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Trump seeks to rewrite his role in bolstering Ukraine, NATO (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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This NPD addled, bloated old toad.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday sought to recast his administration's role in bolstering Europe's security, claiming credit for strengthening NATO and arming Ukraine's military with advanced weaponry.

But critics were quick to point out that Trump, whose "America First" foreign policy slogan often reflected efforts to pull back from allies, frequently undermined NATO and once threatened to withhold military aide from Ukraine — a move that was deemed illegal by a government watchdog and became central to Trump's first impeachment trial in Congress.

"I would like you to do us a favor, though" - Trump to Ukraine, pressuring them to launch an investigation against Hunter Biden.

Why can't this godawful egomaniac simply fade away, and let the adults try and manage this crisis?
The guy is a piece of absolute trash. Even while he is saying this, he is calling Russia smart and America dumb.

The level of unpatriotism a person must have for America is astonishing that when, as a former American president, you side with Russia over America at a time like this. Trump and his supporters, without question, hate America. These people are traitors to our nation.
Why can't this godawful egomaniac simply fade away, and let the adults try and manage this crisis?

That he has a cult that believes his lies is very concerning.

These cultists must actively suspend disbelief to remain in the cult. And they do so with fervor.

It's a true horror show.
Only in Trump land is the dismantling of NATO a good thing.

I take a certain satisfaction in pointing out how geopolitical ignorant Trump is by suggesting the US pull out of NATO.
The history includes using congressionally appropriated military aid as a bargaining chip to coerce an election interference bribe.
Only in Trump land is the dismantling of NATO a good thing.

I take a certain satisfaction in pointing out how geopolitical ignorant Trump is by suggesting the US pull out of NATO.
What Trump was doing was speak in New Speak — tells us he was strengthening NATO when he was throwing it in disarray. He also said he was going to withdraw in his second term.
This NPD addled, bloated old toad.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday sought to recast his administration's role in bolstering Europe's security, claiming credit for strengthening NATO and arming Ukraine's military with advanced weaponry.

But critics were quick to point out that Trump, whose "America First" foreign policy slogan often reflected efforts to pull back from allies, frequently undermined NATO and once threatened to withhold military aide from Ukraine — a move that was deemed illegal by a government watchdog and became central to Trump's first impeachment trial in Congress.

"I would like you to do us a favor, though" - Trump to Ukraine, pressuring them to launch an investigation against Hunter Biden.

Why can't this godawful egomaniac simply fade away, and let the adults try and manage this crisis?
So, unable to excuse the current failure of this administration, Biden supporters turn to bash Trump.

"To the extent President Trump's rhetoric around NATO helped increase defense spending, it was likely more out of a fear that the U.S. commitment to European security was faltering rather than a positive reinforcement of mutual commitments to the Alliance and Euro-Atlantic security," said Steven Keil, a fellow at the German Marshall Fund.

From the article - kind of a backhanded compliment of Trump. Given recent events, it turns out that the former President's concerns about a lack of commitment by European countries to contributing to NATO defense was warranted.
Funny enough to know even he is admitting he had no clue what he was talking about when he called NATO obsolete:

"President Trump admitted he did not know much about NATO when he first called it “obsolete” on the campaign trail last year, he told the Associated Press.

“They had a quote from me that NATO's obsolete. But they didn't say why it was obsolete. I was on Wolf Blitzer, very fair interview, the first time I was ever asked about NATO, because I wasn't in government. People don't go around asking about NATO if I'm building a building in Manhattan, right?” Trump said to the AP, according to a full transcript published late Sunday.

“So they asked me, Wolf ... asked me about NATO, and I said two things. ‘NATO's obsolete’ — not knowing much about NATO, now I know a lot about NATO — NATO is obsolete, and I said, ‘And the reason it's obsolete is because of the fact they don't focus on terrorism.’ You know, back when they did NATO, there was no such thing as terrorism,” Trump continued."

This, ladies and gentlemen, from the guy who said he knew more about military matters than all the generals, believe me! :LOL:
From the article - kind of a backhanded compliment of Trump. Given recent events, it turns out that the former President's concerns about a lack of commitment by European countries to contributing to NATO defense was warranted.

He was saying it was obsolete and should be disbanded. How did we go from that to wanting "more commitment"?
He was saying it was obsolete and should be disbanded. How did we go from that to wanting "more commitment"?
Its Trump speak for I d
So, unable to excuse the current failure of this administration, Biden supporters turn to bash Trump.

From the article - kind of a backhanded compliment of Trump. Given recent events, it turns out that the former President's concerns about a lack of commitment by European countries to contributing to NATO defense was warranted.
In the same breath he is stating he will pull the US out of NATO.

On that point Trump's ignorance of geopolitics is glaring.
The man is a documented idiot.

(the cults looks up to him) Wild, right?
In some ways he is clever, very good at manipulating the uneducated who lack critical thinking.

Then he comes up stupid by wanting to pull the US out of NATO.
This NPD addled, bloated old toad.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday sought to recast his administration's role in bolstering Europe's security, claiming credit for strengthening NATO and arming Ukraine's military with advanced weaponry.

But critics were quick to point out that Trump, whose "America First" foreign policy slogan often reflected efforts to pull back from allies, frequently undermined NATO and once threatened to withhold military aide from Ukraine — a move that was deemed illegal by a government watchdog and became central to Trump's first impeachment trial in Congress.

"I would like you to do us a favor, though" - Trump to Ukraine, pressuring them to launch an investigation against Hunter Biden.

Why can't this godawful egomaniac simply fade away, and let the adults try and manage this crisis?
Ever read the entire transcript of the Zelensky call?
You should.
The history includes using congressionally appropriated military aid as a bargaining chip to coerce an election interference bribe.
Which is shitty enough, but now Trump is trying to paint himself as Ukraine's champion?

As Trump lickspittle Sean Hannity likes to say - "Unbelievable!"
This NPD addled, bloated old toad.

Former President Donald Trump on Monday sought to recast his administration's role in bolstering Europe's security, claiming credit for strengthening NATO and arming Ukraine's military with advanced weaponry.

But critics were quick to point out that Trump, whose "America First" foreign policy slogan often reflected efforts to pull back from allies, frequently undermined NATO and once threatened to withhold military aide from Ukraine — a move that was deemed illegal by a government watchdog and became central to Trump's first impeachment trial in Congress.

"I would like you to do us a favor, though" - Trump to Ukraine, pressuring them to launch an investigation against Hunter Biden.

Why can't this godawful egomaniac simply fade away, and let the adults try and manage this crisis?

Strengthening NATO? If it were up to him, we'd be out of NATO.

Only his idiotic supporters will believe this one.
So, unable to excuse the current failure of this administration, Biden supporters turn to bash Trump.

From the article - kind of a backhanded compliment of Trump. Given recent events, it turns out that the former President's concerns about a lack of commitment by European countries to contributing to NATO defense was warranted.
Biden has done great things piecing NATO back together after Trump did great things trying to dismantle it. Biden has been effective getting countries to swim upstream in unison, in many cases, against their economic interest.

There are four reasons that Putin is struggling right now: 1) the autocrat surrounded himself with 'yes men' so he didn't understand Ukrainian resolve; 2) Zolinsky has risen to the occasion, perhaps showing himself to be one of the great leaders in democratic history (Trump should take notes, as this is a subject that Trump knows nothing about) and the steadfast Europe resolve in turning Russia into a pariah, that latter for which Biden gets great credit (and Trump blame for digging the ditch that NATO that Biden had to pull NATO); 4) free Europe is winning the public relations war effectively neutralizing Russian dis-information. Biden gets credit here as well.

All in, this is putting Putin in a battle for his political life.
Looks like Crooked donnietrump has been wholly eviscerated in this thread already, very good points by all and very well said.

I agree. (y)
So, unable to excuse the current failure of this administration, Biden supporters turn to bash Trump.

From the article - kind of a backhanded compliment of Trump. Given recent events, it turns out that the former President's concerns about a lack of commitment by European countries to contributing to NATO defense was warranted.
Lie all you want, you just make yourself look bad.

Trump tried to cut funding from NATO, he removed sanctions on his master Putin, he blackmailed Ukraine, he pissed off Allies, and even after Putin attacked, he praised him. Biden repaired those, and has rallied all of NATO to take action, we have companies cutting ties with Russia, and other punishment against Russia. Biden is killing it right now. The entire world, minus China, Russia, and Trump terrorists, are on the side of Ukraine.

And Zelensky and the Ukrainian people have also played a huge part in the world support. Unlike the ***** right wingers protesting the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask and getting a vaccine to save people's lives, they are bravely fighting a real issue and threat

So your trolling is really shitty because it is so obvious
In the same breath he is stating he will pull the US out of NATO.
Yes. He reminded other countries that the US could leave the agreement if they didn't start meeting the commitments that THEY AGREEED TO. It was a more dramatic move, but it worked. And again, that urgency has now been validated.
Lie all you want, you just make yourself look bad.

Trump tried to cut funding from NATO, he removed sanctions on his master Putin, he blackmailed Ukraine, he pissed off Allies, and even after Putin attacked, he praised him. Biden repaired those, and has rallied all of NATO to take action, we have companies cutting ties with Russia, and other punishment against Russia. Biden is killing it right now. The entire world, minus China, Russia, and Trump terrorists, are on the side of Ukraine.

And Zelensky and the Ukrainian people have also played a huge part in the world support. Unlike the ***** right wingers protesting the slight inconvenience of wearing a mask and getting a vaccine to save people's lives, they are bravely fighting a real issue and threat

So your trolling is really shitty because it is so obvious
"So, unable to excuse the current failure of this administration, Biden supporters turn to bash Trump." and lash out at others who call them on it.

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