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Trump Nominates Neomi Rao to DC Circuit Court: (1 Viewer)

I’m not surprised a strong advocate for deregulation would be opposed by the critical left and wonder what they’ll dig up about this nominee. It is strange the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity would find a Hindu woman “the most damaging and regressive” choice. Could it because she's not Lesbian, bisexual or transgender?

I may be in error but this appears to be a blog and does not meet BN MSM rules
I may be in error but this appears to be a blog and does not meet BN MSM rules
I think you are in error, please cite whatever applicable BN MSM rules.
I think you are in error, please cite whatever applicable BN MSM rules.
I mentioned this in a nice way not an attack, as BN MSM can be somewhat confusing for newer members
BN MSM - Rules are available in that sub forum


IV - Definition of each type of *Breaking News*:

• *BN* - Mainstream Media: A news service whose primary means of distribution is print, broadcast, or wire services. Local newspapers forced to switch to a digital format may aslo be placed here as well as AP stories reposted to the web free of additional commentary.
Examples Include: CNN, Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Associated Press

• *BN* - Non-MSM: A news service whose primary means of distribution is the internet or is found in a section of a MSM news service labeled as "Blogs".
Examples Include: The Drudge Report, Huffington Post, ABC News Blog, YouTube

Another is fair use. I also included that

9a. Fair-Use - A limitation of two (2) medium-sized paragraphs per thread is allowed for the quoting and display of any external "same-source" material. Same-source material is considered to be material borrowed from the same author, the same internet article, the same web page, the same web site, or the same publication. Please do not exceed this limitation, nor attempt to bypass this limitation via consecutive/subsequent/plagiarized thread postings. Proper format is to Copy & Paste a maximum of two medium-sized paragraphs of same-source material and offer a link to the material source page for further reading. Moderator discretion shall prevail here.
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Absolutely right, ban the thread, "Legal Insurrection" can't be "mainstream media" and even if it was, my posting included more than 2 paragraphs, take it down.

Let me be clear. I was trying to be helpful - use the Contact Us and ask for it to be moved to the proper sub forum
This is where I brought it to your attention, in a polite manner. Now go run off the rails with someone else
I may be in error but this appears to be a blog and does not meet BN MSM rules
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I’m not surprised a strong advocate for deregulation would be opposed by the critical left and wonder what they’ll dig up about this nominee. It is strange the government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity would find a Hindu woman “the most damaging and regressive” choice. Could it because she's not Lesbian, bisexual or transgender?

But Trump is such a racist and misogynist!
How could he possibly do this if he's that?
Sigh, another thread that could have been informative has wandered into a petty irrelevancies. So I imagine this will be the last comment on topic.

She is a great choice, quite stunning. Currently she coordinates the administrations regulatory agenda, in effect being the regulatory czar. Previously she was a prof at George Mason's Antonin Scalia Law School, who founded the school's Center for the Study of the Administrative State. Reputedly she sponsored conferences and workshops on admin and regulatory policy, with a wide selection of ideological views.

Prior to that she was the White House Counsel's office during the Bush Administration, worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, and in private practice. A graduate of Yale University and the University of Chicago Law School, she clerked for Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson and Justice Clarence Thomas. She has also served as a Member of the Administrative Conference of the United States and on the Governing Council of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and co-chair of the Section's Regulatory Policy Committee.

Her supporters, such as law prof and blogger Johnathan Adler (and Eugene Volokh) say she has a first-rate intellect and a high degree of intellectual independence. He is confident that as a judge she would follow the law, as she understands it, and not worry about whether a given outcome was consistent with a particular political agenda or "party line."

Good enough for me!
Sigh, another thread that could have been informative has wandered into a petty irrelevancies. So I imagine this will be the last comment on topic.

She is a great choice, quite stunning. Currently she coordinates the administrations regulatory agenda, in effect being the regulatory czar. Previously she was a prof at George Mason's Antonin Scalia Law School, who founded the school's Center for the Study of the Administrative State. Reputedly she sponsored conferences and workshops on admin and regulatory policy, with a wide selection of ideological views.

Prior to that she was the White House Counsel's office during the Bush Administration, worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, and in private practice. A graduate of Yale University and the University of Chicago Law School, she clerked for Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson and Justice Clarence Thomas. She has also served as a Member of the Administrative Conference of the United States and on the Governing Council of the ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and co-chair of the Section's Regulatory Policy Committee.

Her supporters, such as law prof and blogger Johnathan Adler (and Eugene Volokh) say she has a first-rate intellect and a high degree of intellectual independence. He is confident that as a judge she would follow the law, as she understands it, and not worry about whether a given outcome was consistent with a particular political agenda or "party line."

Good enough for me!

Me as well.
I stand corrected, my source doesn't qualify as "mainstream media" and I did quote over two paragraphs, the administrators may take down this thread, it was improperly sourced (additionally I think I'm supposed to feature the source's title). If the administrators don't rightfully take it down I expect it will "die on the vine" as the critical left really lacks any substance in opposition to her nomination, either because they recognize Ms Rao is a good choice, know it would be detrimental to their 'cause' to oppose a woman, minority and daughter of immigrants of such outstanding credentials, or do not fully appreciate the significance (and implications) of her nomination.
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