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Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day (1 Viewer)


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Sep 6, 2019
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Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day, but it's not clear he can - CNNPolitics

(CNN)President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would send law enforcement officials to polling locations to guard against voter fraud in November's election, although it's not clear he has the authority to do so.

"We're going to have sheriffs, and we're going to have law enforcement, and we're going to have, hopefully, US attorneys, and we're going to have everybody and attorney generals (sic)," Trump said during an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity.

Trump's comments come as his campaign works to recruit tens of thousands of volunteers for what Republican officials have said could be their largest poll-watching operation. Even before Trump's comments, his party's plans to monitor the polls have sparked charges from Democrats and voting-rights groups that Republicans are gearing up to suppress voting in key states. The President has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that voter fraud will undermine November's election results.

Trump has no authority to deploy local law enforcement officials to monitor elections, although his campaign could hire off-duty police to work the polls, said Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California at Irvine. If Trump did so, it likely would trigger legal action from Democrats, who would claim the move amounted to a voter-suppression tactic. And it would have echoes of a case that resulted in a federal court decree that for decades sharply restricted the Republican National Committee's "ballot security" work without prior judicial approval.

This idiot doesn't know what he's suggesting is illegal, but expect his authoritarian supporters to wholeheartedly endorse the idea because Trump supporters hate democracy just like their dear leader.

18 U.S. Code SS 592 - Troops at polls | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

18 U.S. Code § 592.Troops at polls

Whoever, being an officer of the Army or Navy, or other person in the civil, military, or naval service of the United States, orders, brings, keeps, or has under his authority or control any troops or armed men at any place where a general or special election is held, unless such force be necessary to repel armed enemies of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; and be disqualified from holding any office of honor, profit, or trust under the United States.

This section shall not prevent any officer or member of the armed forces of the United States from exercising the right of suffrage in any election district to which he may belong, if otherwise qualified according to the laws of the State in which he offers to vote.
Do you honestly think that Trump thinks about anything, let alone researches it, before opening his big, fat mouth?
Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day, but it's not clear he can - CNNPolitics

This idiot doesn't know what he's suggesting is illegal, but expect his authoritarian supporters to wholeheartedly endorse the idea because Trump supporters hate democracy just like their dear leader.

18 U.S. Code SS 592 - Troops at polls | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

The rubes will lap it up, they love more government, and dollops of fascism!

All the cool kids are voting by mail anyway....
Trump is a glorious leader who knows all and is the best at everything, with a good brain, the best words.

And with that in mind, he should send his very own security agents of the state into polling places, only people loyal to him as we know, everyone not loyal to him is a globalist/deep state operative that is intent on letting the Elite Pedophiles run free.

Only by allowing this, can we finally bring all these people to Justice, any day now and have a great economy.

Trump is so smart.
The same people who support this also went completely haywire when Fox News replayed a single loop over and over and over again of Black Panthers standing in front of a polling station (one of whom was subsequently removed by police).

Anyway, let me guess: these "observers" will be sent to Democratic-leaning districts in swing states. What do I win?
Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day, but it's not clear he can - CNNPolitics

This idiot doesn't know what he's suggesting is illegal, but expect his authoritarian supporters to wholeheartedly endorse the idea because Trump supporters hate democracy just like their dear leader.

18 U.S. Code SS 592 - Troops at polls | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Sheriffs and law enforcement officials aren't "troops". :roll:
Trump is a glorious leader who knows all and is the best at everything, with a good brain, the best words.

And with that in mind, he should send his very own security agents of the state into polling places, only people loyal to him as we know, everyone not loyal to him is a globalist/deep state operative that is intent on letting the Elite Pedophiles run free.

Only by allowing this, can we finally bring all these people to Justice, any day now and have a great economy.

Trump is so smart.

It really sucks when sarcastic parody is virtually indistinguishable from a party's actual platforms and the beliefs of their followers.
Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day, but it's not clear he can - CNNPolitics

This idiot doesn't know what he's suggesting is illegal, but expect his authoritarian supporters to wholeheartedly endorse the idea because Trump supporters hate democracy just like their dear leader.

18 U.S. Code SS 592 - Troops at polls | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

Another day, another attempt to disenfranchise voters.

But he does not control state resources in this regard.
Sheriffs and law enforcement officials aren't "troops". :roll:

You have a really bad history of not knowing what you're talking about or just flat-out lying. For instance, yesterday you lied to everyone on the forum and said that the Obama administration had separated 900 children from their families:

Democratic National Convention

This was a lie. I confronted you and you had nothing to say about it. No apology. Nothing.


In this instance, you are doing it AGAIN, and you are either lying or you lack sufficient knowledge to intelligently comment on this topic.

In any case, I will help you out a little bit and everyone else on the forum. This statute applies to federal law enforcement as well:

This statute makes it unlawful to station troops or "armed men" at the polls in a general or special election, except when necessary "to repel armed enemies of the United States." It is a felony statute and violations are punishable by up to five years in prison and/or fines imposed under 18 U.S.C. 3571. The statute is not applicable to primaries. It has been interpreted by the Department of Justice as prohibiting special agents of the FBI from conducting investigations within the polls on election day.


Troops at Polls. 18 U.S.C. § 592 This statute makes it unlawful for anyone in the military or federal civil service to station troops or “armed men” at the polls in a general or special election (but not a primary), except when necessary “to repel armed enemies of the United States.” Violations are punishable by imprisonment for up to five years and disqualification from any federal office. Section 592 prohibits the use of official authority to order armed personnel to the polls; it does not reach the troops who respond to those orders. The effect of this statute is to prohibit FBI Special Agents from conducting investigations within the polls on election day, and Deputy U.S. Marshals from being stationed at open polls, as both are required to carry their weapons while on duty. This statute applies only to agents of the United States Government. It does not prohibit state or local law enforcement agencies from sending police officers to quell disturbances at polling 80 places, nor does it preempt state laws that require police officers to be stationed in polling places.

Do you honestly think that Trump thinks about anything, let alone researches it, before opening his big, fat mouth?

and ^ THAT is who is leading our country. what we've decided to accept.
Trump pledges to send 'sheriffs' and 'law enforcement' to polling places on Election Day, but it's not clear he can - CNNPolitics

This idiot doesn't know what he's suggesting is illegal, but expect his authoritarian supporters to wholeheartedly endorse the idea because Trump supporters hate democracy just like their dear leader.

18 U.S. Code SS 592 - Troops at polls | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

I guess it's time for us to watch the watchers.
Hope they don't mind that we'll be better armed than they are, and better organized, and not visible.
You have a really bad history of not knowing what you're talking about or just flat-out lying. For instance, yesterday you lied to everyone on the forum and said that the Obama administration had separated 900 children from their families:

Democratic National Convention

This was a lie. I confronted you and you had nothing to say about it. No apology. Nothing.


In this instance, you are doing it AGAIN, and you are either lying or you lack sufficient knowledge to intelligently comment on this topic.

In any case, I will help you out a little bit and everyone else on the forum. This statute applies to federal law enforcement as well:


So who in the military or federal civil service is stationing armed deputy US marshalls at polling locations?

C'mon, man!
Sheriffs and law enforcement officials aren't "troops". :roll:

The "law enforcement officials" sent to Portland where dressed as troops for a particular purpose.... to intimate the people on the other side of the street who didn't know who they were or what they were capable of.

Access Denied

That said, Trump is beyond is authority to order such, since elections are conducted by the State. We have volunteer poll workers that are there to observe. They report problems and do not intimidate voters (most of them are in their 70's). If a sheriff is needed, they can be called. There is no reason to pay a sheriff (likely overtime) to sit at a polling place. It is not the best use of LE resources.

Why do you think this is desirable or even ok? Do you just blindly agree with Trump or do you have an argument here? Do you understand the objection here? Please tell us.
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Back to Jim crow

Scare those voters away from the polls
The "law enforcement officials" sent to Portland where dressed as troops for a particular purpose.... to intimate the people on the other side of the street who didn't know who they were or what they were capable of.

Access Denied

That said, Trump is beyond is authority to order such, since elections are conducted by the State.
It's not because "elections are conducted by the State" but because he doesn't have authority over state and local law enforcement. He could hire off-duty police as observers. No, you wouldn't want them dressed to intimidate.
Right, stuff that has nothing to do with the law you posted.

Watch the video.

You're lying again. Stop. Why are you always lying for this idiot?

That's now 3 lies in the past 24 hours, which you've never apologized for.

Anything else you want to lie about?
You're lying again. Stop. Why are you always lying for this idiot?
Again, who in the military or federal civil service is stationing armed deputy US marshalls at polling locations? That's what your law pertains to. You clearly don't have an answer because you posted a bunch of bs witbout thinking first.
Again, who in the military or federal civil service is stationing armed deputy US marshalls at polling locations? That's what your law pertains to. You clearly don't have an answer because you posted a bunch of bs witbout thinking first.

First you claim "they aren't troops". Um, the law cited is not limited to "troops".

Next you argue "Who is stationed at polls"....as if the election is today.

All the while, you troll ignoring what Orangey has publicly stated.

Cmon man, indeed.

First you claim "they aren't troops". Um, the law cited is not limited to "troops".

Next you argue "Who is stationed at polls"....as if the election is today.

All the while, you troll ignoring what Orangey has publicly stated.

Cmon man, indeed.
You think that law is relevant? If so, how exactly?
You think that law is relevant? If so, how exactly?
It is REALLY simple, the law prohibits federal civil officers from being stationed at polling sites, which is whut Orangey stated he wants to do.
It is REALLY simple, the law prohibits federal civil officers from being stationed at polling sites, which is whut Orangey stated he wants to do.
No he didn't.

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