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Trump Says He's Open To Raising Taxes On Wealthy Americans (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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Most right-wingers are convinced tax cuts for the fat cats benefit everyone and stimulate the economy. Accepting this BS as truth, they've spent the years since they were able to vote protecting the super rich against taxes. Of course, the increasingly sorry state of the middle class has been disproving this bit of Reagan’s snake oil for the past four decades, but this has done nothing to change the minds of devoted conservatives.

However, as the bulk of the right wing cling religiously to their faith in Reaganomics, Trump’s statements that, “The middle class has to be protected,” and, “The rich are probably going to end up paying more,” will rapidly sour many of his supporters.

Couple this with his suddenly agreeing that minimum wage should be raised, these two items alone will certainly force many of those who had planned to vote for Trump to sit out the election. Or, inspire them to vote for a third party candidate. Someone who voices traditional conservative positions of pro-rich and anti-worker, and who continues to profess the conservative mantra that the “poor are stupid, lazy, and are already overpaid.”

As a politician, Trump made his bones using overt racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and other standard Republican nonsense regarding tax cuts for the very rich. Beginning to reverse his stance this early will cost him much support for sure.

Trump should go with what got him the nomination. Any appearance of becoming somewhat reasonable is only going to scare off the idiots who truly believe he could effect the ridiculous and unconstitutional changes he's boasted he could achieve.


Embracing the liberal canard that government funding is a tax problem and not a spending problem is what will do him in - if anything will do him in.
Embracing the liberal canard that government funding is a tax problem and not a spending problem is what will do him in - if anything will do him in.

The liberal "canard" is that it's an issue of both revenue and spending, genius. Maybe some day conservatives will figure that out.
Lol. No its not. There zero evidence of that at all.

The liberal "canard" is that it's an issue of both revenue and spending, genius. Maybe some day conservatives will figure that out.

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