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Trump Not Guilty (1 Viewer)

Every stupid word out of the shifty Schiff's mouth assumed Trump was already proven guilty. He never considered Trump innocent before proven guilty and he never proved Trump guilty. He was out to hang Trump like the KKK of a hundred years ago asking for the whites with him to judge the black man guilty before they strung him up in the yard.

Trump had every opportunity to go before either House committees or the full House and would have been welcomed. He rejected such and idea and rejected his best opportunity to prove his claim of innocence.
It takes a messed up mind to overview what happened and conclude the Senate was evil and Schiff was good.

Actually it takes only a rational person willing to listen to the evidence.
The only reason the Republicans broke with tradition and precedent and did to call any witnesses is because the fix was already in and they feared the information from witnesses would further damage Trump and their party.

Conspiracy theory nonsense. The House did not make its case. They voted along partisan lines and made only partisan moves in building their case. Now you make the hypocritical argument that the Senate acted in a partisan way. Why are you surprised?
Trump had every opportunity to go before either House committees or the full House and would have been welcomed. He rejected such and idea and rejected his best opportunity to prove his claim of innocence.

There you go again. In America, you don't need to prove your innocence, they need to prove you are guilty---and they didn't.
That is not true as at least 48 Senators voted for the guilt of Trump and even some of those who voted to acquit said he did things wrong.

Good news! 53 votes to ACQUIT trumps 48 votes to convict = forever settled verdict of NOT GUILTY!
I do not speak for Schiff. I speak as one of the American people who is outraged about the trial and what a complete sham the Republicans made of it.

Democrats stay angry because their corrupt leaders keep failing to dishonestly nail Trump to the wall in order to give them a better chance of winning the 2020 election.
As I expected, you can offer nothing to back up your wild claims about Michigan voting.

Don't worry. The democrat spin-a-lie media has for decades covered up the fraud, successfully obstructing government serious investigations into the massive numbers of suspicious irregularities. Democrats have been riding waves of media protection for their voting fraud for decades because the government NEVER seriously investigates the massive claims and evidences of voting irregularities, almost always in democrat-controlled precincts.
Trump had every opportunity to go before either House committees or the full House and would have been welcomed. He rejected such and idea and rejected his best opportunity to prove his claim of innocence.

I don't blame Trump for not participating in their illegal partisan impeachment lynching. He knew the partisan hacks could not prove him guilty and he wisely let them play out their hand as his approval rating rose.
The democrats lost and Trump won big.
Actually it takes only a rational person willing to listen to the evidence.

The democrat plan:

1. Line up all witnesses who think Trump must have wanted to do something illegal.
2. Ban all other witnesses.
3. Ban eyewitnesses.
4. Closely control cross examinations.
5. Dismiss due process and the rights of the defendant.
6. Don't bother with obtaining official authorization for the process until the process is finished.
7. Declare Trump guilty and lean on democrats to force them to rubber stamp the illegal verdict.
8. Take the one-sided partisan result to the Senate and attempt to shame them into rubber stamping their illegitimate verdict as well.

Democrats lost, thank God, and Trump was found forever NOT GUILTY!
Conspiracy theory nonsense. The House did not make its case. They voted along partisan lines and made only partisan moves in building their case. Now you make the hypocritical argument that the Senate acted in a partisan way. Why are you surprised?

Actually it was reality that the fix was in in the Senate with GOP members.

I know - its disgusting and its ugly and its reprehensible - but its true all the same.
There you go again. In America, you don't need to prove your innocence, they need to prove you are guilty---and they didn't.

So don't bitch when its only a really close vote 52-48 and Trump could have come before the House and put this all to rest just by telling the truth.
Good news! 53 votes to ACQUIT trumps 48 votes to convict = forever settled verdict of NOT GUILTY!

You math adds up to 101 Senators. Last time I looked there were only 100.
Democrats stay angry because their corrupt leaders keep failing to dishonestly nail Trump to the wall in order to give them a better chance of winning the 2020 election.

Trump has been nailed to the wall repeatedly. It is the Republicans who pull out the spikes and set him free.
Don't worry. The democrat spin-a-lie media has for decades covered up the fraud, successfully obstructing government serious investigations into the massive numbers of suspicious irregularities. Democrats have been riding waves of media protection for their voting fraud for decades because the government NEVER seriously investigates the massive claims and evidences of voting irregularities, almost always in democrat-controlled precincts.

I see there was no evidence cited to support your wild and irresponsible claims.
I don't blame Trump for not participating in their illegal partisan impeachment lynching. He knew the partisan hacks could not prove him guilty and he wisely let them play out their hand as his approval rating rose.
The democrats lost and Trump won big.

Trump failed to properly defend himself and could have done so before the House. That will forever be on him.
The democrat plan:

1. Line up all witnesses who think Trump must have wanted to do something illegal.
2. Ban all other witnesses.
3. Ban eyewitnesses.
4. Closely control cross examinations.
5. Dismiss due process and the rights of the defendant.
6. Don't bother with obtaining official authorization for the process until the process is finished.
7. Declare Trump guilty and lean on democrats to force them to rubber stamp the illegal verdict.
8. Take the one-sided partisan result to the Senate and attempt to shame them into rubber stamping their illegitimate verdict as well.

Democrats lost, thank God, and Trump was found forever NOT GUILTY!

Trump was the single most crucial witness and he could have testified before the House. He FAILED to take advantage of that. He forever will be tarred with the filthy stain of impeachment.
So don't bitch when its only a really close vote 52-48 and Trump could have come before the House and put this all to rest just by telling the truth.

It wasn't close, the Democrats needed 19 more votes for a conviction. There was absolutely nothing that Trump could have done to prevent the House vote. They had their thumbs on the scale the entire time.
It wasn't close, the Democrats needed 19 more votes for a conviction. There was absolutely nothing that Trump could have done to prevent the House vote. They had their thumbs on the scale the entire time.

When I say close - I was referring to the close nature of the vote between those who felt he was guilty and those who voter otherwise. I thought that was obvious.

Trump could have come before the House to clear his name and present evidence to clear him. I can see why he did not because no such evidence existed.
Nothing you said there changes the facts that witnesses were not allowed by a vote controlled by Republicans doing the bidding of Mitch McConnell who was in turn doing the bidding of Donald Trump - the accused who was on trial.
An irrelevant and invalid point as the prohibition was justified.
"Never in Senate history has this body paused an impeachment trial to pursue additional witnesses with unresolved questions of executive privilege that would require protracted litigation," he said. "We have no interest in establishing such a new precedent, particularly for individuals whom the House expressly chose not to pursue."

To the underlined - make-believe delusionally biased nonsense.

And nothing you said there changes the facts that in every single impeachment trial held before the Senate be it a judge or president - witness were heard during the trial.
Wrong. Your issue here is irrelevant as no witnesses have ever been allowed in this manner. Nor should witnesses in this manner ever be allowed.

And nothing you said changes the fact that the weasel words that you fell for from McConnell who attempted to pass off a sham trial as perfectly normal and keeping with Senate precedent when it actually was a disaster of failed justice.
iLOL Nonsensical butt-hurt biased bs.
Just you being wrong as usual.

And nothing you said there changes the fact that Donald Trump is severely weakening our checks and balances and is testing the limits of his authority with an eye on becoming a tyrant as Republicans in the Senate and House have been emasculated and publicly will not rebuke him no matter what absurd things he does.
iLOL Delusionally biased nonsense.

You can attack me all you want.
:lamo You haven't been attacked.

I happen to love this country and the American people
iLOL More bs. Figures.

and watching people make excuses for the destruction of our government is a sad sad thing to witness.
Delusionally biased nonsense. Neither of your claims are happening by the parties you accuse.
An irrelevant and invalid point as the prohibition was justified.

Why was this radical departure from both history and precedent justified?

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