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Trump rants about women troubles (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
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Dec 1, 2011
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Does Trump have a problem with women or just any opposition in general?

Trump rants about his women troubles: Kamala, Mika, Nancy and AOC

In a 40-minute phone interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, President Trump singled out a number of political rivals for disparagement as "stone-cold crazy," "not even a smart person" and "angry."

All of them were women. In an earlier tweet, Trump described MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski as "ditzy" and an "airhead."

Speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Trump called Sen. Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, a "mad woman"; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "poor student" who "yaps"; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "stone-cold crazy."
Well Trump has never been a class act, we all know this.
***** is the only thing about a woman that excites trump. Otherwise they're just bitches who bleed all over the place.
Trump hates women he can't buy.
Does Trump have a problem with women or just any opposition in general?

Trump rants about his women troubles: Kamala, Mika, Nancy and AOC

In a 40-minute phone interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, President Trump singled out a number of political rivals for disparagement as "stone-cold crazy," "not even a smart person" and "angry."

All of them were women. In an earlier tweet, Trump described MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski as "ditzy" and an "airhead."

Speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Trump called Sen. Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, a "mad woman"; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "poor student" who "yaps"; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "stone-cold crazy."

My question is his name calling going to work this time or at least as well as it did in 2016? I seemed that people, especially those who follow him really enjoyed his calling people names last time around, but time is seems not so much. His "sleepy joe" and that "nasty woman" seem more like his last gasp attempt to bring back how name calling worked in 2016. What do you think?
Does Trump have a problem with women or just any opposition in general?

Trump rants about his women troubles: Kamala, Mika, Nancy and AOC

In a 40-minute phone interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, President Trump singled out a number of political rivals for disparagement as "stone-cold crazy," "not even a smart person" and "angry."

All of them were women. In an earlier tweet, Trump described MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski as "ditzy" and an "airhead."

Speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Trump called Sen. Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, a "mad woman"; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "poor student" who "yaps"; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "stone-cold crazy."

Yes. But at least he wished child rapist sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell well. So there is that.

OH! And he likes his daughter's ass, so there is that too.
My question is his name calling going to work this time or at least as well as it did in 2016? I seemed that people, especially those who follow him really enjoyed his calling people names last time around, but time is seems not so much. His "sleepy joe" and that "nasty woman" seem more like his last gasp attempt to bring back how name calling worked in 2016. What do you think?

I think his base and avid supporters still like the name-calling but like any novelty, it wears off. Trump looks tired, stressed, and less animated than in 2016, I don't think he's got the energy and motivation to come up with a lot of new monikers.

Yes. But at least he wished child rapist sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell well. So there is that.

OH! And he likes his daughter's ass, so there is that too.

What disturbs me is his connection to 'golden showers.' Just Ewww... Maybe it's the source of his orange head?
I think his base and avid supporters still like the name-calling but like any novelty, it wears off. Trump looks tired, stressed, and less animated than in 2016, I don't think he's got the energy and motivation to come up with a lot of new monikers.

What disturbs me is his connection to 'golden showers.' Just Ewww... Maybe it's the source of his orange head?

It would explain the color of that mop of straw on his head.
Does Trump have a problem with women or just any opposition in general?

Trump rants about his women troubles: Kamala, Mika, Nancy and AOC

In a 40-minute phone interview on the Fox Business channel on Thursday, President Trump singled out a number of political rivals for disparagement as "stone-cold crazy," "not even a smart person" and "angry."

All of them were women. In an earlier tweet, Trump described MSNBC "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski as "ditzy" and an "airhead."

Speaking with Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo, Trump called Sen. Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee, a "mad woman"; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a "poor student" who "yaps"; and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "stone-cold crazy."

It's pretty obvious that he doesn't respect women.
Well Trump has never been a class act, we all know this.

Donald Trump has always had a problem with strong intelligent women who refuse to be used as sex toys and doormats for him. I hope that he keeps up his misogynist rants because many a few conservative women might actually discover that they have a backbone and stop supporting a gaslighting sexual abuser.
We should not forget what which women Trump calls nasty and who he wishes well.


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