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Trump Lets Inner Thug Loose on Stage in Second Debate (1 Viewer)

I took that to mean that if he were President the DOJ and the FBI would not have been compromised on her behalf.

How did you take it?

that if he were president hillary would be in jail
I added the parenthesis because...well, picture Giuliani as AG or Trey Wingo or whatever that guy's last name is who heads the Benghazi committee witch hunt. We all know Hillary would never get a fair shake in a Trump Justice Department.

She was issued a free pass for at least one federal felony by the Obama Justice Department--a fair shake in your eyes, apparently. Incidentally, "witch hunt" may be a phrase Mrs. Clinton's acolytes want to avoid when referring to investigations of wrongdoing by her.
She lied again last night when she said she did not delete 33,000 emails after she got the subpoena.

We all know that she did, but maybe she forgot again.
You need to clear those voices out of your head and really listen to what she said. When Trump used that line again she said she turned over 35,000 emails to the FBI. And she did. The FBI has been releasing those emails (those that can be seen publicly, at least) in big batches since the investigation was concluded in July. This is Comey's way of keeping the fire lit under the idea that there was wrong-doing even though he couldn't find it to recommend charges. In this way he's been keeping the idea of guilt alive in the minds of the haters without actually showing any evidence for it.
I'm sorry, but in 54 years, 4 years of college, living all over the world, working in big and small corporations, having many female sorority sisters, friends, and relatives, being a competitive skier and equestrian and travelling all over with other females, having nannies for my children, having hundreds of female neighbors, no, I never grabbed a man's penis against his will, and never saw it happen. I guess we must associate with a different class of people than you do.

that wasn't a sorority, tres
that was a convent
But it's what digit got out of what HE'S supposed to say today.
You can always tell after his side took a beating.
When Trump effed up during the 1st debate Trump's people acknowledged it didn't go well.
After the second one they say it was either even or certain things Trump said were fascistic or whatever.
Only then will the troops know what to say ... and they do.
When she was confronted with anything they hadn't primed her for she stiffened out.
"You'd be in jail"

That fly kept landing on Hillary like she was a cadaver.
that comment made the post worth the read
Yes, of course women talk. Did you really not know that? And what does it have to do with a Presidential candidate boasting about sexually assaulting women? That kind of behavior was disgusting when it was Clinton, and it's disgusting when it's Trump.

It has nothing to do with that and I said so in the original question.
But it does have something to do with other things he said ... about Rosie O'Donnell, for example.
Hillary brought up the "fat pig" example in the first debate and I suspect women probably have said the same thing about Rosie.
This is where you say "Yeah but they're not Presidential candidates".
True, but it also doesn't mean they hate and don't respect women either.
She was issued a free pass for at least one federal felony by the Obama Justice Department--a fair shake in your eyes, apparently. Incidentally, "witch hunt" may be a phrase Mrs. Clinton's acolytes want to avoid when referring to investigations of wrongdoing by her.

Laughable. Comey was so disappointed at not being able to create enough of a reason to charge her that he's been steadily providing the rightwing with innuendo, both spoken and in the form of the steady release of the emails the FBI obtained but have nothing in them, to give the haters enough encouragement to keep their phony cause alive.
You're very defensive today.
Is that your self-appointed day-after assignment?

That's the kind of projection I've come to expect from the rightwing. I asked you a reasonable question and you come back with I'm defensive? I get it if your question to tres barrachos is now an embarrassment for you but why not just admit that and move on?
Yes, I understand your posts perfectly. You've associated with hundreds of women who sexually assault men by grabbing their penises against their will. I got it the first 2 times you posted it. Not sure what minorities have to do with this. Are you saying that black and Hispanic women are the ones who sexually assaulted you?

Are you kidding me? I did not say all of them "grabbed my penis." Do you need the definition of "sexual Assault?" Here, let me provide one for you:

Sexual assault is a sexual act in which a person is coerced or physically forced to engage against their will, or a non-consensual sexual touching of a person.

That easily accessed definition is as good as any other. Now let me cite my original statement:

Want to play the anecdotal game? I'm a man and over the course of my life I have had women grab my crotch, my ass, try to kiss me all without consent...and have heard women use language just as coarse as Trump has.

Anyone who states Trump's comments and actions are not reflective in the female community has to be either nieve or living under a rock.

Everyone doesn't do it, but there sure are a hell of a lot of people of both sexes in my experience who have said, done, and still do this kind of thing.

As for my reference to minority women? It was meant to show that women of all races can and do engage in such acts. This includes Latina's; from experiences when I lived in Texas, California, and New Mexico.

I was also referring not only to myself but to male friends who attended many of the listed functions, and who I observed and/or heard complain to me about unwanted female advances.

You are the one who made the comment:

I'm a woman. I never said anything about grabbing a man's penis against his will. I also never heard a woman say that she did that, either. What women say those things? What kind of women do you associate with?

My point was that your personal anecdotal experience is just that, and not proof women don't do such things on a fairly regular basis. As for this:

You should have reported them all if you were sexually assaulted. Not sure what you think I can do about it.

This is part of the gender double standard I grew up under and you've implied in your statements...men can't be the victims of female sexual assault because we are "men," and WE do all the assaulting. Try to claim sexual assault and we get laughed at. Meanwhile, most of us have learned to shrug it off as "female privilege" to reverse one of those feminism memes.

No one is asking you to do anything; other than perhaps open your mind to the possibility women can and do act as badly as you accuse Trump of doing. :coffeepap.
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It has nothing to do with that and I said so in the original question.
But it does have something to do with other things he said ... about Rosie O'Donnell, for example.
Hillary brought up the "fat pig" example in the first debate and I suspect women probably have said the same thing about Rosie.
This is where you say "Yeah but they're not Presidential candidates".
True, but it also doesn't mean they hate and don't respect women either.

I don't care what he said about Rosie O'Donnell. That just makes him an idiot. It's pathetic for a Presidential candidate to be so far in the gutter like that.

But grabbing a woman's vagina against her will is sexual assault. No, IMO he doesn't respect women. IMO he actually doesn't respect anyone except himself. That's what makes him so dangerous.
Are you kidding me? I did not say all of them "grabbed my penis." Do you need the definition of "sexual Assault?" Here, let me provide one for you:


That easily accessed definition is as good as any other. Now let me cite my original statement:

As for my reference to minority women? It was meant to show that women of all races can and do engage in such acts. This includes Latina's; from experiences when I lived in Texas, California, and New Mexico.

I was also referring not only to myself but to male friends who attended many of the listed functions, and who I observed and/or heard complain to me about unwanted female advances.

You are the one who made the comment:

My point was that your personal anecdotal experience is just that, and not proof women don't do such things on a fairly regular basis. As for this:

This is part of the gender double standard I grew up under and you've implied in your statements...men can't be the victims of female sexual assault because we are "men," and WE do all the assaulting. Try to claim sexual assault and we get laughed at. Meanwhile, most of us have learned to shrug it off as "female privilege" to reverse one of those feminism memes.

No one is asking you to do anything; other than perhaps open you mind to the possibility women can and do act as badly as you accuse Trump of doing. :coffeepap.

So you claim you were sexually assaulted by women, specifically minorities, and you didn't report it. What does that have to do with the people running for President of the United States?
But I couldn't believe that she instantly made the debate personal.

You must of watched the debate in another universe--the reverse universe. But, I'd love to see you try to describe how it was HRC who first turned it "personal."
Did I not list the types? What kind of Cinderella fantasy world are you living in? The real world consists of people with all types of attitudes and predilections.

I've led an active life, and still do. I've been to office parties, concerts, street fairs, privates parties, nightclubs, dance clubs, raves, athletic events, etc.. Even Church events. I've been propositioned by white female executives when I worked in a subordinate position. In my military service I've been approached by women as aggressively as Trump states men do. I've lived in Watts and Harlem, and if you think minority women can't also be aggressive? You have another thing coming.

What kind of life have you led that gives you such a sheltered opinion? This isn't "Leave it to Beaver" time. :roll:

now, don't you go posting about beaver cleaver
*beavis & butthead chortle*
Hillary is an exception because the DoJ and FBI corrupted the legal process on her behalf.

So, just a little bit of a totalitarian extra-judicial political show trial for just the "one politician" just this "one time" for a "special case" because a few extremists didn't get what they wanted and then we go back to the rule of law. Perfect. What could go wrong with that?
She was issued a free pass for at least one federal felony by the Obama Justice Department--a fair shake in your eyes, apparently. Incidentally, "witch hunt" may be a phrase Mrs. Clinton's acolytes want to avoid when referring to investigations of wrongdoing by her.

No more so than the free pass Rumsfeld, Rice, Bush and Cheney received for far worse crimes.
So you claim you were sexually assaulted by women, specifically minorities, and you didn't report it. What does that have to do with the people running for President of the United States?

OMG! Do you even try to read for comprehension, or are you the type that only sees what they wish to see? I made it very clear that women of all ages, sexes, and races engage in this type of misconduct.

And this is all you got from the response chain? :doh

What did your original comment implying women don't do such things that I responded to have to do with "people running for President?"

Trump apologized. You don't have to accept it or give it any credence. But don't try to claim people in general, and women in particular, are not guilty of similar statements and/or acts.
Your attack on justice system is typical, for a leftist. Is there something you hate about a proper investigation proving Granny's innocence that you don't like?

You're the ones who want totalitarian political show-trials à la Stalin and you accuse me of "attacking the justice system." And your type gets all huffy when we call attention to your constant projecting.
So, just a little bit of a totalitarian extra-judicial political show trial for just the "one politician" just this "one time" for a "special case" because a few extremists didn't get what they wanted and then we go back to the rule of law. Perfect. What could go wrong with that?

Tell ya what.....
Go ask the Venezuelan people......."just one time"
now, don't you go posting about beaver cleaver
*beavis & butthead chortle*

If it had been any other politician I might have sympathized with them. But, Bill and Hillary deserved every single second of this painful ordeal.

Nobody needs your sympathy. But a bit of rationality wouldn't hurt you that much, would it?
They are biased against conservatives. Trump is the first one to fight back. The moderators exist to make conservatives lose. Hell, the blond women even joined in babbling something about psychological warfare... Shut up, or run for POTUS yourself!

The problem with you people is that you just don't like the way our system works and think you're being cheated when in truth your case was non-existent. This sore-loser thing is really why you can't get any traction with the public in general. Being whiners never really attracts a lot of support.
The Big Tangerine Lout, hulking and sulking around the stage last night, finally said it: he can't wait to be a strong man dictator who jails political adversaries. And his toadies LOVE IT. We've always known this fascist streak was what was driving the Short-Fingered Vulgarian and why he was so beloved by that element in the country. But it's good that it's right out in the open for everyone to see now.

Inner thug or inner " super predator "??

And you suport a candidate that just influenced the outcome of her own criminal FBI investigation. Talk about 3rd world justice.
The problem with you people is that you just don't like the way our system works and think you're being cheated when in truth your case was non-existent. This sore-loser thing is really why you can't get any traction with the public in general. Being whiners never really attracts a lot of support.

Massively hypocritical. Were the tables turned, you'd be whining and sobbing - crying foul like a 2 year who dropped her pacifier

Unless you have zero intelligence, you know darn well illegal things are being done but because you incorrectly think they are benefiting you, you are gleeful of the destruction of the system.
It will come back to bite you hard. Just wait.

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