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Trump rally (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 28, 2014
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He is on fire tonight. If your a trump supporter. He is at his best tonight

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On fire! Packed house with thousands overflow.
Was the mayor an ass for asking for the campaign to contribute to the cost of security? Any other candidate holding a rally would have to pay.
He is on fire tonight. If your a trump supporter. He is at his best tonight

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Well hopefully the fire department is nowhere near by.
Say what you want about the guy but he cares. He isnt perfect but he is doing his best. His heart is in the right place

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Trump is selling a new t-shirt ...

Was the mayor an ass for asking for the campaign to contribute to the cost of security? Any other candidate holding a rally would have to pay.
Are you sure about that?

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Are you sure about that?

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This was a campaign appearance. When campaigns hold events, they pay for security. Cities shouldn't have to cough up the money so Trump can come get his jollies
This was a campaign appearance. When campaigns hold events, they pay for security. Cities shouldn't have to cough up the money so Trump can come get his jollies
I dont disagree with that but you also claimed that they would treat any other csndidate the same way. That part of your claim is in dispute.

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Trump is selling a new t-shirt ...


He knows his base is stupid enough to buy whatever crap he puts out there. T-shirts for the little people, Hotel stays for the better people. He learned it at the Wharton School.
I dont disagree with that but you also claimed that they would treat any other csndidate the same way. That part of your cksim is in dispute.

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Is there another national candidate that rallied in Minnesota for free?
Was the mayor an ass for asking for the campaign to contribute to the cost of security? Any other candidate holding a rally would have to pay.

I guess that depends on our inflation rate ... Obama was charged $20,000 ... Trump was charged $500,000.

But no, he was an ass for forbidding the police to show up in uniform at the rally and for removing all portable toilets outside the center - except for 4 - long before the rally goers were permitted to enter the Target Center.
Corrupt leader with his corrupted followers. Sad.
Say what you want about the guy but he cares. He isnt perfect but he is doing his best. His heart is in the right place
Good gods.
Did you watch the speech?
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I just watched it and I'm now a belieber! Trump is innocent, the Dems are trying a COUP! Schiff is evil, Dems lost and are mad! Obama sucks!
I had a beautiful phone call! Deep State! Journalism is the enemy of the people!

Russia's great, Putin's a charmer and Kim....I'm in love!

Was the mayor an ass for asking for the campaign to contribute to the cost of security? Any other candidate holding a rally would have to pay.

Obama charges = 20k

Trump charges = 520k

No corruption there...

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