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Trump saves auto industry in Michigan (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
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I just watched our president telling the folks of Michigan after the last administration killed the auto industry he saved it and brought Michigan jobs, jobs, jobs so they better damn well vote for him.

Is this true?
I just watched our president telling the folks of Michigan after the last administration killed the auto industry he saved it and brought Michigan jobs, jobs, jobs so they better damn well vote for him.

Is this true?

Can I ask HOW? and when? he did all this?
If you are talking about when the Auto companies brought back jobs from Mexico back in 2017 I would like to tell you Trump had nothing to do with that
IT was in the Contract between the UAW and the Big 3 auto companies
so with that FACT Trump is just telling more lies
Have a nice day
Can I ask HOW? and when? he did all this?
If you are talking about when the Auto companies brought back jobs from Mexico back in 2017 I would like to tell you Trump had nothing to do with that
IT was in the Contract between the UAW and the Big 3 auto companies
so with that FACT Trump is just telling more lies
Have a nice day

You'll have to ask trump.
You'll have to ask trump.

I would say we can ask Trump this question day after day and all we would get is the same old lies over and over again
Have a nice day
The auto industry knows who saved them and it sure as hell wasn't that malignant orange turd.
I just watched our president telling the folks of Michigan after the last administration killed the auto industry he saved it and brought Michigan jobs, jobs, jobs so they better damn well vote for him.

Is this true?

Obama saved the auto unions. He should have let the car companies go bankrupt, and then they could have started over without the obscene high union pay of union workers, especially the ones that just did union work and no real actual work on the assembly lines.
I just watched our president telling the folks of Michigan after the last administration killed the auto industry he saved it and brought Michigan jobs, jobs, jobs so they better damn well vote for him.

Is this true?
Just lies, lies more shameless lies. Before long Donnie boy will be in KJU territory claiming God only knows what.
Obama saved the auto unions. He should have let the car companies go bankrupt, and then they could have started over without the obscene high union pay of union workers, especially the ones that just did union work and no real actual work on the assembly lines.

Who isn't against the average working joe making a decent living, right. It's much more important for a ceo to make multi millions each year. Vote to keep the top ten percent in the position to screw the other eighty percent. Brilliant!
Obama saved the auto unions. He should have let the car companies go bankrupt, and then they could have started over without the obscene high union pay of union workers, especially the ones that just did union work and no real actual work on the assembly lines.

Yeah you are a genius. Lets let one of the largest employers in the country go bankrupt when we were already losing an insane amount of jobs every month.
Obama saved the auto unions. He should have let the car companies go bankrupt, and then they could have started over without the obscene high union pay of union workers, especially the ones that just did union work and no real actual work on the assembly lines.

Of course you are against unions. Trump does not believe in them because unions create fair wages and protect workers against injustice, both things that he does not want. Unions prevent owners from using their workers as slaves or peons to help make the owners uber rich. I can see why you would be against them. Unions are anti-Republican platforms.

Squeeze the poor so you can get rich

I just watched our president telling the folks of Michigan after the last administration killed the auto industry he saved it and brought Michigan jobs, jobs, jobs so they better damn well vote for him.

Is this true?

Last administration killed the auto industry?

Even the most casual viewer of the Democratic convention would get the point: President Barack Obama saved the American auto industry.

Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick called him the president "who saved the American auto industry from extinction." The former CEO of the super-sized used car dealership CarMax, Austin Ligon, said the president’s decisive action to restructure General Motors and Chrysler "helped prevent a domino effect that would have taken down everything in the auto industry, from the factories that manufactured auto parts to the dealers who sold the cars." And Michelle Obama talked about how her husband "fought to get the auto industry back on its feet."
dismiss everything King Biff says as a lie, and you'll be right almost all of the time.
Of course you are against unions. Trump does not believe in them because unions create fair wages and protect workers against injustice, both things that he does not want. Unions prevent owners from using their workers as slaves or peons to help make the owners uber rich. I can see why you would be against them. Unions are anti-Republican platforms.

Squeeze the poor so you can get rich

View attachment 67295138

Nothing offensive about your choice of cartoon............/s
Of course Trump saved the auto industry, brought coal mining jobs back, got Mexico to pay for the wall, repealed and replaced Obamacare, jump started an economy destroyed by the Democrats, brought peace to the Middle East, balanced the federal budget, and made America great again. Meanwhile, COVID19 is no big deal, just something that Democrats hype to make him look bad.

If you don't believe that, just ask Trump or one of his sycophants.
The auto industry knows who saved them and it sure as hell wasn't that malignant orange turd.

August 27, 2012, 8:00 pm
5 Ways the Obama Administration Revived the Auto Industry by Reducing Oil Use
5 Ways the Obama Administration Revived the Auto Industry by Reducing Oil Use - Center for American Progress

Rescuing the American Auto Industry
When President Obama took office, the American auto industry was shedding jobs by the hundreds of thousands and GM and Chrysler faced the possibility of liquidation – which would have caused at least 1 million more jobs to be lost. The President made the tough choice to help provide the auto industry the temporary support it needed to grow and prosper. Two years later, GM, Ford, and Chrysler are all adding jobs, generating profit, and investing in their U.S. facilities. The industry is once again leading the world, and is stronger because the President demanded it retool and build more fuel efficient cars in exchange for aid. Since Chrysler and GM emerged from bankruptcy in June of 2009, the auto industry has added nearly 250,000 jobs, the best period of job growth in over a decade.
Rescuing the American Auto Industry | The White House
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Yeah, he was going to save coal mining too... How did that work out?? It didn't!!!! 1,000 of less coal mining jobs now then there was in 2016.. And was even before Covid-19
Democrats .... curious, are you predicting that Trump will not win Michigan?

Who do you see winning the state in November?
August 27, 2012, 8:00 pm
5 Ways the Obama Administration Revived the Auto Industry by Reducing Oil Use
5 Ways the Obama Administration Revived the Auto Industry by Reducing Oil Use - Center for American Progress

Rescuing the American Auto Industry
When President Obama took office, the American auto industry was shedding jobs by the hundreds of thousands and GM and Chrysler faced the possibility of liquidation – which would have caused at least 1 million more jobs to be lost. The President made the tough choice to help provide the auto industry the temporary support it needed to grow and prosper. Two years later, GM, Ford, and Chrysler are all adding jobs, generating profit, and investing in their U.S. facilities. The industry is once again leading the world, and is stronger because the President demanded it retool and build more fuel efficient cars in exchange for aid. Since Chrysler and GM emerged from bankruptcy in June of 2009, the auto industry has added nearly 250,000 jobs, the best period of job growth in over a decade.
Rescuing the American Auto Industry | The White House

Ford is the only one that didn't take any money from the Gov.
what they did was mortgaged all the auto companies they owned ( and has since paid them off and have them back again )
a lot of people don't know that Ford owned majority stock in Mazda, Aston Martin. Volvo, Jag,
and they also got a lot of help from the UAW
Have a nice day
PS Ford owned 100% of Jag. Aston Martin, Volvo
Democrats .... curious, are you predicting that Trump will not win Michigan?

Who do you see winning the state in November?

LOL... Not Trump... can you guess who I am thinking will win Michigan? Rasmussen has Biden up by 9 points in Michigan...
LOL... Not Trump... can you guess who I am thinking will win Michigan.


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