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Trump mocks Christie's weight at fundraiser: 'No more Oreos' (1 Viewer)

tres borrachos

DP Veteran
Feb 20, 2012
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Biden's 'Murica
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It must really suck when your mancrush, the person you stare at adoringly as if you want to massage him in warm scented oils, makes a joke about eating Oreos, especially when your girth is bigger than Secretariat's.

Donald Trump teased New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie about his weight while speaking at a fundraisier to pay off Christie's presidential campaign debt

Trump, when mentioning that the Nabisco cookie plant was leaving Chicago for Mexico, pointed to Christie and told the crowd the governor would stop eating Nabisco cookies.

"I'm not eating Oreos anymore, you know that - but neither is Chris," Trump said. "You're not eating Oreos anymore. No more Oreos. For either of us, Chris. Don't feel bad."

Trump was headlining the governor's event to help pay off the $200,000 in debt from his failed presidential campaign.

Trump mocks Christie's weight at fundraiser: 'No more Oreos'
Hmmm. I could easily see these same things being said without the intent to make fun of someone's weight. But it is Trump. So...
Seeing as they're both bullies, I don't feel particularly bad for Christie. He'll probably find some school-teacher to shout down and get over it.

(Though to be fair, Trump did include himself in the statement...so.... meh)
Seeing as they're both bullies, I don't feel particularly bad for Christie. He'll probably find some school-teacher to shout down and get over it.

(Though to be fair, Trump did include himself in the statement...so.... meh)

That's funny, because I had the same reaction when I read The Hill article. It isn't like he said "You better cut down on those Oreos, Chris. You're looking worse than usual." The Hill referred to it as "mocking" Christie. I agree he wasn't really mocking him. But it's still probably not a good idea to talk about eating Oreos when you stand next to the guy who looks like he had one or two too many.
That's funny, because I had the same reaction when I read The Hill article. It isn't like he said "You better cut down on those Oreos, Chris. You're looking worse than usual." The Hill referred to it as "mocking" Christie. I agree he wasn't really mocking him. But it's still probably not a good idea to talk about eating Oreos when you stand next to the guy who looks like he had one or two too many.

"...no more Oreos for you" in public is humiliating, Trump included himself to avoid a direct hit.

Clever snake, he is.
He's the next Attorney General anyway - what does he care, as long as his debt gets paid off, and the campaign's behind him.
That's funny, because I had the same reaction when I read The Hill article. It isn't like he said "You better cut down on those Oreos, Chris. You're looking worse than usual." The Hill referred to it as "mocking" Christie. I agree he wasn't really mocking him. But it's still probably not a good idea to talk about eating Oreos when you stand next to the guy who looks like he had one or two too many.

I noticed your grammar looked good on these posts. Well done.
It must really suck when your mancrush, the person you stare at adoringly as if you want to massage him in warm scented oils, makes a joke about eating Oreos, especially when your girth is bigger than Secretariat's.

Donald Trump teased New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie about his weight while speaking at a fundraisier to pay off Christie's presidential campaign debt

Trump, when mentioning that the Nabisco cookie plant was leaving Chicago for Mexico, pointed to Christie and told the crowd the governor would stop eating Nabisco cookies.

"I'm not eating Oreos anymore, you know that - but neither is Chris," Trump said. "You're not eating Oreos anymore. No more Oreos. For either of us, Chris. Don't feel bad."

Trump was headlining the governor's event to help pay off the $200,000 in debt from his failed presidential campaign.

Trump mocks Christie's weight at fundraiser: 'No more Oreos'

Christie has made fun of his own weight on occasion. But the comment seemed to be directed at Oreo manufacturing being relocated to Mexico.

Much ado about nothing.
It must really suck when your mancrush, the person you stare at adoringly as if you want to massage him in warm scented oils, makes a joke about eating Oreos, especially when your girth is bigger than Secretariat's.

Donald Trump teased New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie about his weight while speaking at a fundraisier to pay off Christie's presidential campaign debt

Trump, when mentioning that the Nabisco cookie plant was leaving Chicago for Mexico, pointed to Christie and told the crowd the governor would stop eating Nabisco cookies.

"I'm not eating Oreos anymore, you know that - but neither is Chris," Trump said. "You're not eating Oreos anymore. No more Oreos. For either of us, Chris. Don't feel bad."

Trump was headlining the governor's event to help pay off the $200,000 in debt from his failed presidential campaign.

Trump mocks Christie's weight at fundraiser: 'No more Oreos'

Trump was being nice, If I was in trumps position, I would have told him I would poison him with a salad, because salad is poison to fat people.
He's the next Attorney General anyway - what does he care, as long as his debt gets paid off, and the campaign's behind him.

Nah, I see Trump making him the Chief of Staff if (God forbid) Trump wins.
I missed the announcement! You're the new DP Grammar Nazi? Excellent. Congratulations.

I normally refrain from correcting other people's grammar, but when someone corrects mine, not only am I grateful, but I get the green light to return the favor.

A little fun at Grammar Nazis' expense:

I normally refrain from correcting other people's grammar, but when someone corrects mine, not only am I grateful, but I get the green light to return the favor.


I didn't correct your grammar. I corrected your spelling in the same thread where everyone handed you your ass because you think repeating an AP headline and quotes from an article word for word is considered celebrating. :roll: I guess it takes some level of intelligence to understand the difference between spelling and grammar. Not at all surprised that you don't understand that.

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