it really good before Trump let them out of the closet, or is this a new look?
If you want to risk alcohol poisoning get some friends together for a drinking game where everyone has to take a shot every time Donnie tells a lie or creates a fabrication or praises himself.

If you are a tee totaler you could still play a drinking game with other tee totaler friends.

The rule would be where you have to take a shot every time Donnie tells the truth.
I hope he is watching and listening very closely....

I suspect Trump will play his usual role of speaking to calm the nation and call upon us, appeal to our better angels, to work together in a common purpose, preferably to make him dictator.
I will be there selling Make Ukraine Russian Again merch. T-shirts $30, red hats $20. I’m also carrying Men’s underwear at $30 with just the MURA slogan, or $40 with additional eagle and flag imagery.

I’m also selling LGBTQ conversion pills - they will turn your black LGBTQ atheist friend into a good, straight, white Christian poly sci major. Typically a course of 10 pills are sufficient for full treatment of a single individual, but up to 30 may be needed if they are also Democrats or Marxists. Sold in bottles of 20 for only $80.

Note: the FDA requires me to disclose that these are glucose tablets, but I have a signed affidavit from a climate change denier scientist that these particular pills do what I claim.

Please look for me at the MURA table. #LetsGoVladimir #MURA #MURica
I will be there selling Make Ukraine Russian Again merch. T-shirts $30, red hats $20. I’m also carrying Men’s underwear at $30 with just the MURA slogan, or $40 with additional eagle and flag imagery.

I’m also selling LGBTQ conversion pills - they will turn your black LGBTQ atheist friend into a good, straight, white Christian poly sci major. Typically a course of 10 pills are sufficient for full treatment of a single individual, but up to 30 may be needed if they are also Democrats or Marxists. Sold in bottles of 20 for only $80.

Note: the FDA requires me to disclose that these are glucose tablets, but I have a signed affidavit from a climate change denier scientist that these particular pills do what I claim.

Please look for me at the MURA table. #LetsGoVladimir #MURA #MURica
;) (y)

Cause its Murica', boy!
Some be sure to post picks of Trump and CPAC handing out armbands all with a special salute.
I suspect Trump will play his usual role of speaking to calm the nation and call upon us, appeal to our better angels, to work together in a common purpose, preferably to make him dictator.
MAGA 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Oh goodie


Trump's speech: I was cheated in 2020, witch hunt, don't you all miss me!!

It sums up his speaking engagements

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