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Trump Has 0 Organizing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2013
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Out West
Political Leaning
I'm just stating the obvious but I want to re-inforce just how little organization there is...

I signed up to be a delegate to the County Caucus in Washoe here. I even signed up to be on Trump's mailing list. However just earlier today I got a call from a Ted Cruz volunteer to tell me that the County Caucus is tomorrow.

I received no e-mails or phone calls from Trump staffers, despite them having the inside track on my information. And just to be clear...Trump has a Nevada campaign manager of some sort.

I'm just posting this because when I volunteered for the Ron Paul campaign in 2012 they were so great. We were efficient. We took over entire conventions with as little as 15% of the vote totals across several states. It was beautiful and it was magic.

I'm just pointing this out because even if Trump won a state, not all states require the national delegates to vote for the nominee on the 1st ballot. I know Nevada didn't change the rules until 2012. Sometimes the national delegates can vote however they want on the 1st ballot.
I'm just stating the obvious but I want to re-inforce just how little organization there is...

I signed up to be a delegate to the County Caucus in Washoe here. I even signed up to be on Trump's mailing list. However just earlier today I got a call from a Ted Cruz volunteer to tell me that the County Caucus is tomorrow.

I received no e-mails or phone calls from Trump staffers, despite them having the inside track on my information. And just to be clear...Trump has a Nevada campaign manager of some sort.

I'm just posting this because when I volunteered for the Ron Paul campaign in 2012 they were so great. We were efficient. We took over entire conventions with as little as 15% of the vote totals across several states. It was beautiful and it was magic.

I'm just pointing this out because even if Trump won a state, not all states require the national delegates to vote for the nominee on the 1st ballot. I know Nevada didn't change the rules until 2012. Sometimes the national delegates can vote however they want on the 1st ballot.

I've long thought that there was a lack of commitment in Trump's campaign, like he wasn't completely serious about it. Just playing a roll.
So you supported ron paul and now your supporting donald trump? what do you think the main similarities are between them?
I think Grand Mal is correct.

I think Donald Trump has absolutely no desire to be president...except for gaining the title. But his ego will not allow him to pull out on his own. So he is hoping he loses...and loses in a way that will allow him to claim the "establishment" caused his failure.

Maybe he thinks the country will rise up and demand he be made dictator.

Sorry you were not able to waste your time helping a loser like him.
I've long thought that there was a lack of commitment in Trump's campaign, like he wasn't completely serious about it. Just playing a roll.

That is not it, Trump set out to completely change the rules of the game to his rules, but some of this stuff that has been done for generations actually needs to get done, and Trump did not pick up on it. This mistakes totally screws his main pitch, that a vote for Trump is a vote for competence.

not laziness, not lack of seriousness....it is from overblown ego.
That is not it, Trump set out to completely change the rules of the game to his rules, but some of this stuff that has been done for generations actually needs to get done, and Trump did not pick up on it. This mistakes totally screws his main pitch, that a vote for Trump is a vote for competence.

not laziness, not lack of seriousness....it is from overblown ego.

Considering all of Trump's side ventures that have failed, it seemed obvious that competence was never something Trump has brought to the table. He promised a wall and fools fell in love.
Considering all of Trump's side ventures that have failed, it seemed obvious that competence was never something Trump has brought to the table. He promised a wall and fools fell in love.

That does not mean anything except that Trump likes to take a roll and see if something will work rather than debate the question. THe way Trump works has a lot of failure but that is not a problem because it is profits that are the measurement for success in capitalism not the number of failures and successes. So long as the failure has limited costs he is fine, because the successes will more than make up for it. This is one place were the Elite are trying to sell a bill of goods against Trump and are having a good deal of success because people are so ignorant about how business works.

It is a bit funny coming from the Elite though, because the smart among us know that there is a lot of learning that takes place in failure, know that being too risk averse makes it impossible for civilization to progress, and know that gambling with ones own money takes admirable guts.
That does not mean anything except that Trump likes to take a roll and see if something will work rather than debate the question. THe way Trump works has a lot of failure but that is not a problem because it is profits that are the measurement for success in capitalism not the number of failures and successes. So long as the failure has limited costs he is fine, because the successes will more than make up for it. This is one place were the Elite are trying to sell a bill of goods against Trump and are having a good deal of success because people are so ignorant about how business works.

It is a bit funny coming from the Elite though, because the smart among us know that there is a lot of learning that takes place in failure, know that being too risk averse makes it impossible for civilization to progress, and know that gambling with ones own money takes admirable guts.

If we are going to measure Trump by his profits then he really is a failure.

The 1 Easy Way Donald Trump Could Have Been Even Richer: Doing Nothing
I hate needing to be the one to inform you that going by Wall Street and going by Main Street are two completely different ways to make money.making money.

I have a lot more respect for the guys who take Main St.

Well I'm sure you sleep well with all that money stuffed into your mattress.
Well I'm sure you sleep well with all that money stuffed into your mattress.

Capitalists have always used banks, as you know.

THere are things to gig TRump on, his business record is not one of those things.
Capitalists have always used banks, as you know.

THere are things to gig TRump on, his business record is not one of those things.

Capatialists also respect wall street...

Trump's business record is one of failures from his all his worthless side ventures to his main business with 4 bankruptcies. Trump probably has some one positive thing but his business record isn't it
Capatialists also respect wall street...

Trump's business record is one of failures from his all his worthless side ventures to his main business with 4 bankruptcies. Trump probably has some one positive thing but his business record isn't it

So all these people who have team up with him over the last 40 years are all stupid?

Clearly not.
I prefer people who build things over those who skim the wealth off the collective adding noting, I am old school like that.

so did jimmy carter thats why he spent most of his life volunteering to build homes for charity with habitat for humanity.... you know actually building things with wood not just signing away your parents fortune so you can have a building with your name on it on 5th ave and your own reality tv show
so did jimmy carter thats why he spent most of his life volunteering to build homes for charity with habitat for humanity.... you know actually building things with wood not just signing away your parents fortune so you can have a building with your name on it on 5th ave and your own reality tv show

Jesus, did you fall for that? Carter was a failed president but he is/was very bright, every minute he spent with a hammer in his hand was a minute taken away from him doing something much more productive for the collective. Now if the guy loves to build houses great, he should go do that, go have his fun, just dont advertise that it was a smart place for him to invest his time if he wanted to contribute.

For Carter what this was mostly is playing at being one of the little people, exactly like Nixon used to do when he constantly wanted to talk sports. Thing is Nixon was at least honest enough to admit that he did what he did for personal political gain, he did not pawn it off as being about doing for us.
Jesus, did you fall for that? Carter was a failed president but he is/was very bright, every minute he spent with a hammer in his hand was a minute taken away from him doing something much more productive for the collective. Now if the guy loves to build houses great, he should go do that, go have his fun, just dont advertise that it was a smart place for him to invest his time if he wanted to contribute.

For Carter what this was mostly is playing at being one of the little people, exactly like Nixon used to do when he constantly wanted to talk sports. Thing is Nixon was at least honest enough to admit that he did what he did for personal political gain, he did not pawn it off as being about doing for us.

still doesn't change the fact that if trump wanted to "build something" he couldve put all of his money in index funds and worked for charity (like alot of trust fund babies like him do) and he would be richer than he is now and might have actually done something good for the world.
So you supported ron paul and now your supporting donald trump? what do you think the main similarities are between them?

There are practically no similarities between them. I couldn't stand Mitt Romney and I didn't think I could vote for Obama again. I went Gary Johnson in 2012 and will probably do so again.

They both hate republicans. Actually a lot of Paulbots have turned into Trumpettes.

RonPaul.com Founders Endorse Donald Trump For President |
I don't hate Republicans or I wouldn't be registered as one. I like the things Republicans "TALK ABOUT DOING". My problem is they never actually do it.
Capatialists also respect wall street...

Trump's business record is one of failures from his all his worthless side ventures to his main business with 4 bankruptcies. Trump probably has some one positive thing but his business record isn't it

Trump's no businessman. He made money investing in Manhattan real estate. The only more sure-fire winner is owning a casino. Uh, wait a minute...
I've long thought that there was a lack of commitment in Trump's campaign, like he wasn't completely serious about it. Just playing a roll.

Not to mention the expense of a 50 state organization. Trump is a cheapskate and is not spending hardly any of his own money.
So all these people who have team up with him over the last 40 years are all stupid?

Clearly not.

Are any of his past investors current supporters?

I would be interested in that.
Are any of his past investors current supporters?

I would be interested in that.

What I find interesting is that we dont have Corporate Class Propaganda Machine pieces with 20 people who have done deals with Trump over the years telling us what a schmuck he is. Heck, I rarely see even unnamed sources claiming to have worked with him saying that. I can only think of four reasons for that

1) the claim would be not true because they respect the guy

2) their morals prevent them from kissing and telling

3) they are still in business with him and would like to keep it that way

4) they hope to do more deals with him
What I find interesting is that we dont have Corporate Class Propaganda Machine pieces with 20 people who have done deals with Trump over the years telling us what a schmuck he is. Heck, I rarely see even unnamed sources claiming to have worked with him saying that. I can only think of four reasons for that

1) the claim would be not true because they respect the guy

2) their morals prevent them from kissing and telling

3) they are still in business with him and would like to keep it that way

4) they hope to do more deals with him

So "no" then.

And 5) various ndc's and settlement conditions.

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